can you modify the program below to prompt for 3 numbers, calculate the sum, and output the result. Include your entire source code. If possible show a screen shot of your output.? .586 .MODEL FLAT...

can you modify the program below to prompt for 3 numbers, calculate the sum, and output the result. Include your entire source code. If possible show a screen shot of your output.?



.STACK 4096 ; reserve 4096-byte stack

.DATA ; reserve storage for data

number DWORD -105 ; a dowrd location labeled "number" contains a value of -105

sum DWORD ? ; a dword location "sum" with contents undefined

.CODE ; start of main program code

main PROC

  mov eax, number ; contents of "number" to EAX

add eax, 158 ; add 158

mov sum, eax ; sum in eax is trasfered to memory at "sum"

mov  eax, 0 ; exit with return code 0


main ENDP

END  ; end of source code

Jun 08, 2022

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