Can you please rewrite replacing the vector> all_line_numbers; that was removed and remove a difference vector that will preform a parallel sort please. Thank you Rewrite the program without the...

Can you please rewrite replacing the vector<>> all_line_numbers; that was removed and remove a difference vector that will preform a parallel sort please. Thank you

Rewrite the program without the unnecessary vector.

1) The program declares the following vectors,

vector all_words;
vector all_word_counts;
vector<>> all_line_numbers; //do not remove this one

One of the vectors is unnecessary.

2) Sort the 2 or 3 parallel vectors in ascending order of the words or the number of times the words appear in the file.










using namespace std;

const string empty_string = "";

vector getWords(const string& text);

int findWord(const vector& words, const string& word);

int main()


    vector all_words;

    vector all_word_counts;

    vector<>> all_line_numbers; // this was removed

    string input_file_name;

    cout < "source="" file="" name?="">

    getline(cin, input_file_name);

    ifstream finp;;


    string line;

    int word_counter = 0;

    int max_word_length = 0;

    int max_word_count = 0;

    int line_number = 0;

    getline(finp, line);

    while (!finp.eof())



        vector words = getWords(line);

        word_counter += words.size();

        for (int idx = 0; idx < words.size();="">


            int widx = findWord(all_words, words[idx]);

            if (widx == -1)


                cout < words[idx]=""><>



                vector word_line_numbers;


                if (words[idx].length() > max_word_length)

                    max_word_length = words[idx].length();





                // all_line_numbers[widx].push_back(line_number);

                if (all_word_counts[widx] > max_word_count)

                    max_word_count = all_word_counts[widx];



        getline(finp, line);


    sort(all_word_counts.begin(), all_word_counts.end()); //added


    string output_file_name = input_file_name;

    string time_as_string = to_string(static_cast(time(nullptr)));

    int period_pos = input_file_name.find_last_of('.');

    if (period_pos == -1)

        output_file_name = output_file_name + time_as_string + ".txt";


        output_file_name = output_file_name.replace(period_pos, output_file_name.length() - period_pos + 1, time_as_string + ".txt");

    ofstream fout;;


    cout < word_counter=""><>

    const int word_counts_fwidth = static_cast(log10(max_word_count)) + 1;

    const int line_number_fwidth = static_cast(log10(line_number)) + 1;

    const int words_per_line = 36;

    int newindex = 0;

    for (int idx = 0; idx < all_words.size();="">


        fout < setw(max_word_length)="">< left="">< all_words[idx]="">< '="" '="">< right="">< setw(word_counts_fwidth)="">< right="">< all_word_counts[idx]=""><>

        //for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < all_line_numbers[idx].size();="">

        for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < all_word_counts[idx];="">


            if (idx2 != 0 && idx2 % words_per_line == 0)

                fout <>

            fout < setw(line_number_fwidth)="">< right="">< ++newindex="">< '="">


        fout <>

        fout <>




    return 0;


int findWord(const vector& words, const string& word)


    for (int idx = 0; idx < words.size();="">

        if (words[idx] == word)

            return idx;

    return -1;


vector getWords(const string& text)


    vector words;

    int start_pos = 0;

    while (start_pos <>


        while (start_pos < text.length()="" &&="">


        string word = empty_string;

        while (start_pos < text.length()="" &&="">


            word += static_cast(toupper(text[start_pos]));



        if (word.length() > 0)



    return words;

Jun 10, 2022

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