For this lab, we'll be focusing on two major topics: how to create a record, and how to allocate memory. Structures One of the most basic requirements of effective data processing is the ability...

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C++ must!. not C . See the attached files. I need the MainTask.pdf solution, and the other one is Lab discussions linked with this one

For this lab, we'll be focusing on two major topics: how to create a record, and how to allocate memory. Structures One of the most basic requirements of effective data processing is the ability to represent a record. There are many ways to achieve this, but a struct is a pretty effective option. We already know what a struct is, so let's just make sure we remember how to declare them. Start by creating some .cpp file, and an accompanying .h header file. In the header file, declare the following (after your #include's, and possibly namespace line): struct PRecord { long time; string entry; }; (You'll also be expected to include function prototypes in this file as well, but it won't help us behaviourally) How do we define such a struct? Easy! In your main function, define the following: PRecord single={23378L,"Simple example"}; How do we access a member of the struct? To answer that, let's write a function that displays the contents: void displayRecord(PRecord pr) { cout<"time:><><"\tentry data:=""><><>time=11; (*pr).entry[0]='P'; } Notice that there are two ways to access the members of a struct referenced by a pointer. Typically we just use the -> notation, but that's actually shorthand for dereferencing, followed by normal . member access. (Both are shown in the example) Of course, you could combine both pointers and references, but that's less common (basically, don't do it unless you have a reason to do it). After each of these, display the struct again, to verify that you understand the basics. Next, let's make some more additions... Holding multiple records An array is expected to hold a homogeneous type. However, that type doesn’t need to be a primitive. An array of structs is perfectly reasonable. For example, building off the previous example: PRecord multiple[]={{44L,"First"},{55L,"Second"},{66L,"Third"},{77L,"Fourth"}}; displayRecord(multiple[0]); In this case, the display function doesn't even know that the struct is in an array. What about trying to modify the contents of one of the elements? Do we still have to worry about copying? Try passing the entire array into this: void arrModify(PRecord *pr) { pr[0].time=100L; pr->entry[1]='a'; } You might be wondering, what happens if we change the parameter to an array? Nothing. It's the same. Strictly speaking, arrays and pointers aren't the same thing, but arrays have a tendency to decay into pointers. However, note that, when using it in an array-notation, we access the member with a ., but in the pointer notation, we use ->. Okay, so we can now store multiple records. But outside of some batch data processing, that's still not going to cover the major use cases. Sometimes, we just don't know how many records we'll be holding. Similarly, sometimes we need to make our own data structures, and that requires allocating new structs on the fly. We need a mechanism for requesting arbitrary additional memory. Dynamic memory allocation from the heap We've already addressed this in lecture, but it warrants revisiting. Local variables are kept on the stack. They're allocated when you enter a function, and deallocated when you leave. But what do you do if you need something longer than that? Or if you don't have any way of expressing the space requirements before runtime? The heap is another portion of memory, used to provide additional memory when needed. One thing to remember is that, since we're losing the automatic deallocation, when you request memory, you need to (eventually) give it back. Otherwise, you'll end up with a memory leak. Let's start small – allocating a single struct: PRecord *rec=new PRecord; rec->time=123456L; rec->entry="Heyooo"; displayRecord(*rec); When we're done with this record, cleanup is easy: delete rec; Note: Once you've deleted allocated memory, do not try to access it again! Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. Maybe it's a dangling pointer. It's not uncommon to explicitly reset pointer values to, for example, NULL. Of course, that increases the chances of a crash, but that's what we want. If we're using memory that the system thinks is empty, then we very much want it to shout at us. Let's try allocating an integer array: int *arr=new int[32]; As a reminder, when you're done with this array, the standard delete keyword isn't quite sufficient. Instead: delete[] arr; Of course, it should be clear to see how we can combine these concepts: dynamically allocating an array of structs is trivial. However, there's one very important use for dynamic allocation we haven't addressed much yet: dynamic data structures, like linearly linked lists. Linked Lists We've already briefly discussed a linked list in lecture, and you've been provided with some sample code. Let's revisit it, shall we? First, we want a header file. After whatever inclusions/namespace lines you might need, add the following: struct node { long item; node *next; }; void push(const long &i, node* &n); long pop(node* &n); Then, in your main source file, add: void push(const long &i, node* &n) { node *nn=new node; nn->item=i;nn->next=n; n=nn; } long pop(node* &n) { long fr; node *ptr=n; n=n->next; fr=ptr->item; delete ptr; return fr; } int main() { node *head; push(13,head); push(10,head); push(18,head); } Before we get any further, it's worth pointing out two things: 1. The code example you received from lecture was templated, to be more generalized 2. If the node were to hold anything more complicated, it would be in the form of a pointer to the actual record (this is actually the normal way of doing it). e.g. a pointer to another struct of some sort What we've defined here is a stack. A stack is one of the fundamental building-block collections of computer science. Stacks are First-In-Last-Out (FILO), or Last-In-First-Out (LIFO). In this case, that means that, since the numbers were pushed in the sequence of 13, 10, 18, they'll come out in the sequence of 18, 10, 13. You can verify this through three calls to pop; printing the results. We achieved this through insertion at the front into the linked list. There are other forms of linked list manipulation; namely insertion at the end, and insertion at the middle (which generally assumes some predictable sequencing, such as sorted entries). Similarly, we're also employing removal from the front. In a proper, more full-fledged linked list, you'll typically assign some form of terminator value to the →next pointer of the final struct, such as NULL (this allows you to easily test whether or not you've reached the end of the list during traversals, or to check if it's empty when at the front). Of course, a stack can also be implemented via an array (sometimes referred to as a contiguous implementation, since all of the entries are back-to-back). Simply use a counter to keep track of the 'top' position; increment for additions, and decrement for removals. Naturally, a real stack would also require some basic sanity-checking, to avoid crashes, etc. Queue A queue is another fundamental data structure of computer science. Elements are added/removed in a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) sequence. As with stacks, they may be linked or contiguous. The linked implementation requires traversing to the end of the list to enqueue new entries, while dequeueing can be accomplished by simply removing from the front. The contiguous version requires some clever counters (that can loop around the array boundaries). Since you need to submit both a sample execution and your source files, package it all up into a .zip to submit. This week, we'll be creating a slightly more advanced data structure than what we wrote for the lab. In the lab, you wrote a simple queue. This time, you'll create a priority queue. The principle of a priority queue is pretty simple: • All entries now have both record data and a priority • Depending on the application, a higher priority may be signified by a lower priority value, or a higher priority value (for this task, assume that lower values take precedence) • When two entries have the same priority values, they behave as a standard FIFO queue ◦ i.e. the element that's been waiting the longest gets dibs • When two entries have different priority values, the more important entry goes first For example, consider a print spooler: • Normally, you'd expect pages to be printed on a first-come, first-serve basis ◦ But what happens when a very high-priority print job comes through? ◦ Basically, that higher-priority job 'jumps the queue' Priority queues are useful for all sorts of things, including graph algorithms, job (and process) scheduling,
Answered Same DayOct 23, 2022

Answer To: For this lab, we'll be focusing on two major topics: how to create a record, and how to allocate...

Vikas answered on Oct 24 2022
59 Votes
Implementation of Priority Queue Using Array
· The source file is attached with the document that c
ontains implementation of priority queue using array data structure.
· It contains three functions
1. Add() : This function adds a new PRecord into the priority queue by traversing through the...

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