Below are a several general questions to consider, listed next to the lessons that will contain the relevant sociological concepts. As we go through the course, post ideas or questions here. If others...

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Below are a several general questions to consider, listed next to the lessons that will contain the relevant sociological concepts. As we go through the course, post ideas or questions here. If others have posted before you, read their responses and my comments before you begin, and feel free to respond with your own thoughts and suggestions.PLEASECAN YOUREWRITE Questions WITH ANSWERS

Who is the focus of your study?
HARRY POTTER (and main source of info: which movie/biography/etc?) HARRY POTTER MOVIES

How do culture, significant others, and institutions shape their personality?

B3-D2:What influences their self image?

How do their values, experiences, and relationships affect their rational choices?

How and why do they perform differently with different groups?

How and why do they deviate and/or conform to different groups?

How has inequality of wealth, power, and/or prestige affected their life?

Answered Same DayDec 27, 2021

Answer To: Below are a several general questions to consider, listed next to the lessons that will contain the...

David answered on Dec 27 2021
133 Votes
Answer one
In terms of institutional impacts over culture, Harry Potter and his friends are placed
in a
completely different environment i.e. the school of magic. It is like living in an atmosphere about
which, they have no idea at all. However, the collaborative efforts of the school teachers help
them understand the conventions of the world. In fact, the boys and girls learn to socialize and
maximize their powers within in that culturally sound learning atmosphere.
Answer Two
Harry Potter is an iconic figure among all age audience because of having extraordinary
sills of socializing with the others. This is the point which has remained hidden in terms of
analysis of social skills gained by him in the school...

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