Case Incident: Temporary Foreign Workers Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program was designed to bring workers to Canada from other countries to fill urgent, short-term job vacancies when...

  1. What is the impact of the TFW program on underemployed and unemployed domestic youth? What is the impact of permanent economic immigrants on those same youths?

Case Incident: Temporary Foreign Workers<br>Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program was designed to bring workers to Canada from other countries to fill urgent,<br>short-term job vacancies when domestic workerş can not be found. Recent data suggests that about 35 percent of foreign workers stay<br>five years or longer, and an overwhelming majority of those eventually become permanent residents. Recent data also suggests that<br>there is a weak correlation between the presence and length of stay of temporary workers and unemployment levels in various parts of<br>Canada. Thus, it may be that TFWS are not just acting as a

Extracted text: Case Incident: Temporary Foreign Workers Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program was designed to bring workers to Canada from other countries to fill urgent, short-term job vacancies when domestic workerş can not be found. Recent data suggests that about 35 percent of foreign workers stay five years or longer, and an overwhelming majority of those eventually become permanent residents. Recent data also suggests that there is a weak correlation between the presence and length of stay of temporary workers and unemployment levels in various parts of Canada. Thus, it may be that TFWS are not just acting as a "last resource" for employers who can not find domestic workers. At present, there are inconsistencies in how the TFW program is enacted across Canada. Regional inconsistencies mean that the same worker might be able to stay in one part of the country but must return to his or her home country after a year when in another part of the country. Meanwhile, Canada has targets of the number of immigrants it hopes to attract into the country. It seems there is a direction decision for Canada to make. One one hand, if temporary workers are only meant to fill extreme short- term shortages, then one year maximums could be imposed across the country. On the other hand, if temporary workers are another source of permanent residents, then paths for temporary workers to become permanent residents should be made across all TFW categories.
Jun 11, 2022

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