Business casesBusiness Case" Professional’s Liability.Soon after Teresa DeYoung’s husband died, her mother-in-law also died, leaving an inheri-tance of more than $400,000 for DeYoung’s children....

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Business casesBusiness Case" Professional’s Liability.Soon after Teresa DeYoung’s husband died, her mother-in-law also died, leaving an inheri-tance of more than $400,000 for DeYoung’s children. DeYoung hired John Ruggerio, an attorney, to ensure that her children would receive it. Ruggerio advised her to invest the funds in his real estate business. She declined. A few months later, $300,000 of the inheritance was sent to Ruggerio. Without telling DeYoung, he deposited the $300,000 in his account and began to use the funds in his real estate business. Nine months later, $109,000 of the inheritance was sent to Ruggerio. He paid this to DeYoung. She asked about the remaining amount. Ruggerio lied to hide his theft. Unable to access these funds, DeYoung’s children changed their college plans to attend less expensive institutions. Nearly three years later, DeYoung learned the truth. Can she bring a suit against Ruggerio? If so, on what ground? If not, why not? Did Ruggerio violate any standard of professional ethics? Discuss. [DeYoung v. Ruggerio, 185 Vt. 267, 971 A.2d 627 (2009)] (See Potential Liability to Clients"

Business Case Problems5–2. Spotlight on Pfizer, Inc.—Corporate Social Responsibility.Methamphetamine (meth) is an addictive drug made chiey in small toxic labs (STLs) in homes, tents, barns, or hotel rooms. e manu-facturing process is dangerous and often results in explosions, burns, and toxic fumes. Government entities spend time and resources to nd and destroy STLs, imprison meth dealers and users, treat addicts, and provide services for affected families. Meth cannot be made without ingredients that are also used in cold and allergy medications. Arkansas has one of the highest numbers of STLs in the United States. To recoup the costs of ghting the meth epi-demic, twenty counties in Arkansas led a suit against Pzer, Inc., which makes cold and allergy medications. What is Pz-er’s ethical responsibility here, and to whom is it owed? Why? [Ashley County, Arkansas v. Pzer, Inc., [Ashley County, Arkansas v. Pzer, Inc., [552 F.3d. 659 (8th Cir. 2009)]I attached examples how the answers of the business cases have to be
Answered Same DayAug 29, 2022

Answer To: Business casesBusiness Case" Professional’s Liability.Soon after Teresa DeYoung’s husband died, her...

Prince answered on Aug 30 2022
74 Votes
Yes, DeYoung has the right to sue Ruggurio since he disregarded the rules of conduct for lawyers. An attorney w
ho commits a criminal act that "reflects negatively on the lawyer's integrity, reliability, or competence like a lawyer in all other respects" is considered to have engaged in professional misconduct under rule 8.4-Misconduct. "Conduct including dishonesty, deception, deceit or misrepresentation" was prohibited for attorneys. In the DeYoung and Ruggerio case, Ruggerio lied to DeYoung while acting as her attorney in order to take her children's inheritance money. Despite DeYoung's refusal to invest into his company, Ruggerio made a $300,000 inheritance deposit to his account & started using the money for his real estate venture. Ruggerio mislead his client by saying that access to the money was impossible. Ruggerio broke the Code of Professional Conduct as a result. For her client, he "engaged in action that involved dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation." By diverting from clients and afterwards covering up the theft for a while, he breached his duties. The Supreme Court decided that DeYoung should receive compensation...

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