C++: Create a standalone program that performs the tasks below. Start by solving task one and complete that task before starting task 2. Your program should read the files mentioned from the "current...

C++:<br>Create a standalone program that performs the tasks below. Start by solving task one and complete that task<br>before starting task 2.<br>Your program should read the files mentioned from the

Extracted text: C++: Create a standalone program that performs the tasks below. Start by solving task one and complete that task before starting task 2. Your program should read the files mentioned from the "current working directory". All files are in text format with "\n" at the end of the line. Ifyou wish, you can use pipes and redirects to solve the file reading and printing instead of std : ifstream and std:: ofstream. Inthat case, comment on it in the code along with examples of how the program is used. The file names.txt contains names and social security numbers in the following form. The file contains several people: First Name Last Name YYMMDDNNNN Address bar Your task is to convert the input data into the form: Surname, First name Address bar The output should indicate whether the person is a man or a woman. For example, for a man it may say: Last name, First name [M] Address bar * YYMMDDNNNN: All those registered in Sweden are given a personal identity number as identification. A person who has been given a number will keep the same number for their whole life. This means that the personal identity number does not change e.g. if you move from or to Sweden. The personal identity number gives the date of birth of the person, a birth number, and a check digit. The only information that can be read from a personal identity number are date of birth and sex. The sex is shown by the second last number in the personal identity number, which is odd for men and even for women. More information about personal identity numbers is available in the brochure "Persnummer" (Personal Identity Numbers) Ex: 9910230493 (Male because 9 is an odd number is assigned to males) EX: 9910230467 (Female because 6 is an even number to females).
Jun 10, 2022

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