BIZ101:Business Communications Assessment Presentation Individual/Group Individual Length Presentation: 7-10 minutes Learning Outcomes Thisassessmentaddressesthefollowingsubjectlearning...

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BIZ101:Business Communications Assessment Presentation Individual/Group Individual Length Presentation: 7-10 minutes Learning Outcomes Thisassessmentaddressesthefollowingsubjectlearning outcomes: a) Demonstrate academic skillsappropriate to the level of study b) Demonstrate researchskillsandreferencing appropriate to thelevel ofstudy d) Identify and apply effective communicationmethods within a businessenvironment e) Evaluatethe useand importance of technologyin presentingbusinesscommunication

Microsoft Word - BIZ101_Assessment 3_Presentation_Module 6.docx BIZ101_Assessment3_Presentation_Module6 Page1of5 ASSESSMENTBRIEF3 SubjectCodeandTitle BIZ101:BusinessCommunications Assessment Presentation Individual/Group Individual Length Presentation:7-10minutes LearningOutcomes Thisassessmentaddressesthefollowingsubjectlearningoutcomes: a) Demonstrateacademicskillsappropriatetothelevel ofstudy b) Demonstrateresearchskillsandreferencing appropriatetothelevelofstudy d) Identifyandapplyeffectivecommunicationmethods withinabusinessenvironment e) Evaluatetheuseandimportanceoftechnologyin presentingbusinesscommunication Submission By11:55pmAEST/AEDTSundayofModule6(Week11, 12) ForIntensive(6week)class:by11:55pmAEST/AEDT SundayWeek6 Weighting 25% TotalMarks 100marks Context: Thisassessmentisforstudentstomastertheskillsofpresentationandevaluatetheuseof technologyinbusinesscommunication.Studentsmustresearchdifferenttypesofpresentation technology,thenchooseoneormoretousetopresenttheirrecommendationsfromtheirReport theycompletedinAssessment2. Instructions:Presentation(25%) PrepareapresentationofthekeyfindingsandrecommendationsfromyourAssessment2report. Thepresentationis7-10minutes,highlightingthekeypointsoftheAssessment3reporttothe class.Thepresentationmustbeengagingandstudentsareencouragedtogobeyondtoolssuchas PreziorPowerPoint. BIZ101_Assessment3_Presentation_Module6 Page2of5 Itisexpectedthatyouwilldemonstrateinyourpresentation: • acomprehensiveunderstandingofthetopicyouhavechosen • evidenceofresearchandapplicationofreliableandrelevantevidence (includingin-textcitationsandareferencelist) • criticalanalysisandtheabilitytodevelopcoherentarguments • effectivecommunicationintheformofprofessionalpresentationskills SubmittingYourAssessment 1. CheckyouroriginalitybyuploadingyourcommentarytoTurnitin. 2. WhentheTurnitinresultislessthan20%,submityourassignmentthroughtheAssessment submissionarea. BIZ101_Assessment3_Presentation_Module6 Page3of5 LearningRubric AssessmentAttributes Fail (Unacceptable) (0-49%) Pass (Functional) (50-64%) Credit (Proficient) (65-74%) Distinction (Advanced) (75-84%) HighDistinction (Exceptional) (85-100%) Choiceofpresentation channel 20 Presentationusesa traditionaltechnologytool toreproducetheirreport inavisualandverbalform. Presentationusesa traditionaltechnologytool toexpressthecontentof theirpresentationinan engagingway. Presentationusesa technologytooltoexpress thecontentoftheir presentationinan engagingway. Presentationusesan innovativeapproach, combiningtwodifferent technologytoolsto effectivelyexpressthe contentoftheir presentationinan engagingway. Presentationusesan innovativeapproach, combiningmultiple differenttechnologytools toeffectivelyexpressthe contentoftheir presentationinan engagingway. VerbalCommunication 25 Verbalcommunication lacksclarityandno attempttoengagethe listenerismade. Verbalcommunicationis mostlyclear,and articulatebutdoesnot engagethelistenerasan activeparticipant, Verbalcommunicationis mostlyclearandthereis anattempttoengagethe listenerasanactive participantinthe presentation. Verbalcommunicationis clear,articulateand engaging,goingbeyond readingascriptto discussingthecontent withtheaudienceinaway thatcausesthemto reflect. Verbalcommunicationis clear,articulateand engaging,goingbeyond readingascriptto discussingthecontentand usingtacticsdesignedto engagethelistenertobe anactiveparticipantinthe presentationandreflect onitscontent. VisualCommunication 20 Visualcommunicationis primarilyareproductionof theessaytextandisnot visuallyappealing. Visualcommunicationis primarilywritingand imagesbutisvisually appealing. Visualcommunicationis primarilywritingand imagesbutshowssome elementsofinnovationin thevisualelementsofthe presentation. Visualcommunication goesbeyondwritingand imagestoreproduce contentinavisualway usinggraphs,charts, diagrams. Visualcommunication goesbeyondwritingand imagestoreproduce contentinavisualway usinggraphs,charts, diagrams,infographics andotherinnovative visualcommunication tools. BIZ101_Assessment3_Presentation_Module6 Page4of5 LearningRubric AssessmentAttributes Fail (Unacceptable) (0-49) Pass (Functional) (50-64) Credit (Proficient) (65-74) Distinction (Advanced)(75- 84) HighDistinction (Exceptional) (85-100) QualityofEvaluation 25 Limitedunderstanding ofkeyconcepts requiredtosupport thepresentation. Informationtaken fromreliablesources butwithouta coherentanalysisor synthesis. Viewpointsofexpertsare takenasfactwithlittle questioning. Informationis substantiatedbyevidence fromtheresearch/course materials. Informationtakenfrom reliablesourceshowever, analysisandevaluation doesnotconsistently reflecttherelevant concepts. Supportspersonalopinion andinformation substantiatedbyevidence fromtheresearch/course materials. Demonstratesacapacity toexplainandapply relevantconcepts. Welldemonstrated capacitytoexplainand applyrelevantconcepts byrobustevidencefrom theresearch/course materialsandextended reading. Somedebateonthe researchisevident. Informationistakenfrom sourceswithahighlevel ofinterpretation/ evaluationtodevelopa comprehensivecritical analysisofthetopic. Usesresearchand evidencetoargue viewpointsofexperts. Duration 10 Presentationduration issignificantlyoutside AssessmentBrief targets Presentationdurationis outsideAssessmentBrief targets Presentationdurationis marginallyoutside AssessmentBrieftargets. Presentationdurationis verymarginallyoutside AssessmentBrief targets. Presentationduration conformstoAssessment Brieftargets. Module 6 Module 6.1 BIZ101 - Business Communications © Laureate International Universities 2016 This week Communicating to Audiences Working with audiences Making Presentations Assessment 3 The role of presentations Presentations may be used to: Launch a new product Introduce a business Provide information