C lang 1. Create a function HowManyRepeats(), which for n-elemented array will count, how many values saved in array is repeating. That function cannot use any additional auxiliary array. Example: in...

C lang

1. Create a function HowManyRepeats(), which for n-elemented array will count, how many values saved in array is repeating. That function cannot use any additional auxiliary array. Example: in array {2,2,2,2,2} repeats one value (2), so function returns 1.

2. Create a function HowManyNotRepeat(), which for n-elemented array will count, how many values saved in array is NOT repeating. That function cannot use any additional auxiliary array. Example: in array {2,2,2,2,2} theres no such value, function returns 0.

3. Use created functions in main() for array with constant size, defined by constant, randomly initialized.

In the exercise there may be declared only one array.

Please, make it as easy as possible, i want to understand it and if code will be too complex for my level of knowledge thats wont be helpful.

Jun 03, 2022

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