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(Click icon for citation) Theme: Approaches to History Overview How can thinking like a historian be useful even if you're not looking to become a historian yourself? This course will show you how applying historical thinking skills can benefit you, no matter what you're looking to learn at SNHU. In this course, we'll show you the value of historical thinking across disciplines. To start, we'll explore the ways in which historians typically approach understanding historical events in the eight learning blocks that make up Theme: Approaches to History. In order to understand how historians think, we'll first establish why historians look at historical events: they identify historically significant events of interest to them and choose a specific historical lens they will use to analyze those events. Next, we'll establish what historians do to analyze historical events: they develop and refine a research question to focus their analysis, develop search terms based on their research question, and locate primary and secondary sources to determine the context of their historical event. Finally, we'll close Theme: Approaches to History by walking you through the process of drafting a writing plan. Even if they don't write a formal writing plan like you will be doing, all historians begin to write a historical event analysis with some kind of strategy in mind—a plan for finding information in primary and secondary sources that will help them answer their research questions and enhance their understanding of the topic at hand. This approach is actually pretty similar to approaches used in different fields, if you think about it. In drafting a proposal for a business plan, an entrepreneur would identify a gap in the market for a new good or service, research what evidence could help make a case for this gap, and develop an argument to a potential investor in order to secure funding. This approach might also remind you of the scientific method used in the physical sciences in which a natural phenomenon is observed, investigated, and tested in order to draw a conclusion. Although we're looking at history in this course, keep in mind that the skills you are refining here are also relevant in other, sometimes unexpected, fields of study at the university. Course Outcomes After completing this theme, you should be able to: Apply key approaches to studying history in addressing critical questions related to historical narratives and perspectives Select appropriate and relevant primary and secondary sources in investigating foundational historic events Copyright © 2017 MindEdge Inc. All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited. Theme: Approaches to History | Learning Block 1-1: The Rights of Immigrants Over the centuries, millions of immigrants have journeyed to America. Most sought to fit into American society, yet most also sought to hold onto certain aspects of their native lands. The experience of different immigrant groups illustrates the difficulty of "fitting in" and attaining the full range of rights that the Constitution guarantees to all citizens, when one is perceived as somehow different from native born Americans. In this theme, we will look at the experiences of two different immigrant groups—the Irish and the Québécois, Frenchspeaking immigrants from Quebec—who came to America in large numbers during the 19th century. Looking at the experiences of these two groups will help us learn how to begin to think like historians: to assess the historical significance of events, to place them in context, and to understand the different perspectives, or lenses, through which we can view these events. You will begin developing the historical thinking skills necessary to ask questions, investigate sources, and begin outlining your historical analysis essay, using these two immigrant groups as backdrops. Learning Objectives In this learning block, you will: Be introduced to the core concept of this theme: the rights of immigrants Learn about the concept of historical significance Apply the concept of historical significance to your own experience The Rights of Immigrants The United States, as the saying goes, is a nation of immigrants. In 2014, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 13.3 percent of all Americans were foreignborn (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014), while everyone else—including Native Americans—was descended from someone who, however long ago, came here from somewhere else. That simple fact defines America as something different from most other countries: a place whose national identity is not rooted solely in geography or ethnicity but which comprises such shared values as democracy, liberty, opportunity, and upward mobility. Ellis Island was the main entry facility for immigrants entering the United States between 1892 and 1954. (Click icon for citation) But it is also a fact that America, as a nation, has not always embraced newcomers to its shores. For many immigrant groups, the path to acceptance—and the ability to exercise the full panoply of rights enjoyed by nativeborn Americans—has been a tortuous one. There is a strong strain of nativism that runs through American culture and society. Especially in times of economic hardship, immigrants have been demonized for "taking American jobs"; at other times they have been victims of religious or