CASE SCENARIO THREEPeter Thompson is a fiercely independent 78 year old male who is the sole carer for his wife, Shirley. Peter has significant industrialdeafness and refuses to wear his hearing aids. Shirley has Type II diabetes mellitus and is vision impaired. She has never been in paidemployment and has never had the need to drive. She is very reliant on Peter who takes great pride in ensuring that all her needs are met.Peter was recently involved in a motor vehicle incident and his license has been suspended.In relation to this scenario consider and discuss the perspectives of Peter and Shirley and possible courses of action from theseperspectives. Discuss and evaluate a range of theories of ageing that may shape the beliefs and attitudes of the different people involved.Analyze the way in which age intersects with other social categories in this scenario, such as gender, class, ethnicity and sexuality. Include adiscussion of the physical and biological changes that may have an impact on Peter 's situation.
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Microsoft Word - Marking Rubric 1 HLTH340.docx RubricforNursing,SchoolofHealth,UNE V110.01.18 Unit:HKLTH340 AssessmentTask:Assignment1(Presentation)Assessmentweight:50%AssessmentLearningOutcomes:1-3 G Criteria:1 HD 26-23% D 22-20% C 19-17% P 16-14% N 13-0% Mark(%) Assessm entcontent(variablecriteriaandw eighting) Discuss and evaluate a range of theories of ageing and their influence in shaping beliefs about ageing, older people's health care needs and experiences as well as the contribution they make to maintaining active ageing societies. Comprehensive and critical discussion of a range of theories of ageing and their influence in shaping beliefs about ageing, older people's health care needs and experiences.Acritical appraisalofhowthey contributetoorinhibit activeageingsocieties. In depth discussion of a range of theories of ageing and their influence in shaping beliefs about ageing, older people's health care needs and experiences.Asound appraisalofhowthey contributetoorinhibit activeageingsocieties. An effective discussion of a range of theories of ageing and their influence in shaping beliefs about ageing, older people's health care needs and experiences.An appraisalofhowthey contributetoorinhibit activeageingsocieties. Some discussion of a range of theories of ageing and their influence in shaping beliefs about ageing, older people's health care needs and experiences.Alimited appraisalofhowthey contributetoorinhibit activeageingsocieties. Weak or unclear discussion of a range of theories of ageing and their influence in shaping beliefs about ageing, older people's health care needs and experiences. Noeffectiveappraisalof howtheycontributeto orinhibitactiveageing societies. /26 Criteria:2 HD 28-24% D 23-21% C 20-18% P 17-15% N 14-0% Examine critically how age, as a social category, intersects with other social categories such as gender, class, ethnicity and sexuality Comprehensive and critical examination of how age, as a social category, intersects with other social categories such as gender, class, ethnicity and sexuality In depth examination of how age, as a social category, intersects with other social categories such as gender, class, ethnicity and sexuality An effective examination of how age, as a social category, intersects with other social categories such as gender, class, ethnicity and sexuality Some examination of how age, as a social category, intersects with other social categories such as gender, class, ethnicity and sexuality. Weak or unclear examination of how age, as a social category, intersects with other social categories such as gender, class, ethnicity and sexuality. /28 Criteria:3 HD 26-23% D 22-20% C 19-17% P 16-14% N 13-0% Criticallydiscussthe physicaland biologicalchanges thatmayhavean impactonthe situationthatis relatedtoyourhealth disciplineandjustify this. Comprehensive and critical discussion of thephysicaland biologicalchangesthat mayhaveanimpacton thesituationthatis stronglyrelatedto yourhealthdiscipline andjustifythis. In depth discussion of thephysicaland biologicalchangesthat mayhaveanimpacton thesituationthatis soundlywellrelatedto yourhealthdiscipline andjustifythis. An effective discussion of thephysicaland biologicalchangesthat mayhaveanimpacton thesituationthatiswell relatedtoyourhealth disciplineandjustify this. Some discussion of the physicalandbiological changesthatmayhave animpactonthe situationthatisweakly relatedtoyourhealth disciplineandjustify this. Weak or unclear discussion of the physicalandbiological changesthatmayhave animpactonthe situationthatisnot relatedtoyourhealth disciplineandjustifythis. /26 RubricforNursing,SchoolofHealth,UNE V110.01.18 Criteria: Writing–10% HD 10-8.5% D 8.4-7.5% C 7.4-6.5% P 6.5-5% N 4.9-0% Mark(%) W ritingandAPA(fixedcriteriaandw eighting) Followsrequirementsfor structure,presentation grammarandspelling. Accuratelyand consistentlyadheres toessayformat writingconventions, grammatical conventionswithno errorsandisalogical /wellandsuccinctly structured assignment Mostlyaccurateand consistentadherence toessayformat writingconventions, adheresto grammatical conventionswithfew errorsandisalogical andwell-structured assignment Partialbutclose adherencetoessay formatwriting conventions,adheres togrammatical conventions,butwith frequenterrors,mainly awell-structured assignment,lacking cohesioninplaces Minimaladherence toessayformat writingconventions, minimaladherence togrammatical conventionswith multipleerrors,a weaklystructured assignment, frequentlylacking cohesion Littleattemptto adheretoessay formatwriting conventions, multiple grammaticalerrors withminimal attentiontowriting /spelling conventionsthat significantlydistract thereaderfromthe content.Apoorly structured assignment,lacking cohesion /10 Criteria APA–10% HD 10-8.5% D 8.4-7.5% C 7.4-6.5% P 6.5-5% N 4.9-0% Mark(%) Followsrequirements forreferencing(APA 6thEdition)andthe applicationof evidence Accuratelyand consistently adherestoAPA referencing conventionsfor thein-textand referencelist Explicitly acknowledgesall sourcesused throughoutthe assignment Mostlyoffers accurateand consistentAPA referencing conventionsfor thein-textand referencelist Principally acknowledges sourcesused throughoutthe assignment Anumberof inaccurateand inconsistentAPA referencesinthe in-textand referencelist Mostly acknowledges sourcesused throughoutthe assignment Multiple inaccurateand inconsistentAPA referencesinthe in-textand referencelist Minimal acknowledgment ofsourcesused throughoutthe assignment Didnotadhere totheAPA referencing conventions and/ormade catastrophic, multipleand consistentAPA errors throughout Littleorno acknowledgment ofsourcesused throughoutthe assignment /10 RubricforNursing,SchoolofHealth,UNE V110.01.18 Total /100%