Brief Example of How Some Narrative and Scientific Lines of Reasoning Contribute to Generating Hypotheses About the Nature and Cause of the Occupational Problem Danny is 4 years of age and was...

Brief Example of How Some Narrative and Scientific Lines of Reasoning Contribute to Generating Hypotheses About the Nature and Cause of the Occupational Problem

Danny is 4 years of age and was referred to OT early-intervention services. Julia is his therapist and is experienced in earlyintervention service delivery. Julia observes that Danny notices toys and picks them up now and then. During mealtime he uses his left hand to pick up his food to eat but seems more interested in the touch and feel of it, often throwing it on the floor. Although he is aware of his family, his social responses are inconsistent. He often appears ‘distant’ and ‘anxious’ when family members leave the room

Scientific Reasoning

Julia further constructs a picture of the problem from evidence about Danny's diagnosis and her knowledge of typical and atypical childhood social and occupational performance. Medical: Danny has reduced motor control on his right body side in comparison with the left and was given a diagnosis of cerebral palsy (unilateral) and developmental delay. Social/Occupational: Delayed ability to interact with other children, reduced potential to play with toys and others and reduced independence in eating and drinking often result from these conditions.

Narrative Reasoning Julia further constructs a picture of Danny's occupational life by talking to his family to obtain their perspective of the problem and what they expect from therapy services. As a result of an abusive early childhood for the first 3 years of life, Danny was placed with foster parents who have two other children younger than 5 years of age. He has received no previous intervention. He attends a day-care facility 3 days a week for 7 to 8 hours each day with his foster siblings. There are positive reports about the day-care providers. Danny has made progress since being fostered. The family would like Danny to:

■ use a cup and feed himself without throwing food,

■ develop more play skills and engage in social interaction,

■ use his right hand and arm and

■ have a regular sleep/wake schedule.

Hypotheses About Danny's Situation Generated From Scientific and Narrative Reasoning

Julia uses this information to generate the following hypotheses: The underlying causes of the child and family's identified needs, concerns or problems are as follows:

■ Danny's problems are linked to his early developmental experiences.

■ Danny has not had the physical, social and sensory opportunities that prompt early skill development and will need to spend time experiencing these.

■ He has experienced less social attachment and interactions than needed to develop play and social-emotional skills, and foster parents may need some support in the best ways to develop these.

■ Danny may not have had parent-supported routines and schedules to develop sleep patterns, social interactions and eating routines in early infancy and needs to learn these.

■ Danny may have needed early intervention services to address the effect of reduced developmental opportunities and did not receive these.

May 21, 2022

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