C# Write an application that asks the user to enter two integers and displays “The two numbers you entered are: “, followed by the two numbers on the screen. Next , determine the sum, difference...


Write an application that asks the user to enter two integers and displays “The two numbers you entered  are:  “, followed by the two numbers on the screen.

Next , determine the sum,  difference (result of first number minus the second number), product,  and quotient (result of first number divided by the second number), and modulus (remainder of the first number divided by the second number) and print these values to the screen.

Finally, determine the larger of the two integers, and print to the screen “The larger of the two numbers is:  “, followed by the larger integer.   If the two numbers are equal, print “The two numbers are equal.”

Use the example below to format your output.

CA. file:///C:/209 C# Programming/Programming Assignments/Module 1/Assignment_1/Assignment_1/bin/Deb.<br>Enter the first integer:<br>Enter the second integer:<br>4<br>The two nunbers you entered are: 5 and 4<br>The sun of the two numbers is 9.<br>The difference of the two numbers is 1.<br>The product of the two numbers is<br>The quotient of the two numbers is 1<br>The renainder of the two nunbers is 1<br>20<br>The larger of the two numbers is : 5<br>Press the [enter] key to continue.<br>

Extracted text: CA. file:///C:/209 C# Programming/Programming Assignments/Module 1/Assignment_1/Assignment_1/bin/Deb. Enter the first integer: Enter the second integer: 4 The two nunbers you entered are: 5 and 4 The sun of the two numbers is 9. The difference of the two numbers is 1. The product of the two numbers is The quotient of the two numbers is 1 The renainder of the two nunbers is 1 20 The larger of the two numbers is : 5 Press the [enter] key to continue.

Jun 11, 2022

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