Answer To: BIZ202_Assessment 2 Brief_Environmental_Scan_Part B Page 1 of 5 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and...
Kuldeep answered on Jul 31 2021
Running Head: MCD
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Introduction 4
Identification and analysis of macro environmental factors 4
Challenges and solutions 7
Challenges 7
Solutions 9
Conclusion 10
References 11
McDonald's is the leading global retailers for provided food service. There are the 30000 local cafés and restaurants, which can cater to 53 million people every day in more than 100 countries with global fast-food. The chain of McDonald's is spread around the world; about 72% of those restaurants are independent and local franchisees owned and operated internationally. McDonald's is the valuable and renowned brands in world. In almost all the countries in which McDonald's operates its services, the informal food market has a large share in world-renowned fast service restaurant business. McDonald's is also known for its high quality as well as the range of the burger’s they provided. However McDonald's success is not just that, it started year after year with hard work moreover person's imagination. In 1954, Ray Crook had the idea to open chains around the United States; Ray Crook developed a systematic and consistent method of serving the same good quality food products at each restaurant, moreover founded McDonald's System. Currently, there are about 34,000 restaurants in 128 countries.
Identification and analysis of macro environmental factors
Demographic: McDonald's demographics include population development levels, gender, age, educational pattern, family influence, and so on.
Technology: McDonald's offers wide range of technical services however is not available in Cyprus, such as, in a few countries, consumers can create their burgers (Aitalieva & Panasyuk, 2016).
Political: The political environment of a country is influence by the political institutions, foreign policy and political stability. All of these elements affect the business. The rules and regulations of the government affect the functioning of the business. The political instability in local state affects the business of McDonald's (Greenspan, 2018). They need proper licenses, tax issues as well as workers laws to manage the food business.
Financial: McDonald's economic environment includes the nature of the country's financial system, the structure of financial system, government's economic policies, factor endowments and markets. McDonald's is upset by global currency fluctuation. There is a global recession right now because of different levels of taxation or revenue measurements. If local financial system is serious, people are desperate to spend extra (Jones, 2018).
Cultural: McDonald's strives to be "fit" in each country with several unique menus. The menu is depends on cultural food of country's moreover so it’s in Cyprus.
Natural: Cyprus climate is different from the other countries. The summer is the hot summer season, as well as Cypriots prefer the transportation with a vehicle instead of walking.
Social Factors - Research is done on the different attitudes, cultures, lifestyles and people's demands. Modern and urban societies require a high level of facilities and hospitality (Maze, 2019). The menu of the food should be tailored to culture of country (, 1).
Factors of Technology - Modern delivery guarantees fast delivery, easy and fast payment facilities, wireless internet facilities as well as customers’ entertainment equipment at McDonald's stores....