(C++) 2. Request a character from the console. Use an if/else to output if the character is an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, or neither a letter nor a number. Example 1 Output (input in bold...


2. Request a character from the console. Use an if/else to output if the character is an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, or neither a letter nor a number.

Example 1 Output (input in bold italics)

Input a character: A

A is an uppercase letter.

Example 2 Output (input in bold italics)

Input a character: k

k is a lowercase letter.

Example 3 Output (input in bold italics)

Input a character: 5

5 is a number

Example 4 Output (input in bold italics)

Input a character: #

# is not a number or a letter

Jun 09, 2022

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