Bases of assessment
Content - Identification of relevant issues.
Research - Selection of relevant material.
A demonstration of critical evaluation of the material.
Expression of your viewpoint (and not a catalogue of quotes/ others’ ideas).
Expression - clarity, style (formal and academic), coherence in writing, grammar, punctuation, spellings and sentence structure.
A logical flow of argument at both the paragraph level and the overall text level.
Use of supporting arguments.
Use of literature to support the argument.
Structure – Synopsis (Stated the topic, reflected main arguments and identified conclusions reached).
Introduction (Provided background/contextual information; clearly introduced the topic; outlined the plan for addressing the topic).
Discussion in appropriately linked sections and paragraphs.
Conclusion (no new material; reiterated the main line of argument).
Referencing procedure (within the text, and at the end of the text).
Appropriately styled and punctuated bibliography.
Overall Presentation – including cover page, line spacing, page numbering.