racial/ethnic discrimination. The struggle of different immigrant groups to overcome these obstacles, and to be incorporated fully into American society and economic life, is a crucial element of the American story. (Schrag, 2010) Immigrants came here from many countries, and they entered the country through many different ports. Perhaps the most famous gateway was Ellis Island in New York Harbor—the first federal immigration station, through which 12 million immigrants passed. Today, Ellis Island, as part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument, stands as a symbol of the American immigrant experience. References Kimball, A. (1997, March 31). Ways of Seeing History. Retrieved from Schrag, P. (2010, September 13). The Unwanted: Immigration and Nativism in America. Retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau (2014). American FactFinder fact sheet: Selected Characteristics of the Native and Foreign Born Populations. Retrieved March 31, 2016 from pid=ACS_14_1YR_S0501&prodType=table Historical Significance Significance is one of the most important concepts in the study of history. Historical significance is closely related to the concept of importance, but it implies a higher standard: lots of events may seem important at the time they take place, but how many are historically significant? Historical significance can help us understand the experience of immigrant groups in the United States. To gain a better understanding of the concept of historical significance, watch the video below: Video Transcript: Historical Significance From the historian's standpoint, significance is a measure of whether an event or person is worth remembering, worth teaching about, and worth being the subject of historical research. Human history consists of every event that's ever happened, but only a few are remembered and taught about many years later. Those are the events with historical significance. Think about your own personal history. You've probably done a lot of different things today: eat lunch, worked out, drove to work, walked the dog. Maybe you've done something genuinely important, such as paying your Historians generally rate historical significance by asking four key questions: How notable, or important, was the event at the time it occurred? Did the event affect a great many people? Were the consequences of the event extensive and enduring? Does the event symbolize or relate to broader historical trends? (Phillips, 2002) mortgage or calling your mother on her birthday. Thirty years from now, when you're writing your autobiography, would you write about any of the things you did today? If not, then those events are not historically significant moments in your life. An individual might be considered historically significant if he or she is connected in some way to a larger historical event or trend. John F. Kennedy, the great grandson of Irish immigrants, was a historically significant figure because of his close involvement in many momentous events: the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, the Space Race, and the American involvement in Vietnam, to name just a few. Other individuals may be considered more or less historically significant through their connection to historically significant events. Let's say your grandfather was an immigrant from Ireland who enlisted in the US army and fought in World War II. That fact alone lends him some degree of historical significance. He would be seen as a more historically significant figure if he had a direct impact on the course of events during the war, say, as a battlefield commander or as a participant in a major turning point in the war, such as the DDay invasion. Similarly, if your great grandmother emigrated from Quebec at the turn of the last century, and then sang in a radio program broadcast by radio station KDKA in Pittsburgh, one of the first regularly scheduled radio stations in the nation, she would have had some measure of historical significance. She would be seen as a more significant figure if she had gone onto a career as a radio network personality in New York, say, or if she had become an official of AFTRA, the labor union for radio and later television performers. By this measure, most people can claim some measure of historical significance. The task of the historian, however, is to make a judgement about which events and people are significant enough to write about and to teach. Historians make those judgments after looking at evidence and considering events and individuals in light of the historical context. It's important to remember that historical significance is not an absolute. One group of people might consider an event or person to be historically significant while other groups may not. An event may be significant to people in one part of the world or one region of the country, but not to those who live elsewhere. But it remains the job of the historian to judge which events and individuals are so historically significant that they merit being written about and studied by future generations. References Kimball, A. (1997, March 31). "Ways of Seeing History." Retrieved from Phillips, R. (2002). Historical Significance – The Forgotten "Key Element?" Teaching History (106) (March 2002) 1419. Retrieved from origsite=gscholar&cbl=48308 Assimilation The process by which immigrant communities, over time, integrate themselves into their host society is known as