BUS 311 Checkpoint Project Dr. Feng The checkpoint discussion can be extended around a series of questions from the perspective of owners, managers, short-term creditors, long-term creditors, market,...

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BUS 311 Checkpoint Project Dr. Feng The checkpoint discussion can be extended around a series of questions from the perspective of owners, managers, short-term creditors, long-term creditors, market, and investors. Financial ratios are important tools to answer those questions and interpret the financial health of the company. You can organize the checkpoints project writing through the answers on the relevant questions. Note that your grade will be based on both the financial calculations and the interpretation. Usually, financial analysis should be conducted both along the time and against peers or industry benchmarks. a. The website http://finance.yahoo.com provides 4-year financial history for US public listed companies. b. The industrial benchmark data are available from sources like http://www.bizstats.com/. It provides the current update through a paid subscription. You can use the free delayed data for practice or reference. Our study does not require industry benchmark comparison. You can focus ratio changes over time, the underlying business decisions and transactions that caused the change, and their implications upon the financial health and investment value of the company STEP 1: Q0: Conduct an environmental scan, indicating future prospect for a company. Q0-1.Short description of the company background. Q0-2.Industry analysis on the Strength / Weakness / Opportunities / Threats of the company Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Q1: Overview of the company financials Q1-1.What is the size, revenue, profit, revenue, and free cash flow for the last 5 years? Q1-2. How the stock performed over the recent 5 years?   2015 2016 2017 2018 Total assets Total liabilities Total equity Revenue Net income Free cash flow Price Total return Question: · Is the company of large, small, or medium size? · Is the company profitable? · Does the company generate positive free cash flow to investors? · Does the market return reflect positive on the company performance? Q2. From shareholder or investor perspective 2-1. How well has management utilized the company’s assets? 2-2. How well is the return over the stockholder’ equity? Return on Assets = Net Income / Total assets Return on Equity = Net Income / Equity 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Return on Assets Return on Equity Question: · Is the company profitable? · How has the profitability changed over time? · Any reason for such a change? 2-3. Cash flow analysis Free cash flow = Cash flow from operation – CAPEX 2014 2015 2016 2017 Cash flow from operating Cash flow from investing Cash flow from financing Effect Of Exchange Rate Changes Net change in Cash CAPEX Free cash flow Questions · Is the company operations profitable? · Is there any financing need? For what purpose, investment or financing? · Is there any major investment spending? For what purpose? · Does the company provide healthy free cash flows to investors? · Cash is the “King”. How does the cash flow situation related the stock performance? Q3.From Manager’s perspective 3-1.DuPont Identity DuPont Identity decompose the ROE into three different sources: profitability, management efficiency, and financial leverage. Net profit margin = Net Income / Sales Total asset turnover ratio = Sales / Total assets Equity multiplier = Assets / Equity Return on Equity = (Net Profit Margin) * (Total asset turnover) * (Equity Multiplier) 2014 2015 2016 2017 Net profit margin Total asset turnover Equity multiplier   Return on Assets Return on Equity Questions: · Profit margin: Are profits high enough, given the level of sales? · Total asset turnover: Are sales higher enough, given the level of assets? · Equity multiplier: How did the financial leverage change the return on equity? · What has been the main driving factors for the change of ROE in recent years, profitability, asset turnover, or financial leverage, or mix of the three? 3-2. Management efficiency 2014 2015 2016 2017 Account collection period Inventory holding period Account collection period = (Account Receivable) / (Credit Sales / 365) Notes: If there is no data on “credit sales”, use “sales” data instead. Inventory holding period = (Inventory) / (Cost of goods sold / 365) Questions: · Are receivables coming in too slowly? · Is there too much cash tied up in inventories? 3-3. [Cost-volume analysis for EBDAT breakeven] How does current revenue compare with the breakeven level? VC = Variable cost = cogs CFC = (Admin + marketing + other operating expense) + (interest expense) R = Revenue SR = Survival revenue = CFC / (1 – VC / R) 2014 2015 2016 2017 R: revenue VC: cost of revenues TC: Total operation expense FC: fixed cost VCRR: Variable cost revenue ratio SR: Survival Revenue, FC / (1-VCRR) When actual revenue > Survival Revenue, the company can achieve profit over the fixed and variable cost combined. The ratio of R/SR shows the overall profitability for the company. Questions: · Does the company operate beyond a break-even revenue level? · How did the Revenue / Survival revenue ratio change recently? · What is the implication? Q4.Short-term Creditors 4-1.Does this customer have sufficient cash or other liquid assets to cover its short-term obligations? The Current Ratio and Quick Ratio measure the short-term liquidity of the firm? The Current Ratio [Current Assets / Current Liabilities] The