or updates to employees Teach skills Improve knowledge Demonstrate services or products Describe and display destinations 3 NSI-Ryde-Food & Beverage-810-Event Management QMS Version1 22/08/08 To be reviewed 30/11/08 Helen Hipsley 3 Types of oral presentations Prepared / Scripted Impromptu Memorised Briefings for staff before and after service / opening times / closing Team briefings 4 Role of the Audience The role of the audience will contribute to the success of a presentation, so remember: audience involvement can enhance interest throughout the presentation audience feedback should be encouraged to consider audience needs have been provided for, and any adjustments required have been made accordingly. (e.g. Disabled access) if the audience is external to the firm, ensure the firm is promoted positively throughout the presentation (logo and brand) 5 Working with audiences When presenting consider who is you audience as this will help you to identify: Language Verbal and non-verbal skills Attire / dress Verbal vs non-verbal skills? Which ones will be important for assessment task 3? In addition – how will you present as an online student? Considerations Business communication need to consider the audience and their expectations are associated with the particular type of event they are creating. Who the audience is? What are their expectations? What you are trying to accomplish in the presentation? What technology and other equipment is available – wifi, sound, technical support? Is everyone present or will there be videoconferencing and attendees dialling in remotely? Will there be a Q&A live using social media such as Twitter or Facebook (more popular at conferences) 8 Tell them something new - What new knowledge can you share for the assessment presentation that is not in your report? Structure You are the storyteller, so your story needs to flow – it makes it easier for the audience to follow: Business communications for presentations: Beginning, middle & end Introduction, body & conclusion Past, present, future Situation, action & outcomes… 9 Structure: Beginning – 10% Be welcome (smile!) Introduce yourself and the topic Involve the audience…(slide 1) 3 Qs – which one will you use as a hook? a quiz, a quote a question. provide an overview about what will be discussed in the presentation (slide 2) This is called ‘feeding forward’ and makes the audience feeling they are participants rather than recipients. 10 Structure: The Body – 80% Provide information in relation to your topic. Elements to consider: What, when, where, how, and why. Discussion of potential problem. Examples, statistics, a short and relevant video Recommendation of potential solutions to the problem. Include in text citations to support your line of reasoning. Structure: End – 10% The end should leave the audience with a clear idea of 3-5 key points (takeaways that you want the audience to remember) Check if there are any questions from the audience and address accordingly Reference list – APA 6th ed. (final slide) 12 Principles for Preparing for Audiences Expect and prepare for diversity Include data or sources to back up your claims Interact with the audience Address any performance anxiety Think quality and importance, not quantity Use media creatively and appropriately 13 Expect and prepare for diversity Audiences are composed of unique and diverse individuals. The time and day of the week will also have an impact – a Monday morning meeting may be entirely different to a Friday afternoon meeting, even when the same people are present on both occasions. Never assume you know your audiences - assume that they are constantly changing. 14 Address performance nerves To help with nerves, take time to understand the presentation and the audience Plan and rehearse helps reduce anxiety. Planning reduces uncertainty, which is a significant contributor to anxiety or stress. 15 Presentation Pitfalls Look at these presentation mistakes, and ensure you know how to avoid them: Blurry images An introduction that’s too long Getting off track! Moving slides backwards. Trying to be funny! The wrong information The wrong presentation Reading from your slides Presentation is too Long Complicated graphics Unreadable Fonts, Busy Backgrounds All Opinion, No Facts Technical or industry jargon Language difficult to understand Technical Problems Fancy Slides Enhancing your Presentation Spell-check – Australian English! Slide Transitions - minimal Rehearse your timings Protect your document Make a back up copy Know your logins and passwords to software programs 17 Amy Cuddy and Julian Treasure Video about giving presentations…body language – The Power Pose Julien Treasure discusses about speaking so that others listen Watch a video… Choose your favourite TedTalks topic and take note of the presentation, the presenter’s skills, verbal and non verbal communication and the visuals they use How did they interact with the audience and engage them. Were they effective? What did you learn from watching the video and what might you do differently? Communicating in the Modern World Zenka and the future of Communication VR and AR Task 3 - Assessment review the assessment brief and check the rubric so you know how you are being assessed. Task 3 Tips Presentation Tips on Blackboard: No PowerPoint (sorry guys) – Prezi, Canva, Powtoon Develop new software skills – either create a video of you presenting with the visuals on the side of the screen Contact me to make an appointment and present live using Collaborate Platform Availability Video needs to be uploaded before Sunday 1st September 2019 at 11.55pm (AEST) If you want to present live via Collaborate, I am available before Sunday 1st September 2019 as follows: Mondays from 9-3pm Tuesdays 8-11am or 4-8pm Thursdays 8am-10am Saturdays and Sundays An appointment must be made via [email protected] to select a timeslot – generally it takes 15 minutes and you presentation needs to be uploaded the Blackboard in advance PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR PREFERRED MODE OF DELIVERY Microsoft Word - 446617_821985_1_tm_tm_mf_446617-821985-1-tm-tm-mf-communication-via-social-media-in-the-workplace (1).docx 1 BIZ101: Business Communications COMMUNICATION VIA SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE WORKPLACE Dulanga Yapa Abeywardena 2 BIZ101: Business Communications TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................
Answered Same DayAug 20, 2021BIZ101Torrens University Australia

