BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 1 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College...

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 1 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

Appendix 1: XYZ Company Business Plan (extract) 2018-2023

Business Plan summary Business Business name XYZ Business structure Company ABN: 55 555 555 555 ACN: 555 5555 5555 Business location Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Date established 2015 Business owner/s Mark Greg Sam Nathan Natalie Gregor Relevant owner experience Mark, Sam and Natalie have over 25 years combined experience in telecommunications marketing and product business. Since starting XYZ in 2015, they have successfully grown the business from a single telecentre to over 20 telecentres plus 15 online retail stores nationally. Products/services XYZ telecentres specialise in a range of exclusive services ranging from order taking services to main receiving services including market surveys. The business provides its customers with high quality and innovative products and services. Wherever possible we provide our customers with a ‘green’ solution and service. We employ sustainable business practices.

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 2 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

Market Target market XYZ customers include anyone seeking innovative, high quality exclusive service. Customers seeking a ‘green’ solution to their needs are especially welcome. Marketing strategy XYZ employs a range of marketing tools including:

● magazine (electronic and print) presence ● an instore/online catalogue ● a corporate website with e-commerce function ● direct marketing to our existing customer base

● a loyalty reward program


XYZ is committed to: ● providing high quality and innovative products and services to customers ● meeting the changing needs of customers ● offering innovative product solutions including database creation and capture services

● delivering speedy and personalised service ● employing professional and enthusiastic staff

● providing clean and ‘green’ products and services ● adopting sustainable work practices ● undertaking continuous improvement processes. XYZ is known for its enthusiastic and inclusive culture. XYZ seeks to maintain professional and well- supported staff.


In 2018–2023 XYZ will consolidate its position in the market as a lead telecentre for

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 3 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

green and sustainable solutions for high quality exclusive products/services.

To do this, XYZ will focus on the following business goals:

● Financial stability:

o Increase revenue by 15% (compared to the previous 12 months) by the end of the financial year o Maintain annual profit levels of 15% of revenue for all products and services, calculated at the end of each financial year o Reinvest 75% of profit back into the business at the end of each financial year ● Market position: o Maintain the number one rating in the annual national industry customer service awards o Launch new high quality exclusive consumer services to meet customer demand, ahead of competitors, within budget and by the agreed deadlines

● Right people:

o Provide induction training at the commencement of employment to train new employees to be knowledgeable, helpful and enthusiastic o Provide the financial, physical, human and time resources to support an annual professional development program for all XYZ employees


2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Income 150,000,000 172,500,000 198,375,000 228,131,250 262,350,937 Expenditure 127,500,000 146,725,000 168,618,750 193,875,000 222,998,297 Profit 22,500,000 25,775,000 29,756,250 34,258,250 39,352,640 Reinvest 16,875,000 19,331,250 22,317,188 25,692,188 29,514,480

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 4 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

Organisation chart

See XYZ intranet for the latest organisational chart.

Key personnel

Job title Name Skills Chief Executive Officer Mike Smith 15 years' financial experience in IT industry Qualified engineer Postgrad. in business law MBA Managing Director Financial operations Jone Williams 20 years' accountancy experience Qualified CPA Member of the National Institute of Accountants Managing Director Business operations Mary Johns 15 years' experience in a range of telecom and IT businesses Bachelor of Science Postgrad. in IT services management Postgrad. in business law Managing Director Human resources Marvin Munroy 10 years' experience in recruitment and general HR Bachelor of Management Graduate diploma of psychology Member of the Australian Human Resources Institute

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 5 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

Products/services Market position XYZ offers quality, high-end, innovative and exclusive inbound, outbound, bilingual and virtual call centre services. We provide a quality service to our customers, focusing on ‘green’ solutions. We believe in extensive networking to ensure we have the latest high-end consumer services available for our customers.

