Can you fix the error in the python code.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
N = 20 # number of points to discretize
L = 0.15
X = np.linspace(0, L, N) # position along the rod
h = L / (N - 1) # discretization spacing
C0t = 0.200 # concentration at x = 0
Cth = 0.00000409
D = 0.0000025
t_avg = 0
n = 0
tfinal = 300
Ntsteps = 1000
dt = tfinal / (Ntsteps - 1)
t = np.linspace(0, tfinal, Ntsteps)
alpha =( D * dt / h**2)
C_xt = [] # container for all the time steps
# initial condition at t = 0
C = np.zeros(X.shape)
C[0] = C0t
C_xt += [C]
for j in range(1, Ntsteps):
N = np.zeros(C.shape)
N[0] = C0t
N[1:-1] = alpha*C[2:] + (1 - 2 * alpha) * C[1:-1] + alpha * C[0:-2]
N[-1] = N[-2] # derivative boundary condition flux = 0
C[:] = N
C_xt += [N]
if ((Cth-0.000001) <><>
print ('Time=',t[j],'conc=',[N[-1]],'Cthr=',[Cth])
t_avg = t_avg+t[j]
n = n + 1
# plot selective solutions
if j in [1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500]:
plt.plot(X, N, label='t={0:1.2f}'.format(t[j]))
t_thre = t_avg/n
plt.xlabel('Position in rod')
plt.title('Concentration at different times')
C_xt = np.array(C_xt)
plt.plot(t, C_xt[:,5], label='x={0:1.2f}'.format(X[5]))
plt.plot(t, C_xt[:,10], label='x={0:1.2f}'.format(X[10]))
plt.plot(t, C_xt[:,15], label='x={0:1.2f}'.format(X[15]))
plt.plot(t, C_xt[:,19], label='x={0:1.2f}'.format(X[19]))
t_thre t_avg/n ZeroDivisionError: division by zero "/>
Extracted text: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/sessions/3656bf8032ec22ef/", line 46, in t_thre t_avg/n ZeroDivisionError: division by zero