c) int main () { int x1 == 2, x2 = 5, m = 13; bool bl, b2, b3=true; bl = x1 x2; // false b2 = x1

Using C++ programming language

c)<br>int main () {<br>int x1 == 2, x2 =<br>5, m = 13;<br>bool bl, b2,<br>b3=true;<br>bl<br>= x1<br>x2; // false<br>b2<br>= x1 < x2; // true<br>cout <<

Extracted text: c) int main () { int x1 == 2, x2 = 5, m = 13; bool bl, b2, b3=true; bl = x1 x2; // false b2 = x1 < x2;="" true="" cout="">< "b1="">< bl=""><" and="" b2=""><« b2="">< "\n";="" if="" (b3="=" true)="" cout="">< "yes"="">< "\n";="" else="" cout=""><« "no"="">< "\n";="" int="" x3="false" +="" 3="" *="" m="" -="" b3;="" cout="">< x3;="" return="">

Jun 09, 2022

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