Bell creates a helpful typology to define the strategies women use in dealing with themselves and others: the Sexual Woman, the Relational Woman, and the Desiring Woman. For Bell, the ideal is the Desiring Woman, the one who can learn f rom contradictions between her own desires and society's scripts. The Desiring Woman might be said to become the creator of her own -identity. Typologies, a common tool of social scientists, can be used to think about many different aspects of our lives-including the lives of men. Look, for example, at Susan Faludi's desc1ipcions of cadets at The Citadel. Try to develop a typology that ,vill help readers to understand how the cadets have coped, or failed to cope, -.vith the social pressures they face. You mjght think, for example, about how the cadets deal with their conflicted attitudes toward women. Does Faludi's evidence suggest that anyone at The Citadel manages to find the balance Bell applauds, a balance between inner needs and tl1e demands of social ]jfe? Or do all the cadets remain trapped in [be dynamic of splitting?
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