Unique selling position

Our distribution of telecentres across Australia allows us to provide the personal level of service customers expect with exclusive services. Our customer service is knowledgeable and friendly. We reward our customers for their loyalty.

Anticipated demand

A large number of customers (domestic small and medium businesses) purchase our lower priced services, valued at $500–750. We offer exclusive premium services to our large corporate clients who would spend approximately $10,000–15,000 every month.

Pricing strategy

XYZ applies standard industry mark-ups for lower priced services. Our high-end services are often unique in the market and are priced accordingly, based on our costs and understanding of the market.

Value to customer

XYZ individual customers view us as a destination for quality services with a ‘green’ bias. Our corporate clients trust us to provide high quality products/services that will perform above expectation and impress their clients. Our VIP customers are discerning and rely on us to keep them up to date with the latest in exclusive telecentre service

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 6 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

Growth potential

XYZ is aiming for 15 per cent growth in revenue per annum. This growth will come in part from technology improvements and innovation resulting in better sustainable services. Growth will also occur naturally as the businesses in Australia continue to increase and accumulate more wealth.


XYZ holds current workers compensation and public liability, product liability, business asset and business revenue insurance. The company accountant holds all details.

Risk management

See XYZ intranet for the current risk-management procedure.

Legal considerations

The following list is current at time of publication and is not exhaustive. Key provisions of relevant legislation from all forms of government, standards and codes of practice such include those related to:

● Anti-discrimination legislation

● Telecommunications Act 1997

● AS 5037:2005 Knowledge Management –- a guide ● AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management ● Australian Accounting and Auditing Standards ● Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) requirements

● Australian Taxation Office regulations

● Certified and workplace agreements ● Codes of practice ● Company law ● Contract law

● Copyright

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 7 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

● Corporations law ● Duty of care

● Employee contracts

● Enterprise agreements ● Environmental issues

● Environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to industry and organisation ● Ethical principles

● Federal and state/territory awards/use of Wageline\ ● Financial legislation ● Freedom of information legislation

● Fringe benefits tax (FBT)

● Pay as you go (PAYG) tax ● Payroll tax ● Privacy laws and confidentiality ● Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act and superannuation regulations ● Unlawful dismissal rules and due process ● Work, health and safety legislation, regulations and codes of practice.


See XYZ intranet for the current organisation operational plan.

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 8 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

Appendix 2: XYZ Company Organisational Chart

Board Of Directors

Managing Director Financial Operations Jone Williams

Company Accountant Paul Simpson

Finance Manager Anita Joe Finance Team Leader Sue Thompson

Payroll Team Accounts Team

Managing Director Business Operations Mary Johns

Business Operations Manager Brad Nicol

Telecom / IT Manager Gina Pett Project Manager

Project Team Telecentre Coordinators

Managing Director Human Resources Marvin Munroy

Human Resources Manager Lina Davis

HR Admin Team

HR Specialist Advisors

Chief Executive Officer Mike Smith

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 9 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

Appendix 3: XYZ Company Purchasing Resource Acquisition Policy Purpose The goal of this policy is to ensure that products and services purchased by or contracted for XYZ Company conform to the organisation’s needs and comply with the XYZ Sustainability environmental policy.

XYZ will strive, where feasible, to use the most efficient, effective and environmentally responsible purchasing process that meets the organisation’s needs.

The emphasis on purchasing environmentally friendly products is part of the organisation’s clear commitment to its customers, employees, and natural environment. It is hoped that by having an environmentally sustainable purchasing policy, other producers and suppliers will also be encouraged to support and adopt environmentally preferable products and practices. Scope This policy applies to the procurement of all goods, services, equipment and related services undertaken by XYZ irrespective of the nominated settlement method. Settlement methods include purchasing and contracting activities. Policy statement XYZ will maximise the benefits that can be delivered through effective, efficient and environmentally responsible procurement of all goods and services. The organization endeavors to carry out all purchasing activities in a manner that is ethical, honest and fair to all stakeholders. Principles The organisation will:

