Based on above scenario you are required to select UK based business organisation and complete following tasks. Your answer should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing...

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Based on above scenario you are required to select UK based business organisation and complete following tasks.

Your answer should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of table of content, headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. A brief Harvard reference guide is attached in the end of this assignment for you to use. The recommended word limit is 3,000–4,000 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.

LO1 (Task 01):

P1. Explain the key principles of sales management in relation to the importance of sales planning, methods of selling and sale reporting. (Introduction and scope of sales management:


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business/Unit39: Sales Management January 2019 Page 5

Definition of sales management and the key aspects of sales management, including planning, selling and reporting. Strategies for measuring and monitoring, including the sales funnel and hit rate metric. Different modes of selling (B2B and B2C) and their impact upon buyer and seller roles and dynamics.)

M1. Evaluate how principles of sales management will be different in response to consumer and business buying behaviour. (Critically explain consumer buying behaviour process (with figures and examples). Business buying behaviour process.Sales promotions and incentives.)

D1. Produce a coherent, fully justified critical evaluation based upon a comprehensive understanding of sales management, structure and selling techniques within an organisational context. (Critically evaluate the impact of new technology on the sales management environment: the use of Skype, video conferencing on tablet devices for improved communication; online events and sales training to improve sales skills and productivity and cloud computing to improve information access.)

LO2 (Task 02):

P2. Evaluate the benefits of sales structures and how they are organised using specific organisational examples. (Sales leadership and the sales executive: Ethics of behaviour, law and sales leadership. Designing and organising the sales force and choosing the right structure: geography, product and customer-based design. Appropriate recruitment and training to develop an efficient sales force. Supervising, managing and leading the sales force.)

P3. Explain the importance and the advantages of the concept of ‘selling through’ others. (Goal setting, managing performance and reward of the sales force. ‘Selling through others’ − the advantages of using different sales channels (B2B, B2C, Online, App based, Direct, indirect. Consumer & Business sales channels etc).

M2. Critically evaluates the implementation of different types of sales structures using specific organisational examples (e.g. geographic, marketing, product sales). (Designing and organising the sales force and choosing the right structure: geography, product and customer-based design (must add relevant figures and examples)).

LO3 (Task 03): P4. Analyse the key principles and techniques for successful selling and how they contribute to building and managing customer relationships in application to specific organisational examples. (Presentation)


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business/Unit39: Sales Management January 2019 Page 6

(Turning customer information into knowledge: Classification of sales leads: hot, warm and cold. The cold vs warm approach. Successful pitching and positioning. Negotiation techniques and tactics: closing sale, handling objections, when to say ‘no’, ethics of behaviour and overpromising. Building and managing relationships.(M3) Exit and terminating relationships.(M3))

P4 and M3: Presentation Guidelines: To achieve the criteria learners required to give a presentation. This document will help learners to understand the guideline for presentation structures and its content. Rules:  This will be a group presentation and participations is mandatory for all members in a group  Presentation’s duration: Maximum 10 minutes  Maximum 15 slides.  Slides background need to be as lighter colour and font colour need to be dark.  In presentation learners must need to add reference list  Learners need to include their presentation slide in coursework as an appendix

Presentation Content: For meeting the assessment criteria, learners need to develop a sales strategy in order to selling a chosen product/service.

Step 1: Introduction slides Step 2: Brief overview of company profile Step 3: Choose particular product. Give the justification why you choose this product? Step 4: Define the features of product. Step 5: Classification of sales leads: hot, warm and cold. Step 6: Create a sales pitching according to sales lead. Need to be included Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and Building and managing relationships. Step 7: In this step you are required to present a negotiation technique (closing sale, handling objections, when to say ‘no’, ethics of behaviour and overpromising) to your classmate and lecturer, they will take part in negotiation process Step 8: Reference list

M3. Critically analyse the application of successful selling principles and techniques in application to specific organisational examples. Presentation will cover this criterion. [Presentation will take place week commencing 25/02/2019]

LO4 (Task 04):


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business/Unit39: Sales Management January 2019 Page 7

P5. Explain the importance of developing sales strategies that yield highest profitability and incorporating account management within sales structures. (Portfolio management: How to develop a sales portfolio, Calculating different sales margins. Payment mechanisms and terms. The sales cycle. Industry specific sales cycle management. Overall, performance management.)

M4. Evaluate how core finance principles and successful portfolio management can lead to increased profitability and a competitive edge. (Calculating different sales margins (You need to add sample sales margin calculation and diagram as example). Payment mechanisms and terms to increase profitability How to Create a Competitive Edge to Beat the Competition (show competitive advantage with relevant examples)).

D2. Critically evaluate and make recommendations on how sales structures and approaches can improve financial viability. (Explain Portfolio management and it’s implication in sales. Calculating margins and show sample calculation with proper recommendation of any particular sales related situation. Role of different sales structures to improve financial viability)
Answered Same DayMar 14, 2021UNIT 5

Answer To: Based on above scenario you are required to select UK based business organisation and complete...

