(c) L contains only strings of length 2 or greater. Prove that there is a context- free grammar G' which generates L such that every rule of G' has the form A-> 1112, where A is a nonterminal, and...

(c)<br>L contains only strings of length 2 or greater. Prove that there is a context-<br>free grammar G' which generates L such that every rule of G' has the form<br>A-> 1112, where A is a nonterminal, and each I; is a terminal or nonterminal.<br>Let G be a context-free grammar for a language L, and suppose<br>

Extracted text: (c) L contains only strings of length 2 or greater. Prove that there is a context- free grammar G' which generates L such that every rule of G' has the form A-> 1112, where A is a nonterminal, and each I; is a terminal or nonterminal. Let G be a context-free grammar for a language L, and suppose

Jun 07, 2022

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