● endeavor to always get value for money ● be held accountable for all procurement results ● ensure the decision-making process is transparent and documented

● ensure that all staff involved in the purchasing process possess and

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 10 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

demonstrate at all times highly developed professional ethics and standards of personal integrity ● comply with all aspects of Australian laws and regulations that pertain to purchasing goods and services ● integrate the practice of sustainability (wherever possible) into the acquisition of goods and services by, where possible, prioritising products that:

o contain the highest percentage of postconsumer recycled content possible o are made with renewable energy o are reusable, recyclable or bio-based/compostable o have minimal packaging o serve several functions (e.g. generic cleaning detergents) o have minimal effect on the depletion of natural resources and biodiversity o are provided by suppliers and contractors who, themselves conduct their businesses in an environmentally friendly way. All XYZ staff who are responsible for purchasing decisions will undergo training to ensure they understand the requirements of this policy. Noncompliance with the terms of this policy may lead to disciplinary action. Authorised purchasing officers Purchasing delegations are as follows: Position Purchase delegation limit

● Senior management officers Up to $5,000.00 ● Managing directors $5,000.00 to $10,000 ● Chief Executive Officer Unlimited

Associated policies and procedures

Refer to the procedures section of the intranet for the following: ● Purchasing resource acquisition procedures ● Sustainability environmental policy

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 11 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

Appendix 4: XYZ Company Purchasing Resource Acquisition Procedures Introduction This procedure outlines the purchasing actions taken for:

● purchasing all inventory, supplies and capital equipment ● completing related procurement documents.

Vendor selection Vendor selection for all purchased items will be in accordance with the XYZ Purchasing responsibilities The Business Operations Manager is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the XYZ purchasing policy are adhered to. This includes maintaining appropriate procurement methods, placing orders with approved suppliers and forwarding all paperwork to the Finance Manager for payment. Online purchases Online purchases should use preferred suppliers wherever possible. Where this is not possible, new suppliers must be evaluated using the XYZ Online supplier procedures. Process

1. Purchase requisition preparation involves the following:  All XYZ employees who require a product or service must complete a XYZ purchase order requisition form that details the items for purchase and the date required.  All completed purchase order requisition forms are to be approved by an authorized delegate. 2. On receipt of a completed purchase order requisition form, the purchasing officer will: review the purchase ● double-check the calculations for accuracy ● verify that the signature(s) of approval are authorised officials

● review that the other boxes of the form are complete

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 12 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

● if the purchase order requisition form is not accurate or complete, return it to the relevant person for amendment ● if the purchase order requisition form is accurate and complete, forward a copy of the form to the accounting department and generate an order ● send the order to the vendor ● receive the goods when delivered ● forward the invoice to the Finance Manager

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 13 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Appendices – BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | Page 14 of 14 V 4.0: May 2020, Approved: QAC, Next Review: December 2020 International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

Appendix 5: XYZ Company Recruitment Policy XYZ Company is committed to selecting and recruiting competent, capable and suitably qualified staff. We’ve adopted recruitment and selection strategies that help us meet our commitment to making quality staff appointments. XYZ has an experienced human resources team, which includes a HR management team and HR administration staff. The HR team is guided by area recruitment strategies and procedures. All new applicants must meet the following minimum criteria. They must: ● possess suitable qualifications and experience ● pass job-specific interview questions

● undertake approved reference checks ● pass specified assessment testing

● attend and complete any training course, induction and assessment as prescribed by XYZ prior to or on commencement of their employment.

XYZ is committed to: ● recruiting the best potential people for the job

● ensuring employees are treated with equality, dignity and respect ● complying with any legislative or regulatory requirements in terms of selecting and recruiting staff ● defining the competent authority to approve each selection. ● All members of the HR team complete a confidentiality form to ensure all confidential information is retained and dealt with discretion and tact.

May 18, 2022

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