C++ Bingo Game I need help with this program, I cant figure out how to get the game card to reset once the game is over, currently it just displays the same card with the numbers marked out. It should...

C++ Bingo Game I need help with this program, I cant figure out how to get the game card to reset once the game is over, currently it just displays the same card with the numbers marked out. It should display a new card once the user wants to play again. Thanks #include #include #include #include using namespace std; void FillCard(int iBCard[][5]); void DisplayCard(int iBCard[][5]);

void Display Card(char cDCard[][5], int iBCard[][5]); //overloaded function int GetRandomNumber(bool reset); bool MarkCard(int iCard[][5], char cCard[][5], int iRanNum); bool Check ForXBingo(char cCard[][5]); void newCard(bool card); void WriteHeader(); int main() { /* * integer array used to hold drawn random * number values to prevent repeat numbers */ int iBingoCard[5][5]; char cDisplayCard[5][5]; bool bDidIWin = false, eCard = false; string sPlayAgain int iRandomNum; WriteHeader(); bool firstNumberCalled; do { firstNumberCalled = true bDidIWin = false FillCard(iBingoCard) //populate cDisplayCard char array with spac /* for(int row = 0; row <><><><><><><><><><>cout <><>} void DisplayCard(char cCard[][5], int iCard[][5]) { // cout <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>> nCard; if (nCard == "yes" || nCard == "y") card == true } else if (nCard == "no" || nCard == "n" { card == false; }}void WriteHeader() { //Opening greeting cout <><><><><><><>
May 19, 2022

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