Benchmark -Social Studiesand the Arts Integrated Unit Plan throughout this course, you have had the opportunity to research and implement a learning activity that is cross-curricular with social...

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Benchmark -Social Studiesand the Arts Integrated Unit Plan

throughout this course, you have had the opportunity to research and implement a learning activity that is cross-curricular with social studies and the arts, along with appropriate instructional strategies, questioning strategies, and differentiation.

Part 1: Social Studies Unit Plan

For this benchmark, you will plan a weeklong unit using the “Social Studies Unit Plan.” The unit plan should include social studies integrated with the visual arts and require students to research a country of their choice. You may adapt any previous assignments and lesson plans in the creation of this mini-unit plan, as long as the lessons form a planned cohesive unit. The unit plan will focus on government and economics of the selected country, U.S. and world history (comparing the selected country to the U.S), and geography and social studies of the selected country.

Use the “Class Profile” for background information on your students in order to differentiate to meet the diverse needs of students.

Design the unit plan so that it:

Develops students\' abilities to make informed decisions in a culturally diverse democratic society and interdependent world.

Integrates visual arts to promote communication, inquiry, and engagement.

Incorporates responsible use of media, digital tools, and resources, including:

• Virtual pen pal options with students from the selected country.

• Safety measures for using the Internet in the classroom.

• Research of performance and visual arts of the selected country.

• How students can communicate and collaborate with students of other cultures.

Part 2: Rationale

Along with the unit, submit a 250-500 word rationale that explains the reasoning behind your instructional strategies and choices. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Answered Same DayApr 16, 2021

Answer To: Benchmark -Social Studiesand the Arts Integrated Unit Plan throughout this course, you have had the...

Somudranil answered on Apr 19 2021
148 Votes
Running Head: Integrating Social Studies with Visual Arts     1
Integrating Social Studies with Visual Arts
Social Studies Unit Plan
Grade: 5th Grade
    Week 1
    Lesson Title

    Life in American Culture
    Life in American Culture
    Life in American Culture
    Life in American Culture
    Life in American Culture
    Summary and Rationale
    The experiences of the social studies educators who had participated were documented and filtered for analysing this study. Participants who were enrolled were asked for indicating the levels at which they underwent the learning process. The resultant outcome might have been out of the elementary, middle, or high school as well as their subjects. These were however effectively being queried in accordance to the frequency that is instrumental in the usage of art in instruction. The determination of the artworks that were used, were undertaken throughout the survey that directed the respected participants for making a selection from a list. This list included elements concerning oil paintings, sculptures, ceramics, drawings, photographs, and decorative artefacts. The teachers were therefore effective upon the matter that was instrumental in selecting multiple answers. Along with this, they had the option where they had to list the types of art that were present in a comment box.
    The experiences of the social studies educators who had participated were documented and filtered for analysing this study. Participants who were enrolled were asked for indicating the levels at which they underwent the learning process. The resultant outcome might have been out of the elementary, middle, or high school as well as their subjects. These were however effectively being queried in accordance to the frequency that is instrumental in the usage of art in instruction. The determination of the artworks that were used, were undertaken throughout the survey that directed the respected participants for making a selection from a list. This list included elements concerning oil paintings, sculptures, ceramics, drawings, photographs, and decorative artefacts. The teachers were therefore effective upon the matter that was instrumental in selecting multiple answers. Along with this, they had the option where they had to list the types of art that were present in a comment box.
    The experiences of the social studies educators who had participated were documented and filtered for analysing this study. Participants who were enrolled were asked for indicating the levels at which they underwent the learning process. The resultant outcome might have been out of the elementary, middle, or high school as well as their subjects. These were however effectively being queried in accordance to the frequency that is instrumental in the usage of art in instruction. The determination of the artworks that were used, were undertaken throughout the survey that directed the respected participants for making a selection from a list. This list included elements concerning oil paintings, sculptures, ceramics, drawings, photographs, and decorative artefacts. The teachers were therefore effective upon the matter that was instrumental in selecting multiple answers. Along with this, they had the option where they had to list the types of art that were present in a comment box.
    The experiences of the social studies educators who had participated were documented and filtered for analysing this study. Participants who were enrolled were asked for indicating the levels at which they underwent the learning process. The resultant outcome might have been out of the elementary, middle, or high school as well as their subjects. These were however effectively being queried in accordance to the frequency that is instrumental in the usage of art in instruction. The determination of the artworks that were used, were undertaken throughout the survey that directed the respected participants for making a selection from a list. This list included elements concerning oil paintings, sculptures, ceramics, drawings, photographs, and decorative artefacts. The teachers were therefore effective upon the matter that was instrumental in selecting multiple answers. Along with this, they had the option where they had to list the types of art that were present in a comment box.
    Finally, the authors were instrumental in acknowledging the fact existing within the visual arts that shows the various forms of art that had not been listed on the survey. It is therefore important to understand the motivations concerning the facts as well as the opinions for the usage of art. The effective usage of the Likert scales has contributed to the factors concerning the educators who were instrumental in asking the facts for indicating matters to the extent in accordance with the opinions concerning the importance of the art integration. They were also effective in enquiring about the reactions that appeared to be commonly exhibited by the students when they conceived the images concerning art as well as artefacts in the class. Therefore, the participants were asked their needs concerning the resources they want to have while undertaking this teaching practice with art.
    State/National Social Studies and Arts standards
(can include more than one standard per lesson)
    The environment being a dynamic one bears change in accordance to the practices of the Art that can be held instrumental in shedding the perspectives that appear to be unique cultural concerning the diverse cultures (Martin & Calvert, 2018).
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.3.2 – It aims to provide the facts about the learning. The American culture is scrutinized with accordance to the visual studies. The opinions are therefore presented in a sequential manner showing the ideas logically and thereby using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details for supporting this main ideas or theme.
    The environment being a dynamic one bears change in accordance to the practices of the Art that can be held instrumental in shedding the perspectives that appear to be unique cultural concerning the diverse cultures (Martin &...

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