Can't figure out Retained Earnings to figure out the 2009 financials to calculate ratos. Document Preview: Assignment 1: Grading SummaryPartMarks AvailableMarks...

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Can't figure out Retained Earnings to figure out the 2009 financials to calculate ratos.

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Assignment 1: Grading SummaryPartMarks AvailableMarks ObtainedI33II35III32Total100 Part I: Financial Calculator Exercises (33 marks) The table on the next page contains practice examples as well as the questions for Assignment 1: Part I. (For a detailed description of each column in this table, see “How do I Read the Table?” below.) Work through each example in Column B on your financial calculator. Check your answer with the one provided (Column C). Look to the right side of the yellow column-divider and work through the corresponding assignment question (Column E). Note: Each numbered practice example corresponds to the same numbered assignment question (e.g., practice example 1: “Chain calculations – to the power of” with the calculation of (8 x 2)2 corresponds to the assignment Question 1 that asks you to calculate (1+0.25)8). If you can do the practice example, you should be able to do the corresponding assignment question. Pay careful attention when reading questions that include multiple sets of brackets (e.g., assignment question 6). These can be confusing, so work through them carefully. To record your solutions, put your answer in Column F, on the same row as the assignment question. See example for Question 1: (1+0.25)8). Don’t be alarmed by the number of questions! You will likely be able to complete the work more quickly than you think. There are 33 questions in Part I. Each question is worth 1% of the total marks for Assignment 1. How Do I Read the Table? Start from the far left-hand column and read across each row. We’ll refer to Example #10 in our descriptions below. Column A: number of the task (e.g., 10) Column B: title of the task (e.g., Calculating basic loan interest). Below this title is the description and data for the practice example. (In Example 10; N = 20 years, monthly payments (P/Y=12); Interest rate comp. monthly (C/Y=12); ...) As in Example 10, many of the practice examples and assignment questions take...

Answered Same DayDec 23, 2021

Answer To: Can't figure out Retained Earnings to figure out the 2009 financials to calculate ratos. Document...

David answered on Dec 23 2021
121 Votes
Part I
Examples Check Answer Q
Answer the questions in
this column
Write down
your answer
in this column
Chain calculations - to the power
256 1 (1+0.25)8 5.960464478
(8 x 2)2
2 Calculating natural logs 2.99573227 2 ln(100) 4.605170186
3 To the power of 50.1187234 3 202.5 8335.
10 1.7
4 e to the power of 20.0855369 4 e(-0.08) 0.923116346
e 3
5 Reciprocals 0.02503779 5 (1/1.08) + (1/1.082) 1.783264746
(1/63) + (1/72)
6 Combinations, to the power of -2024.98438 6
8-2 - 34 x 52
7 Combinations, to the power of 6.44741959 7 {[(1+(0.08/2))2](1/4)} - 1 0.019803903
8 Combinations, roots 0.0551362 8
square root[(0.6x(0.08-
square root[(0.3x(0.15-0.07)2)+(0.7x(0.11-0.07)2)]
9 Memory calculations 4613.83829 9 Sum of following 4 parts 21766.97531
Sum of the following 3 parts: 1000(1.05)/1.08
500 x (1 + 0.1)2 1000(1.05^2)/1.08^2
700 x (1 + 0.1)2 x (1 + 0.12)3 1000(1.05^3)/1.08^3

900 x (1 + 0.1)2 x (1 + 0.12)3 x (1
+ 0.13)5

10 Calculating basic loan interest 7.17295135 10 Find annual interest rate 29.9948864

N = 20 years, monthly payments

N = 30 years, quarterly

Interest rate compounded monthly

Interest rate compounded
PV = 56000 PV = 1,200,000
PMT = -440 PMT = -90,000
FV = 0 FV = 0
Compute annual interest rate Compute annual interest rate
11 Calculating basic loan payments -1255.85583 11 Find payment -8805.17488

N = 20 years, quarterly payments

N = 30 years, monthly

Interest rate = 6.5% compounded
quarterly (C/Y=4)

Interest rate = 8%,
compounded monthly

PV = 56000 PV = 1,200,000
FV = 0 FV = 0
Compute PMT Compute PMT
12 Calculating future value 7922.19308 12 Find Future Value 214191.61668

N = 3 years, monthly payments

N = 30 years, monthly

Interest rate = 6.5%, compounded
quarterly (C/Y=4)

Interest rate = 8%,
compounded semi-annually
PV = 0 PV = 0
PMT = -200 PMT = -900
Compute FV Compute FV
13 Calculating present value 3768.89483 13 Find Present Value 91443.37244

N = 20 year, annual payments

N = 30 year, monthly

Interest rate = 5%, compounded
annually (C/Y=1)

Interest rate = 8%,
compounded monthly
PMT = 0 PMT = 0
FV = -10000 FV = -1,000,000
Compute PV Compute PV
14 Ordinary annuity -16245.6979 14 Find payment -4201.84512

N = 1.5 years, monthly payments

N = 30 years, semiannual

Interest rate = 3.6%, compounded
monthly (C/Y=12)

Interest rate = 8%,
compounded semiannually

PV = 0 PV = 0
FV = 300000 FV = -1,000,000
Compute PMT Compute PMT
15 Annuity due 7.07980118 15
Find interest rate in Annuity

N = 2 years, monthly payments, at beginning of
month (P/Y=12)

N = 5 years, monthly
payments, BGN

Interest rate compounded monthly

Interest rate compounded
PV = 2995 PV = 20,000
PMT = -145 PMT = -350
FV = 299.5 FV = -5000
Compute I/Y Compute annual interest rate
16 Calculating PV (Annuity due) 16
Find present value in Annuity

N = 34 months, monthly payments
N = 5 years, monthly

Interest rate = 18%, compounded
monthly (C/Y=12)

Interest rate = 8%,...

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