BIS201 Knowledge Management and Information Governance Assessment 2 – Case Study Overview Knowledge Management is a growing in industry especially with the large volume of data that is being generated...

Case study assessment

BIS201 Knowledge Management and Information Governance Assessment 2 – Case Study Overview Knowledge Management is a growing in industry especially with the large volume of data that is being generated through everyday business operations and transactions. Knowledge creation, sharing and storage are fundamental for any business in this digital age for them to thrive and survive given the complex socioeconomic environments that businesses find themselves in nowadays coupled with the rapid technology changes. Currently, businesses are making huge IT investment into KM technologies to ensure that data can be extracted transformed and loaded (ETL) correctly to generate information and insights that can be used to aid effective decision making. IT Governance plays an important role in this process as it examines the role of the IT department in managing the data, application, and IT infrastructure within an organisation. IT governance requires the IT department to communicate with the relevant departments in an organisation to ascertain their expectations as they are merely custodians of the organisation’s IT systems. Case Study Nexus4.0 is a small start-up company manufacturing smart home appliance in Sydney. Since the development of Covid19, they have been forced into adopting a digital strategy to improve their sales. Prior to this event their sales and marketing efforts were done through face-to-face transactions in their office. However, now they have had to use technology such as a website (i.e., e-Commerce) and social media to make their presence felt in the market. They realised that for them to survive and grow post-Covid, they must invest more into a proper knowledge management system and take seriously the concept of IT governance as part of their overall enterprise governance structure. They also must deal with some real resourcing challenges as they have also lost two key staff (i.e., Jeff and Anna) who managed their IT infrastructure to rival organisations and therefore they must recruit new staff to fill in these roles. They have implemented the below architecture design for their network infrastructure whereby their e-commerce website sits outside of their Local area network (LAN). Within the LAN they have their Customer Relationship Management System (CRM), Human Resource Management System (HRM) and their Billing System. See Nexus infrastructure design in the figure below. Using the knowledge that you have developed in this unit propose solutions for the below questions: 1. Discuss how Nexus can align their knowledge management strategy to their business strategy? 2. What approach should Nexus take to clearly distinguish the types of data, information and knowledge generated by the business through its daily activities? 3. Evaluate the SECI model and apply it to the case study. Describe how this model can be used to improve information creation, and knowledge sharing and transfer within the organisation. How can this be used as a tool to address issues such as high staff turnover? 4. Apply your knowledge of IT Governance and Data Governance and recommend solutions on how Nexus can better manage their governance structure. 5. How can Nexus benefit from applying a framework such as Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) or IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) to their IT strategy? 6. List recommendations for Nexus to apply moving forward. 7. Provide a simple road map based on your recommendations. Use a table showing the tasks and timeline. For example, Implement a knowledge management system – 1st Quarter, 2022. Timelines and Expectations Total Percentage Value of Task: 30% Case Study Case study due (Week 10 Sunday September 25, 2022 at 11:59pm Sydney time) Expected word count 2,000 words Students are expected to submit their assessments via Turnitin on Moodle. Minimum time expectation: 20 hrs Learning Outcomes Assessed The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment task: • LO1: Distinguish types of information from knowledge and exemplify the knowledge lifecycle. (CL4) • LO2: Apply knowledge management and information governance frameworks to analyse information assets. (CL2) Assessment Details Students are expected to write a report answering the questions presented above. 1. The report must be well researched and referenced using APA7 reference style. 2. You are expected to clearly discuss the different aspect of the report as highlighted in the report structure provided in this assessment brief. 3. This unit requires you to use APA system of referencing. See Sydney International’s quick reference guide. It should be used in conjunction with the online tool Academic Writer: 4. A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessment criteria. Higher grades require better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum is set on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly more than this minimum will be better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their essay is likely to be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the assessment criteria very carefully. Submission All assessments must be submitted through Turnitin on Moodle. Marking Criteria / Rubric Refer to the attached marking guide. Feedback Feedback will be supplied through Moodle. Authoritative results will be published on Moodle. Academic Misconduct To submit your assessment task, you must indicate that you have read and understood, and comply with, the Sydney International School of Technology and Commerce Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism policies and procedures. You must also agree that your work has not been outsourced and is entirely your own except where work quoted is duly acknowledged. Additionally, you must agree that your work has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or program. Report Structure 1. Assignment Coversheet 2. Table of Content 3. Executive Summary 4. Objectives 5. Business Data, Information and Knowledge Needs Note: You can determine this information from the information provided in the case study. 6. SECI Model 7. Need for IT and Data Governance Note: There is no mention of IT or Data Governance in the case study. So, you can recommend this aspect and be creative and innovative with your recommendations. You can also recommend the use of one or more of the below ITG frameworks. 8. IT Governance Framework (e.g., COBIT, IT VAL and ITIL) 9. Recommendation 10. Implementation Road Map 11. Conclusion 12. Reference 13. Appendix Marking Guide – Marks 100 Weighting: 30 % Student IDs: Assessment Criteria: Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Presentation Information is well Information is Information is somewhat Information is /Layout organized, well written, organized, well written, organized, proper organized, but proper and proper grammar with proper grammar grammar and grammar and and punctuation are and punctuation. punctuation mostly punctuation not always used throughout. Correct layout used. used. Correct layout used. Some elements /05 marks Correct layout used. used. layout incorrect. Structure Structure guidelines Structure guidelines Structure guidelines Some elements of /15 marks Enhanced followed exactly mostly followed. structure omitted Critical Discussion Attempted all the questions and provided practical KM solutions given the case study. Questions were answered in detail contextualized to the case study. Consistently detailed The student has made a fair attempt in answering all the questions but lacking depth and detail in their response. Answers could have been more elaborate and contextualized to the case. There was limited information provided. The student did not put in the required effort to complete all the questions. of Topics discussion. Displays sound understanding with some analysis of /60 marks Topics. Recommendation Clearly identified all the key recommendations and contextualized road map that can be applied. Identified some key recommendations and contextualized road map that can be applied to the case study. Missing some key recommendations and road map activities need to enhance the enterprise KM of Nexus. Missing information and did not put in any effort to answer this section of the report. & Road Map /15 marks Referencing Correct referencing Mostly correct Mostly correct Not all material (APA7 Style). All quoted referencing (APA7 Style). referencing (APA7 Style) acknowledged. material in quotes and quoted material in Some problems with Some problems with acknowledged. All Quotes & acknowledged. quoted material and reference list. paraphrased material All paraphrased material paraphrased material acknowledged. acknowledged. Some problems with the Correctly set out Mostly correct setting reference list. /5 marks reference list. out reference list. SubTotal-/100 marks Total out of 30 BIS201 Knowledge Management and Information Governance Overview Case Study Timelines and Expectations Learning Outcomes Assessed Assessment Details Submission Marking Criteria / Rubric Feedback Academic Misconduct Report Structure Marking Guide – Marks 100 Weighting: 30 % Assessment Criteria:
Sep 22, 2022

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