assimilation. In America, this process generally involves the gradual adoption of the English language, along with American culture and values, by the immigrant group. Full assimilation is said to occur when members of a particular group are indistinguishable from the rest of American society. (Brown and Bean, 2006) Throughout American history, assimilation has generally been assumed to be the logical and desired end result for any immigrant group coming to America. This assumption is not universally shared, however, and some immigrant groups have resisted assimilation by holding on to their native language, food, and cultural practices. Other immigrants saw themselves as "birds of passage," coming to America to take advantage of the greater economic opportunities here but returning home after they'd earned enough money to live comfortably in their native lands. Barriers to Assimilation The classic theory of assimilation holds that immigrants inevitably become more "Americanized" with the passage of time. But there are many barriers to assimilation that can delay or even prevent a group's full assimilation. (Brown and Bean, 2006) Language is one of the primary barriers to assimilation. Immigrant groups whose members speak English may find it easier to assimilate than members of other groups, though this is not always the case. Race may also block a group's assimilation into American society. The nation's tragic history of racial division has had a longlasting impact on American society; the simple fact is that having a darker skin color undeniably marks a person as different from the majority of white Americans. For that reason alone, an Englishspeaking immigrant from Nigeria, for example, might find it harder to "blend in" than an Englishspeaking immigrant from Scotland. Finally, religion has historically been a major barrier to assimilation. From the earliest colonial days, religious minorities have often faced prejudice and discrimination in America. From the antiCatholic riots of the 19th century to the widespread antiSemitism of the 20th century to the antiMuslim sentiment of the post9/11 era, religious prejudices have proven to be a powerful impediment to assimilation. References Brown, S. and Bean, F. (2006, October 1) Assimilation Models, Old and New: Explaining a LongTerm Process. Retrieved from process Kimball, A. (1997, March 31). Ways of Seeing History. Retrieved from Phillips, R. (2002). Historical Significance—The Forgotten "Key Element?" Teaching History (106) 1419. Schrag, P. (2010, September 13). The Unwanted: Immigration and Nativism in America. Retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau (2014). American FactFinder fact sheet: Selected Characteristics of the Native and Foreign Born Populations. Retrieved March 31, 2016 from pid=ACS_14_1YR_S0501&prodType=table Waters, M. and Jiménez, T. (2005). Assessing Immigrant Assimilation: New Empirical and Theoretical Challenges. Annual Review of Sociology 31 (1): 105 125. DOI:10.1146/annurev.soc.29.010202.100026 Sociologists measure assimilation by the extent to which members of an immigrant group: Improve their socioeconomic status, making it comparable to national norms; Increase geographic mobility, moving beyond the ethnic enclaves in which many immigrants first settle; Adopt English as a second and, eventually, first language; and Intermarry—that is, marry people from outside their ethnic group or community. (Waters and Jiménez, 2005) Theme: Approaches to History | Learning Block 1-2: Historical Thinking Studying history is not a matter of memorizing names and dates. Studying history is an effort to make sense of the past—to understand why certain events took place and to draw from that understanding larger conclusions about human society. To do all that requires a particular mindset, a way of looking at the events of the past that allows us to see connections and causalities that may elude the casual observer. Thinking like a historian is a vital skill, and learning that skill is one of the central goals of this course. The skills you learn in this course will be useful both in completing your historical analysis essay and in your future studies at SNHU. Learning Objectives In this learning block, you will: Be introduced to the concept of historical lenses Learn to look at historical events through different lenses Thinking Like a Historian For too many people, history is an unconnected list of names and dates—a litany of people and events that needs to be memorized but not necessarily understood. Needless to say, that's not the way historians think about history. They know that history, in the most fundamental sense, is a story: a complex narrative with lots of moving, interdependent parts, all of which inform and instruct us about the past. And historical thinking is a way to think about the world that helps us understand not only the past, but the present. (Wineburg, 2010) The first step toward thinking like a historian is to understand that there is no single, "right" way to look at history. Studying history is all about interpretation—how we try to make sense of events and individuals from the past. Different historians may have different interpretations of the same event, but neither one is necessarily right or wrong. What matters is how well each interpretation meshes with the historical evidence. (Cohen, 2011) There are many different kinds of historical evidence: