bill billBook -bills: bill[] -doctor: String -invoiceNumber: String -visitDate: String -patientName: String -paid: boolean +bill(all parameters) +Setters/getters needed)...

What is the solution for this question ( using java language)bill<br>billBook<br>-bills: bill[]<br>-doctor: String<br>-invoiceNumber: String<br>-visitDate: String<br>-patientName: String<br>-paid: boolean<br>+bill(all parameters)<br>+Setters/getters<br>needed)<br>+billBook(doctor:String,capacity:int)<br>+Setters/getters methods (if needed)<br>+addBills (): void<br>+payBill (invoiceNumber: String): int<br>methods (if<br>+printInvoice(): void<br>

Extracted text: bill billBook -bills: bill[] -doctor: String -invoiceNumber: String -visitDate: String -patientName: String -paid: boolean +bill(all parameters) +Setters/getters needed) +billBook(doctor:String,capacity:int) +Setters/getters methods (if needed) +addBills (): void +payBill (invoiceNumber: String): int methods (if +printInvoice(): void
1. Implement the class bill:<br>a. Write the constructor that takes as parameters all data fields except the paid value. A<br>bill object is by defauld not paid.<br>b. The printlnvoice() method should output the following information:<br>The invoiceNumber, the visitDate, the name of the patient name<br>A message

Extracted text: 1. Implement the class bill: a. Write the constructor that takes as parameters all data fields except the paid value. A bill object is by defauld not paid. b. The printlnvoice() method should output the following information: The invoiceNumber, the visitDate, the name of the patient name A message "The bill is paid" or "The bill is not paid" according to the value of the field paid.

Jun 10, 2022

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