Quick Ratio [(Current Asset – Inventories) / (Current Liabilities)] 2014 2015 2016 2017 Current Asset Current liabilities Inventories Current ratio Quick ratio Questions: · Is the company facing liquidity issues for operation? · How the company liquidity situation changed over time? Q5.Long-term creditors Debt-to-Equity (D/E) = [Total liabilities] / [Total Equity] The Times Interest Earned (TIE) [Income + (Interest + Taxes)] ÷ [Interest Expense] 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total assets Total liabilities Total stockholders' equity Debt ratio Debt / Equity ratio EBIT Interest expense Interest coverage ratio Questions · As a potential or present long-term borrower, how heavy is debt financing over equity financing? · Are earnings and cash flow sufficient to cover interest payments and provide for some principal repayment? Q6.Market 6-1.How is the financial performance priced in the financial markets? Price-book ratio = [price per share] / [book value per share] Price-earnings ratios = [price per share] / [earnings per share] Dividend Yield = [Dividend per share / [price per share] 2014 2015 2016 2017 Price per share Book value per share Earnings per shares Dividend per share Price-book ratio Price / earnings ratio Dividend yield Questions: · How has the financial health changed over time, better or worse, for the past 5 years? · Is the market reacting favorably to the company’ business performance? 6-2.Market value added Market value added = (Price per share – book value per share) * (# of shares) 2014 2015 2016 2017 Price per share Book value per share # of shares Market value added Q7. Potential investors Note: for this section, no detailed calculations are needed. Questions: · Research at least two the recent investment initiative taken by the company. · How such initiatives could affect the company’s future cash and value? · What are the potential risks associated with the investment activities? · What are the implication for investors? STEP 2: Q8. Cost of capital (to be finished in step 2) Note: if there is no allocation to preferred stocks, you can ignore the component from preferred stocks. 8-1Weighted average cost of capital   amount % before tax cost after tax cost cost component Debt ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Equity ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Preferred ?? ?? ?? ?? ??             tax rate ??         Total Capital ??         WACC ??         What does the WACC mean? 1) The average cost of financing or hurdle rate for the business 2) The average return required by the capital providers 3) The opportunity cost for the capital providers 8-2.Economic value added The business need to make higher return than the WACC to be profitable. The wacc is the opportunity cost of the capital from the capital providers. The dollar amount business can achieve beyond the opportunity cost of capital is called economic value added. EBIT = ?? Assume T = Tax rate = 35% Total capital from financing = (Debt + Preferred + Equity) Economic value added = EBIT * (1-T) – (Total capital) * WACC. tax rate 30% EBIT 644.00 EBIT * (1- T) 450.80 WACC 11.18% Investor supplied capital 120,205.00 Economic value added -12,990.90 Question: · Is the economic value added positive or negative? · What is the implication from the result? Q9.Summary (detailed analysis is required) 9-1. List your overall conclusion on the financial analysis. 9-2. Were the financial ratios and indicators accurate reflection of business performance? 9-3. Comment on the company’s financial condition: excellent, healthy, or ill. 9-4. Is the stock over, under, or fairly-priced? 9-5. Is the stock a good investment candidate? Buy or Sell? Running head: Sony analysis 1 Sony analysis 8 Sony Analysis Luis Maldonado Lynn University Sony Analysis Executive Summary This report will give the extensive research and analysis on Sony Corporation. Valuation of Sony is primarily based on multiple growth factors, which drives the revenue and earnings of the company. Moreover, DCF and FCFF valuations are based on some assumptions, which is explicitly mentioned in the report. I would recommend to investors to keep a closer eye on the stock as it is undervalued by the market. Furthermore, the value of the stock is going down because of trouble in the world due to COVID-19 scare, problems with currency, economic crisis all across the world. 1 Company Overview Japanese based multinational organization headquartered in Konan, Tokyo, Sony today is one of the most well known organization in the world. Established in 1946 by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita,
Answered Same DayApr 24, 2021

Answer To: BUS 311 Checkpoint Project Dr. Feng The checkpoint discussion can be extended around a series of...

Siddharth answered on Apr 24 2021
153 Votes
Financial Analysis Report on Sony Corporation
Running head: Sony analysis     1
Sony analysis     3
Financial Analysis Report on Sony Corporation
Luis Maldonado
Lynn University
Sony Analysis
Executive Summary
This report will give the extensive research and analysis on Sony Corporation. Valuation of Sony is primarily based on multiple growth factors, which drives the revenue and earnings of the company. Moreover, DCF and FCFF valuations are based on some assumptions, which is explicitly mentioned in the report. I would recommend to investors to keep a closer eye on the stock as it is undervalued by the market. Furthermore, the value of the stock is going down because of trouble in the world due to COVID-19 scare, problems
with currency, economic crisis all across the world.
