Becoming a Social Activist
This is the job description for an Organizer Position:
Willing to work long and inconvenient hours at less pay
could be earned elsewhere Must have the patient of job and hide thick enough
to withstand constant criticism and slow progress Must be willing to accept
the blame for failures Must not try to claim personal credit for success Must
be willing to learn new skills while helping others discover how to work
together in organizations that bring about social change Good communication
and analytical skills desirable Being able to articulate a vision of the
future and having an empathetic personality a plus
1 You may are may not have experience in this position that
fit the description of an organizer You want to be the best candidate for this
position Describe how you intend to fulfilled these qualification or what
would you say on your application that you would be willing to develop to
insure the job of an Organizer
2 Discuss the upsides and downsides of being an activist