Student Skills Inventory: Social Work Skills Lab Intensive 1 Student Name: Helen S Tanis During the Intensive, you must demonstrate all the required behaviors from each Skills Category. Use this...

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socw 0651 week 4 assignment

Student Skills Inventory: Social Work Skills Lab Intensive 1 Student Name: Helen S Tanis During the Intensive, you must demonstrate all the required behaviors from each Skills Category. Use this document to track, score, and describe those behaviors as you perform them. The other listed skills are highly encouraged but not required. These include skills that you may or may not have the opportunity to display, depending on your role in the Intensive’s sessions. Instructions: Checkmark Column: Place a check next to each skill as you demonstrate it in the Intensive. This column is your quick view of what you have completed. Score Column: After checking off a skill, assess yourself on that skill using the following scale: 5 = Demonstrates a high level of competency 4 = Clearly demonstrates competency 3 = Demonstrates a minimum level of competency 2 = Demonstrates an inadequate level of competency 1 = Demonstrates no competency Student Assessment Column: Then, record when and how you demonstrated the skill and any other relevant information to support your self-assessment. * = Skills that are required Example: ✓ Create a safe environment (setting up ground rules)* 4 In Day 1 Session 2, I developed group rules with input from group members. I attended to the needs of potentially introverted members by setting a ground rule that each person should participate according to their abilities and comfort level. Diversity and Inclusion ✓ Skills to Demonstrate Score Student Assessment Create an inclusive environment 3 In Day 1 Session 1 , Diversity and inclusion , I believe it was Demonstrate sensitivity to accessibility Demonstrate an openness to difference* Demonstrate an ability to solicit information regarding an individual’s cultural and spiritual background* Articulate resources to improve one’s own knowledge regarding diverse populations* Group Facilitation ✓ Skills to Demonstrate Score Student Assessment Create a safe environment* Provide verbal encouragement* Provide nonverbal encouragement Enlist feedback from group members Address disruptive group members Demonstrate the ability to effectively and professionally work within a group* Close a meeting Micro Skills ✓ Skills to Demonstrate Score Student Assessment Nonverbally attend to an individual’s situation* Demonstrate open-ended questions* Demonstrate the ability to assess client needs* Gather specific information Demonstrate paraphrasing* Ask questions to uncover client strengths* Convey client strengths Demonstrate the ability to address a hostile individual Demonstrate appropriate self-disclosure Demonstrate a SOAP note* Community ✓ Skills to Demonstrate Score Student Assessment Demonstrate the ability to advocate with and for a population* Demonstrate how to assess community needs* Demonstrate an understanding of how to engage key stakeholders Demonstrate the ability to identify and understand community resources* Explain the role of a community organization within the context of the needs of a community Professional Demeanor ✓ Skills to Demonstrate Score Student Assessment Demonstrate appropriate dress* Use professional language to convey ideas* Use person-first language* Show respect for colleagues through verbal communication* Show respect for colleagues through nonverbal communication* Demonstrate understanding of social work concepts, values, and ethics* Accept feedback in a positive manner* Give feedback in a positive manner* © 2021 Walden University, LLC
Answered 13 days AfterMar 27, 2023

Answer To: Student Skills Inventory: Social Work Skills Lab Intensive 1 Student Name: Helen S Tanis During...

Parul answered on Mar 27 2023
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