Answer To: BIZ101:Business Communications Assessment Presentation Individual/Group Individual Length...

Ishika answered on Aug 27 2021
148 Votes
[Type the company name]
[Pick the date]
Table of Contents
Introduction:    3
Social Media Platforms:    3
Example: LENOVO    4
Marketing and Social Media Policies:    4
Example: TWITTER    5
Negative effects of social media on workplace:    5
Positive effects of social media on workplace:    5
Conclusion:    6
Many would first think of the kind of marketing and PR communication that is so essential in promoting brands when talking about communications within a company. Some of the primary examples that come to mind are things like press releases, email campaigns and blogs. However, the internal communications that must happen are often ignored, particularly in big organizations. These inner interactions are crucial in maintaining the momentum of staff relationships and, eventually, a company's profitability. Since the days of easy personnel messages and newsletters, internal communications have risen considerably.
Social Media Platforms:
Instant messages, support forums and intranets are currently integrated in most organizations and are a modern way of connecting distinct departments, places and companies. It does not just build a "chat" platform by using social media for internal communication. It is more than evident that the world in a social media revolution is widely used in the media for communication purposes by social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Orkut or MySpace and Skype. The internet sharing of knowledge and data among the distinct groups of individuals is an significant advantage for the use of social media. This internet data sharing also encourages the rise of communication skills among individuals, particularly among learners or students of schools. In addition to media interaction in numerous respects, online instruments and technology change the ways we interact, and even how we speak and think of communication. Social media have the potential, interpersonal and community level, to essentially alter the personality of our social life.
Example: LENOVO
This post on the CRN tech news site "10 best laptops in 2015" was loving and commonly shared by the employees in Lenovo and was only not shared by the workers on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn or Weibo. It was instead put on its own social media network, recognized...

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