documents, artifacts, buildings, paintings or photographs, and oral histories, to name just a few. But it's also important to realize the many things that are not historical evidence: opinion, rumor, propaganda, and political rhetoric, among many others. Example: Thinking Historically by Examining the Impact of Irish Immigration The Irish Potato Famine of the 1840s led to an enormous movement of Irish immigrants to the United States. But what were the most important effects of this historical event? One historian might argue that the vast influx of Irish immigrants was good for the American economy because it contributed to the rapid industrialization of the American North, providing a large pool of cheap factory labor in the major coastal cities where most of the immigrant Irish settled. Another historian might argue that Irish immigration, regardless of its effects on industrialization, had a destabilizing effect on American society because it led to urban overcrowding, public health problems caused by slumlike conditions, and social conflict arising from religious differences. Neither interpretation is necessarily right or wrong. And it's entirely possible that both could be justified by the historical evidence, which in this case would include the number of industrial jobs created in Northern cities in the 1840s and 1850s; statistics on housing and infectious diseases; and contemporary accounts of antiCatholic discrimination and violence. References Cohen, S. (2011) Teaching the Skill of Historical Interpretation. Retrieved from Wineburg, S. (2010) Thinking Like a Historian. Retrieved from Historical Lenses Different historians can develop different interpretations of the same event because they are looking at that event from different perspectives and emphasizing some pieces of historical evidence more than others. The different perspectives from which historians approach the task of historical research are known as historical lenses. More generally, the study of historical methods, and of the techniques for researching and writing history, is known as historiography. Historical lenses are often referred to as categories of history or approaches to history. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the way historians examine different aspects of history, however. (Endy, 2015) As you begin to think about what topic you would like to explore further for your historical analysis essay, you will want to consider through which historical lens (or lenses) you will examine the different aspects of the event. Political history political events, parties, elections, voters, and government actions Social history social structures and processes and, more generally, the conditions that prevail in an entire society at a particular point in history Military history military leaders, battles, and strategy Economic history economies or economic phenomena of the past Religious history religious ideas, movements, and institutions Cultural history culture and the arts at a particular moment in history History of science the development of science, scientific knowledge, and technology These are only a few examples. Historical lenses can also represent certain theories of history, such as the Great Man Theory, which holds that history can be explained mainly by studying the actions and motivations of highly influential leaders or heroes, or Marxism, which argues that social class conflict and related economic forces determine historical outcomes. (Tosh, 1984) Theories of history are sometimes referred to as schools of historiography. Some other notable schools of historiography include the Annales School, a theory of French history that emphasizes longterm social history and the use of social science methodology; psychohistory, which studies the psychological motivations behind historical events; and the cyclical theory of history, which holds that history can be defined in terms of repeating cycles of events. Looking once more at the two different interpretations of Irish immigration to the U.S., it's clear that the first historian looked at the issue through the lens of economic history, while the second used the lens of social history. Other lenses offer the possibility of still more interpretations: a political historian, for instance, might focus on the role that Irish immigration played in building the Democratic political machines in such cities as New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. A religious historian, on the other hand, might study the influence of Irish Catholic immigrants on the rise of America's major Catholic universities, including Georgetown, Fordham, and the University of Notre Dame. The point is that whatever approach you take to history—whatever lens you apply to any historical event —your choice will affect what you see and the conclusions that you draw from the historical evidence. References Endy, C. (2015) Glossary of Historical Terms. Retrieved from Tosh, J. (1984) In Pursuit of History. New York: Longman. Theme: Approaches to History | Learning Block 1-3: Research Questions In this learning block, we are going to shift our focus away from the immigrant experience in America for the moment and begin to look at the historical research that you will be asked to undertake for your course assessment. At the conclusion of Theme: Thinking About History, you will be required to submit a historical event analysis—a four to sixpage