1 Company Overview
Japanese based multinational organization headquartered in Konan, Tokyo, Sony today is one of the most well known organization in the world. Established in 1946 by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita, has grown many leaps and bounds in her existence of more than seven decades. Today, Sony has diversified portfolios that involves professional electronics and consumer products. Its product commands a excellent brand name in electronic gizmos, video-gaming, entertainment business and financial services. Sony holds the substantial entertainment business all across the world, mammoth business of video games and its consoles and largest business of publishing video games. Along with this Sony also commands the business in manufacturing electronic products for both professional market segments - B2B as well as consumer products for B2C markets. Sony was categorized as 97th top businesses in Fortune 500 Global Organization magazine.
Parent company is called as Sony Group that holds business units for electronics market, essentially operating in four main components - electronics, music, motion pictures, music and financial services. Proper functioning of all these four business segments makes Sony as a comprehensive company all across the world. Under the umbrella of Sony Group, there is Sony Pictures, Mobile business, Interactive entertainment, Music, Financial Holdings and others. Sony is the market leader for its semiconductor business since 2015 and 5th in the world for television manufacturing after Samsung, LG, TCL and Hisense.
2 Industry Analysis
In order to perform detailed valuation of a stock it imperative to analyze the industry or industries that organization operates in. One of the best framework to analyze the business with respect to market is by performing a SWOT that captures Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. This gives insights on the overall outlook of the industry and the growth aspects of the business. First two parameters brings out the internal aspects of the business and later two provides reflections of industries thereby explaining the external parameters. There are many ways of analyzing a business. Below in this report you will find the SWOT analysis of Sony, a corporation that was once considered as an undisputed leader in electronics domain. By performing this analysis, I am able to identify the critical challenges that can potentially restrict the growth of the company at global level and might even curtail the expansion. Optimizing the performance of products that Sony offers in the market that are updated as per the issues established in the SWOT.
2.1 Strengths
Organization’s strength is derived from its strong brand name that is established from its diversified product businesses for more than seven decades long. It was also awarded the title of Asia's most valuable brand in survey of 2011.
Secondly, Sony as a corporation is considered synonymous with technological excellence and leverages rich background of expertise in technology. Organization has always kept itself updated with market creating the very first Trinitron TV, VCR and Walkman, discs of Blu-Ray and now still evolving their product lines with ultra-high definition of video playback.
Thirdly, one of the greatest and most recent blockbusters success of the organization was with its product PlayStation. It was indeed, one of the remarkable success story and still attracts to a strong clientele which has become loyal to the brand.
Fourth strong aspect of strength is in the domain of entertainment with the business unit of Pictures and Music. It has proved to be a cash-cows that generate huge revenues and aids in offsetting the losses in customer product business units.
Other strong areas of Sony is its focus on innovation and design thinking for producing new products as well as categorizing the business units. Sony as an organization is known for great after sale services that marks high customer satisfaction and perceptions.
2.2 Weakness
There is excruciating high investment of capital in media business and television productions. It has affected the pricing of the products from the company. Furthermore, business of television has drained huge capital for initial 8 years amounting to $6.3 billion.
Second major weakness is extremely high on pricing which prohibits many consumers who wants to buy the products but limit themselves due to price. Perhaps, consumers can find many options available in the market in much lesser prices thereby shifting their focus on Sony. This has also resulted in decline in market share of the Sony corporations
With lot of diversified product business units focus has been scattered in managing all the business segments. For instance, consumer electronic division was known for its dedication on making high quality products and constant versions of updates. However, this has resulted in distortions in the brand of Sony.
2.3 Opportunities
Sony Corporation has huge potential in its entertainment business with movies and music units. They can also capitalize in building a strong experience in console and gaming business in order to offer value-added services and content to bolster their product business unit.
Sony has recently merged its Sony Ericson joint venture. This provides Sony a strong opportunity to command independently and innovate in high growth market segments like gaming, smartphones and tablets.
Organization can further diversify in the healthcare segment with launch of niche medical equipment’s to perform high-end operations and imaging. With the acquisition of 35% stake in the Olympus this diversification seems very possible for the organization.
2.4 Threats
Sony operates in the industry of intense of competition and faces strong rivalry from LG and Samsung. These competitors are capturing more market share with their cost-leadership prices.
Another critical threat of organization is the cyber-attacks since Sony works on its reliance on database that managed and maintained online.
Third threat that can deter the growth of the business is the piracy of software that limits in the aspect of profitability.
3 Overview of the company financials
Sony's financial statements have shown that it is a large sized company with revenues in the range of US $8.6 and US $8.54 billion dollars in the past four years. The company’s profits since 2016 have been fluctuating, but they did very well in the past 2016 and2017 when they showed an outstanding increase to $60 million;...

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