Bradford owns 500 acres of desert land near Las Vegas that he wants to develop. Land development in the area is potentially hampered by the Endangered Species Act, which protects threatened plant and...

Bradford owns 500 acres of desert land near Las Vegas that he wants to develop. Land development in the area is potentially hampered by the Endangered Species Act, which protects threatened plant and animal species. Included in the list is the indigenous desert tortoise. Although environmentalists and others have attempted to remove the tortoise from areas of

development and move them to safer places, a number are still killed in normal construction activities. Bradford plans to build a large planned unit development consisting of homes, condominiums, apartments, and businesses on his 500 acres. The cost will be in the millions; and when it is finished, the development will provide homes and jobs for many people.

Housing prices in the Las Vegas valley are also spiraling because of a large in-migration of new job seekers and retirees and less land available to develop. Bradford’s planned unit development will help contain price increases and preserve affordable housing in Las Vegas.

To protect his investment, Bradford requests and receives a “No Surprises” guarantee from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which allows the “incidental taking” of species such as the desert tortoise. Do endangered species have rights to life, or can some be sacrificed so humans will benefit? In determining what gives the greatest good to the greatest number, should endangered plant and animal species be factored in? Why or why not? Consider the fact that once these species are destroyed, vital links in an interrelated and fragile ecosystem can be destroyed.

This may adversely impact not only the natural environment but also humans.

May 19, 2022

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