BSBLDR523 Assessment 1 Task Outline 2021 · You will create a CODE OF CONDUCT **USE the template provided. · Your completed policy will be a minimum of 2-3 pages long. TASK OUTLINE: You are required to...

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BSBLDR523 Assessment 1 Task Outline 2021 · You will create a CODE OF CONDUCT **USE the template provided. · Your completed policy will be a minimum of 2-3 pages long. TASK OUTLINE: You are required to develop a Code of Conduct so that staff are aware of and follow the standard of expected behaviour.    · In developing your code of conduct, you should research other companies codes and relevant legislation. · Your code of conduct must be in your own words, must comply with current legislation and must include a list of references that you have used in the development of the document.  The Code of Conduct needs to include, as a minimum, the following areas of guidance: · Introduction – the purpose of the Code  · Scope – who it applies to  · ALL Legislation that applies  · Details of expected personal and professional behaviour (as a minimum, this should address a RANGE OF ethical behaviours, as well as behaviours appropriate to working within diverse workplace)  · Conflict of interest requirements  · Gifts, benefits and hospitality  · Outside employment/consulting  · Use of social media/Phones · Serious misconduct   What do I need in order to complete this assessment? Access to a computer and resources assigned in the task. Use THE CODE OF CONDUCT TEMPLATE to complete your assessment. DO NOT FORGET THE COVER SHEET please. When is the task due? SUNDAY 11th JULY 2021 Code of Conduct TEMPLATE – BSBLDR502/523 Code of Conduct Introduction and purpose: Scope: Applicable Legislation: Expected personal and professional behaviour: (Student to insert appropriate subheadings here – minimum of 6 (six)) Conflict of Interest: Gifts and benefits: Outside employment: Use of social media/mobile phones: Company equipment: Misconduct: Disciplinary actions: Capital College Template BSBLDR502/523 Code of Conduct_ 2021 BSBLDR523 Assessment 2 Task Outline 2021 · You will create a Workplace Communications Policy **USE the template provided. · Your completed policy will be a minimum of 2-3 pages long. TASK OUTLINE: Develop a workplace communication policy. The policy is to cover and describe the mechanisms that will be used for internal communications. Your policy must be in your own words and must include a list of references that you have used in the development of the document.   The policy should include the following minimum information:   · Title; Purpose and Scope   · Outline of consultations that would have occurred · Communication strategies for communicating with staff – type, purpose and frequency. You should include at least four strategies · Feedback process – ways in which staff can contribute to workplace issues · Respect within the workplace (identify EEO and Inclusivity here!) · Privacy expectations · Application and review of policy · related procedures/policies etc What do I need in order to complete this assessment? Access to a computer and resources assigned in the task. Use POLICY TEMPLATE to complete your assessment. DO NOT FORGET THE COVER SHEET please. When is the task due? SUNDAY 11th JULY 2021 2021 ASSESSMENT TASK 2: BSBLDR502/523 POLICY TEMPLATE Workplace Communication Policy Policy Title: 1. Policy Purpose and Scope : 1.1 1.2 1.3 (Add additional points as needed – this is NOT a guide) 2. Policy Statement: 2.1 2.2 2.3 (Add additional points as needed – this is NOT a guide) 3. Consultation and analysis PERFORMED: 3.1 3.2 (Add additional points as needed – this is NOT a guide) 4. Communication Strategies: (Minimum of four (4)) 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 (Add additional points as needed – this is NOT a guide) 5. Feedback 5.1 5.2 5.3 (Add additional points as needed – this is NOT a guide) 6. respect 6.1 6.2 6.3 (Add additional points as needed – this is NOT a guide) 7.0 Privacy 7.1 (Add additional points as needed – this is NOT a guide) 8.0 APPLICATION AND Review Of Policy: 8.1 8.2 (Add additional points as needed – this is NOT a guide) 9.0 Related Policies; Procedures; Guidelines (As Applicable) 9.1 9.2 (Add additional points as needed – this is NOT a guide)
Answered 3 days AfterJun 25, 2021BSBLDR502Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: BSBLDR523 Assessment 1 Task Outline 2021 · You will create a CODE OF CONDUCT **USE the template...

Arunavo answered on Jun 29 2021
151 Votes
Code of Conduct TEMPLATE – BSBLDR502/523
Code of Conduct
Introduction and purpose: The purpose of code of conduct for communication in the organization is to properly disseminate the in
formation needed by the employees, which will help in getting things done, and also to build the relationship of commitment and trust. The purpose is to promote the freedom of expression and open communication. This will also ensure that employees avoid offending, participating in any kind of serious disputes and disrupting in the workplace. The code of conduct should also expect to foster the well-organized, respectful and also collaborative environment.
Scope: The policy applies that all the employees regardless regarding the employment agreement or rank.
Applicable Legislation: The employees must always ready to protect the company’s legal aspects. The employees must also comply with the confidentiality along with the privacy rights while communicating professionally. Further the information should be disclosed to the appropriate person whenever needed.
Expected personal and professional behaviour:
(Student to insert appropriate subheadings here – minimum of 6 (six))
· The personal and professional behavior that employees must represent is by developing trust from consistent actions that provides confidence to others that the person is reliable, cooperative and committed towards the success of the team
· The sense of trust must be there among the employees, which will bring confidence in the workplace which will ensure that they work together for a common goal.
· The employee must also maintain their commitment in the workplace while communicating by delivering correct information to the right person.
· The use of appropriate method of communication must be done in order to ensure the effectiveness of internal communication, which is in line...

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