Boloji Please follow all instructions as there tutor want the assigment because student is looking at about 60%
Your 1500 word written report is based on the findings from a piece of research you will complete on news media representation of a moral panic using the quantitative content analysis research method. Students should refer to Bryman, A. (2004, 2012, 2015) Social Research Methods. Oxford University Press. Chapter 13: Content Analysis. Additional guidance will be given in lectures and seminars.
The aims of the assignment are to:
Further develop understanding of the way the news media creates moral panics and the impact of this in shaping popular opinion and/or policy.
Apply quantitative content analysis to make sense of media texts.
Develop group work/teamwork skills.
Your 1500 word written report should be structured as follows:
1. Title and Outline of topic/research question
Briefly explain what a moral panic is. Explain the nature of the moral panic you have chosen to analyse. Explain what you have chosen to analyse in relation to the moral panic i.e. what is the focus of your content analysis - What is your main question?
2. How you went about your Content Analysis
Explain briefly what content analysis is. Explain how you used content analysis in your research – What media texts did you use? How did you sample them? (which bits/ how much?) Which indicators did you develop and why? i.e. how do they link to your research question? Use your content analysis grid here to explain how you carried out the data collection and how you analysed them e.g. which codes did you use, how did you produce the data. Did you encounter any problems?
3. Your findings
What were the findings from your indicators? i.e. describe your findings. Did the findings answer your question? If not, why not? e.g. Were the codes useful i.e. did you manage to find out what you wanted to find out in order to answer your question?
4. Interpretation of results
Analyse the data you have produced in relation to your question and existing literature on the topic. Are there similar studies that confirm or challenge your findings? What are the implications of the findings e.g. for policy/practice. Has the moral panic, for example, led to changes in policy, legislation or law and order? What are/might be the consequences of stereotyping or deviancy amplification? E.g. My research found…
Similar research studies note that the consequences of such sexist stereotyping has resulted in…
For this section it is essential that you have conducted wider reading around your chosen moral panic.
5. Conclusion
Briefly reflect on your research. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your research, especially the use of quantitative content analyses as a method? Did you manage to design a project which used content analysis to produce meaningful data which answered your question? For this section you need to have done some reading on content analysis.