Blissful number: a number where every digit is greater than its immediate left digit is called a Blissful number. (e.g XXXXXXXXXXis a blissful number). A single digit number is not a blissful number....

Blissful number: a number where every digit is greater than its immediate
left digit is called a Blissful number. (e.g. 12345 is a blissful number).
A single digit number is not a blissful number.

Now write a python program that takes a number from the user and checks
whether it is a blissful number or not.

Sample Input1

Sample Output1
35789 is a blissful number

5 is greater than 3. 7 is greater than 5. 8 is greater than 7. And 9 is
greater than 8. In other words, every digit is greater than its immediate
left digit. Therefore, 35789 is a blissful number

Jun 10, 2022

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