Below are a several general questions to consider, listed next to the lessons that will contain the relevant sociological concepts. As we go through the course, post ideas or questions here. If others...

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Below are a several general questions to consider, listed next to the lessons that will contain the relevant sociological concepts. As we go through the course, post ideas or questions here. If others have posted before you, read their responses and my comments before you begin, and feel free to respond with your own thoughts and suggestions.

Who is the focus of your study? HARRY POTTER (an main source of info: which movie/biography/etc?) FROM THE HARRY MOVIE
B1-C2: How do culture, significant others, and institutions shape their personality?

B3-D2: What influences their self image?
C3-D2: How do their values, experiences, and relationships affect their rational choices?
D1-3: How and why do they perform differently with different groups?
D2-3: How and why do they deviate and/or conform to different groups?
D3-F1: How has inequality of wealth, power, and/or prestige affected their life?

Answered Same DayDec 27, 2021

Answer To: Below are a several general questions to consider, listed next to the lessons that will contain the...

David answered on Dec 27 2021
118 Votes
1.Who is the focus of your study? HARRY POTTER FROM THE HARRY MOVIE
The focus of the study is the
magic wizard Harry potter, from the Harry potter movies. The study
throws its significance on the character of Harry potter who is training to be a magician in the
school of magic and the encounters he undergoes in the school of wizardry.
B1-C2: How do culture, significant others, and institutions shape their personality?
The culture of magic and the school which teaches magic is a part of the culture of learning
something different. Magic was considered to be a part of very impromptu learning. Though it
was not a part...

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