Briefly summarize both "Solitude" and "Self Reflection" (1 paragraph each, total of two paragraphs in summary) and then answer the following questions. Be sure to ground your discussion in your reading, referencing quotes from the text in MLA format:
make a grounded/strong connection between what you are reading and another text we have read this term. Make sure both textual quotes are cited within your response.
1. Is solitude essential? Why/why not? What are the effects of technology on solitude? Do you agree with our author? Why/why not?
2. What are the effects of technology on empathy? Do you agree with our author? Why/why not? What solutions can you offer/see, if any?
3. Is self reflection necessary? What is the purpose? What are the effects of technology on self reflection? What solutions are offered, and how realistic are they?
Turkle'sReclaiming Conversation, "One Chair: Solitude and Self Reflection"