Because this such a large and diverse group of disabilities, we are going to focus on helping children transition from one setting to another (prek to kindergarten, from elementary to middle school,...

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Because this such a large and diverse group of disabilities, we are going to focus on helping children transition from one setting to another (prek to kindergarten, from elementary to middle school, from middle school to high school, and finally from high school to adulthood). Because many of the children with these disabilities do not have delays in learning, but may have delays in physical, language or socio-emotional milestones, this is a good module to look at transitions more closely.

Choose a strategy discussed in the readings or from another professional source. Then answer the following questions:

1. Name the strategy you chose.

2. Give the citation (url or other citation).

3. Tell which transition you are targeting: Preschool to Kindergarten, Elementary to Middle School, Middle School to High School, or High School to Adulthood. Choose the area that fits where you work/want to work best.

4. Tell why this is an effective strategy to use in managing transitions for children with disabilities. Write at least one paragraph.

5. Tell what disabilities this strategy would work well with. If it's most of them, you don't need to list all the disability groups, just say it's good for most children with disabilities and then tell why.

Remember that not all the strategies in the readings may be appropriate for children with disabilities, so choose carefully!

Answered Same DayApr 25, 2021

Answer To: Because this such a large and diverse group of disabilities, we are going to focus on helping...

Sourav Kumar answered on Apr 26 2021
143 Votes
The strategy that will be chosen is the practical strategies for the teaching skills which includ
es instruction that is teaching by telling, modeling or teaching by showing and teaching step by step. The transition between elementary and middle school is the best time to apply this strategy because this is the time during a student’s life when the brain is active most and taking proper measures of teaching can actually help them in learning. The audio-visual mode of teaching can help the...

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