c++ programming I badly need help and i dont know how to start The program needs to use switch or other functions that can do these: For example the user wants to use the binary option the user will...

c++ programming

I badly need help and i dont know how to start

The program needs to use switch or other functions that can do these:

For example the user wants to use the binary option the user will press 1 on keyboard then the out put will show like this.

The user press 1
Output:Please enter the binary:
/ this below will convert the binary/
The decimal value of the binary: --
The octal value is:
The hexa value is:

(The user Rerun program)

Now the user press 2:
Input the decimal value:
The binary of that is:
The octal value is:
The hexa decimal value is:

(The user Re run program)

The user press 3.
Input the octal value:
The binary of that is:
The decimal value is:
The hexa decimal value is:


(The user Rerun program)
The user press 4
Input a hex value:
The decimal is:
The octal is:
The binary of that is:

Jun 10, 2022

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