essay that analyzes a particular historical event. Before writing your essay, you will be required to submit a writing plan—a one to twopage document that describes the event you have chosen to analyze, the resources you plan to use in your research, and the particular audience for your essay. You will be required to submit your writing plan at the conclusion of Theme: Communicating Historical Ideas. Learning Objectives In this learning block, you will: Begin choosing the research topic for your historical event analysis Learn how to ask a critical research question Better understand how historical thinking can be applied to parts of your life Practice developing research questions Choosing a Research Topic As you get ready to start your own historical research, you should know that the first step in any historical analysis is the most basic: choosing a topic to research. In this course, you will be required to submit your research topic for approval at the end of Theme: Approaches to History, Learning Block 14. The topic must be an event in American history. You may choose a topic that is related to any of the case studies contained in this course, or you may choose your own topic, with the approval of your instructor. Here are a few pointers to help you choose your topic: 1. Pick a topic that interests you. You're likely to do more research, and do it faster, when you're genuinely engaged by your topic. 2. Pick a topic that is credible and relevant. Avoid sensationalism; don't waste your time trying to research the history of alien abductions or Elvis sightings. And make sure your topic is historically relevant—that is, a topic that requires you to do real historical research, not just express your opinions. 3. Narrow it down. A topic that's too broad will require you to sift through too much information and make it hard for you to focus. 4. Ask your instructor for ideas. Your instructor can also help you decide what topics are credible and relevant and how to narrow down an overly broad topic. 5. Make sure you can find the needed resources. If your topic is too obscure or too narrow, you might have trouble finding enough relevant sources. Sample Topics The case studies in this course cover the following issues. Click on each tab to learn more about the topic, which will help you decide if it might be something you are interested in researching. Irish Immigrant Experience In Theme: Approaches to History, you will learn more about the struggle of immigrants to win equal rights in American society. Our first case study will look at the experience of Irish immigrants in the United States in the 19th century. Between 1820 and 1860, more than one third of all immigrants to the United States came from Ireland. This wave of majority Catholic immigrants reached its peak during the failure of the potato crop, known as "the Great Hunger." Many Irish immigrants were poor and uneducated, making them initially illequipped for the emerging industrial economy of America. These immigrants experienced religious discrimination and backlash against their presence in major industrial centers like New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. Québécois Immigrant Experience The second case study in Theme: Approaches to History explores the experience of Québécois immigrants in the northeastern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. From the late 19th century until the beginning of the Great Depression in 1929, close to one million Frenchspeaking Canadians are estimated to have come to America is search of jobs. This event is sometimes referred to as the Quebec diaspora. The rural areas of Quebec were overpopulated, and many families did not have sufficient land to continue farming. Despite their agrarian background, these Frenchspeakers were primarily drawn to industrial jobs in New England, because they needed work so badly. Quebeckers became the primary source of labor in the textile and shoe factories in New England. The Woman Suffrage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment In Theme: Communicating Historical Ideas, you will learn more about the extended fight to win equal rights for American women—at the ballot box, in the workplace, and in society at large. Our first case study looks at the woman suffrage movement (18501920) and the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, which guarantees women the right to vote. The fight to secure the right to vote for American women was a long and bitter one. Rebuffed by Congress, which refused to include women in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments' guarantee of voting rights for freed slaves, and by the Supreme Court, which ruled in Minor v. Happersett (1875) that women did not have a constitutionally guaranteed right to vote, advocates for woman suffrage divided sharply over strategy and tactics. Some chose to fight for an amendment to the federal constitution, while others looked to win voting rights, one state at a time. The two approaches merged in the aftermath of World War I. After more than a dozen states had granted women the right to vote in state and local elections, political pressure for a national amendment began to build. The fight for woman suffrage came to a successful conclusion in 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment won ratification, and all American women finally gained full voting rights. The Equal Rights Amendment