Soumi answered on Mar 19 2021
150 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
LO1:    3
P1    3
M1    4
D1    5
LO2:    5
P2    5
P3    6
M2    7
LO3:    7
P4 and M3: (Presentation)    7
LO4:    14
P5    14
M4    14
D2    15
Conclusion    15
References    17
The sales of an organisation is one of the main sources of cash inflow that makes the organisational sustain its system, grow over time and record profit in its balance sheets. Sales management process within an organisation considers three major aspects of business- maximising of sales, maximising of profit and lastly, growth and development of business activities. Through using a proper sales management system, business organisations churn out the best performance from their sales team in business, which helps in attaining a sustainable and consistent bus
iness proposition. In the current report, the sales management, its important, its dynamics and financial aspects have been discussed with a special reference to Marks and Spencer (M&S), which is a retail business organisation that uses sales management dynamics within its business framework. The technique, in which M&S earns profit, the strategies it uses and the way it manages its sales figures to maximise its profiting potentials has been provided in the report as the chosen case study, which would help in developing a better understanding of sales management.
Sales management is the process, through which business organisations manage their sales process in a manner that promotes sustained, consistent and increasing sales figures, hinting at the organisational profit earning and improvement. As stated by Weinberg (2015), sales management process uses the theoretical knowledge of sales and marketing along with the practical ideas developed from day-to-day observation of the market activities, benefitting the organisation in the process. It is found that at M&S, the sales management is concerned with the organisational sales techniques, earning of profit and risk assessment. Every business organisation has certain key aspects acting as responsible factors for sales management success, and in case of M&S, there is no exception to this rule. The most relevant and common key aspects of sales management are –
Firstly, there planning is the most vital sales management aspect that has to considered as important for business. As comprehended by Jobber and Lancaster (2015), planning reduces the unwanted risk of market uncertainties. In addition, selling process is also an important aspect that must not be overlooked. Selling must be conducted properly and in a fashion that sustains the interest of the buyer for future purchases, ignoring the options available in the market. Secondly, the development of an effective, skilful and efficient sales team is necessary. As mentioned by Mullins and Panagopoulos (2018), an effective sales team, formulated from proper training, is capable of providing high-quality sales management skills, which benefit business. In case of M&S, the use of effective sales team is evident from the highly skilled sales promotion, management and retention of the selling techniques.
Thirdly, the establishing of challenging yet attainable goals is another key aspect of sales management. As opined by Badrinarayanan et al. (2018), as the sales staffs get the task of attaining a challenging goal, which are clearly specified, the management of the staffs become easy and effective. Next, there is the reporting, which is acts a vital aspect of sales management, which hints at a better perspective of business and identification of risks beforehand. Lastly, providing proper training to the sales staffs is another key aspect that must be considered. As affirmed by Thaichon et al. (2018), when business organisations provide proper training to their staffs about the nature of their offered products and the most suitable process of selling them, the sales management quality gets refined as the staffs perform better, specifically placing the product of interest at the core of sales promotion.
The sales management is not only concerned with selling of products and services, but also with the nature of the entity buying the product or services. In terms of the nature of the buyers, there are two major distinctions – Business-to-Customer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B).
Firstly, in case of business-to-customer type sales management, the focus is placed on the needs of the customers in the context of limited purchase, thereby making the profit assumption, difficult to calculate. As noticed by Malek et al. (2018), in case of business to customer sales management type, the needs of the customers are to be taken under consideration and as the customer behaviours are deeply connected with their buying habits, the sales management teams have to take note of the changing trends of the market and their impact on the customer behaviours.
On the other hand, in case of the business-to-business sales, the focus is fixed on the demands of the business clients, buying products or services in large quantities, expecting lower pricing to suit their respective business purposes. As affirmed by Ferdinand and Wahyuningsih (2018), in case of business to business sales management the sales management teams focus on the market condition, and the potential risks or profits the selling organisation will have to face in case of offering the product or service in an inconvenient manner. In case of customers the offers re made on unit of product basis, while in case of business-to-business dealings the incentives are offered, considered the higher number of products or large-scale adaptation of services that follow. In case of M&S, it is found the sales teams are generally concerned with the management of the business to customer framework, which makes them aware about the behaviours of the customers significantly.
The importance of sales management, its high dependency on communication techniques and the remarkable growth of information and communication technologies have refined the modern sales management system, reaching a superior stage that promotes proper understanding of customers, market condition and change in perspective of customers in regards to the products and services sold. The use of modern electronic technology for proper communication within and outside business organisations have made the sales management process complex, more accurate and faster, directly affecting the sales management efficacy levels. As example of the use of modern digital technology used for communication within sales management teams, the video call on internet connected devices such as smartphones, computers, laptops and tables, are used.
The use of the digital devices has improved the forwarding of orders, data and information among the sales teams. As mentioned by Dechawatanapaisal (2018), modern technology is also used for training the sales staffs properly, offering the audio-visual aid. The providing of the training makes the sales teams more effective and aware of any particular market condition worth noticing. The training makes the sales figures better as the teams perform more knowledgably. It is seen that the digital technology for communication, as noted by Rangarajan et al. (2018), gives the provision of accessing data from any part of the globe through cloud computing technology, which makes the symmetry among the different outlets of organisations offer better sales performance.
The selection and development of a proper sales structure offers a range of benefits to organisations that ultimately offer consistent or increased flow of cash in the form of higher sales, more profit and better management of the sales staffs. As the benefits of sales structure,...

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