Background Priority queues are versatile and complex data structures that can be implemented multiple ways. In this lab, you will do that very thing. List-Based Heap Implementations The book starts...


Priority queues are versatile and complex data structures that can be implemented multiple ways. In this lab, you will do that very thing.

List-Based Heap Implementations

The book starts out by discussing the concept of a priority queue and how to implement it conceptually. Then, the first implementation is presented: using an array or Python sequence to represent the heap.

CISC 160 Final Background Priority queues are versatile and complex data structures that can be implemented multiple ways. In this lab, you will do that very thing. List-Based Heap Implementations The book starts out by discussing the concept of a priority queue and how to implement it conceptually. Then, the first implementation is presented: using an array or Python sequence to represent the heap. Data Storage: The book stores elements of a priority queue within a custom object (an _Item) which wraps and provides almost no support for the stored data. For this section, you will be storing your key and value as an ordered pair (or tuple) of two values where the first element is the key and the second element is the value. 1. What are the inherent benefits and drawbacks of this (array-based) backing representation? Discuss with respect to implementation, efficiency, and memory usage. (PI 1.2/ABET[1], PI 6.1/ABET[6]) 2. As we have discussed many times this semester, anything that can be implemented using an array can be implemented using a linked list. Implement an object called LinkedHeapPQ in a file that implements/extends the PriorityQueue_Interface we designed in using a doubly linked list as the backing data structure for the heap. Implement all of the public methods (a constructor, add, min, remove_min, is_empty, and the __len__ magic method) with the same functionality as with the Heap object. This will be done by importing the DNode object from the lab page and manipulating the doubly linked list inside of the LinkedHeapPQ object. You must store the head node of the list. You are also permitted to store the tail node and the length of the priority queue as a whole but no other meta-data. (PI 1.1/ABET[1], PI 1.2/ABET[1], PI 2.2/ABET[2], PI 6.3/ABET[6]) NOTE: Remember that the element of DNode is immutable once data is establish. This means that swapping elements must be done by moving references and nodes, not through moving the internal data of the nodes. 3. What are the inherent benefits and drawbacks of this (linked list-based) backing representation? Discuss with respect to implementation, efficiency, and memory usage in general and as compared to the array-based implementation. (PI 1.2/ABET[1], PI 6.1/ABET[6], PI 6.2/ABET[6]) 4. How would this implementation be different if it were implemented with a singly-linked list? Discuss with respect to implementation, efficiency, and memory usage as compared to the doubly linked list. (PI 1.1/ABET[1], PI 1.2/ABET[1], PI 2.2/ABET[2], PI 6.1/ABET[6]) Linked Tree-Based Heap Implementations Heaps are strongly structured binary trees. As we discussed in chapter 8, binary trees may be implemented with traditional lists or a more literal linked tree structure. Data Storage: The book stores elements of a priority queue within a custom object (an _Item) which wraps and provides almost no support for the stored data. For this section, you will be storing your key and value as an ordered pair (or tuple) of two values where the first element is the key and the second element is the value. 5. Implement an object called TreeHeapPQ in a file that implements/extends the PriorityQueue_Interface we designed in using a linked binary tree as the backing data structure for the heap. Implement all of the public methods (a constructor, add, min, remove_min, is_empty, and the __len__ magic method) with the same functionality as with the Heap object. This will be done by importing the BinaryNode object from Lab 04 and manipulating the binary tree inside of the TreeHeapPQ object. You must store the root node of the list. You are also permitted to store length of the priority queue as a whole but no other meta-data. (PI 1.1/ABET[1], PI 1.2/ABET[1], PI 2.2/ABET[2], PI 6.3/ABET[6]) NOTE: Remember that the element of Binary_Node is immutable once data is establish. This means that swapping elements must be done by moving references and nodes, not through moving the internal data of the nodes. 6. What are the inherent benefits and drawbacks of this (linked tree-based) backing representation? Discuss with respect to implementation, efficiency, and memory usage in general and as compared to an array-based and linked list-based implementation. (PI 1.2/ABET[1], PI 6.1/ABET[6] , PI 6.2/ABET[6]) “List of List” Implementations These implementations are logical however there are other implementations of a priority queue which are simpler to conceptually visualize. These can be thought of as “list of lists” implementations where the first list determines the priority level and the second list determines elements at that priority level. For example, consider the following diagram: In this example, the highest priority would be 1 and there would be two elements in the priority queue at that priority level, a and b. There would also be an element in priority level 2, c, and an element in lowest (current) priority level, d. Data Storage: Unlike the previous two sections, you do not necessarily need to store your data as a tuple. In questions 7 & 8, the index will represent your key. In questions 9, 10, & 11, you will store your information within the given structures as you specify. 7. Implement an object called TwoDSequencePQ in a file that implements/extends the PriorityQueue_Interface we designed in using a two-dimensional Python sequence as the backing data structure for the priority queue. Implement all of the public methods (a constructor, add, min, remove_min, is_empty, and the __len__ magic method) with the same functionality as with the Heap object. For this implementation, you will consider the index of the main list to be the priority level and then the list remaining as containing the elements at that priority level. For example, if your two-dimensional array is named pq then pq[0] will represent all of the elements at priority 0, pq[85] will represent all of the elements at priority 85, and pq[85][2] will represent the third element (if it exists) at priority 85. You must store the two-dimensional sequence. You are also permitted to store length of the priority queue as a whole but no other meta-data.(PI 1.1/ABET[1], PI 1.2/ABET[1], PI 2.2/ABET[2], PI 6.3/ABET[6]) 8. What are the inherent benefits and drawbacks of this (two-dimensional sequence) backing representation? Discuss with respect to implementation, efficiency, and memory usage in general and as compared to an array-based, a linked list-based, and a binary tree-based implementation. (PI 1.2/ABET[1], PI 6.1/ABET[6] , PI 6.2/ABET[6]) The behavior can be accomplished with a linked list of linked lists. In this case, the main linked list is responsible for maintaining both the priority and the head node for the associated linked list. This can be accomplished multiple ways, including altering the node object, having multiple types of node objects, or getting creative with how information is stored within the node. 9. You are going to be asked to make a singly-linked list of singly-linked lists. How are you designing your data structure to best facilitate this design? Be sure to explain how the data is internally stored within your linked list of linked lists. (PI 1.1/ABET[1], PI 6.1/ABET[6]) 10. Implement an object called LinkedLinkedPQ in a file that implements/extends the PriorityQueue_Interface we designed in using a singly linked list that stores singly linked lists as the backing data structure for the priority queue. Implement all of the public methods (a constructor, add, min, remove_min, is_empty, and the __len__ magic method) with the same functionality as with the Heap object. For this implementation, you will have to use the Node object from the lab page in some way, but the exact nature of this use depends on how you answered question 9. Regardless, you must store the head to the main singly-linked list which contains the heads of all of the subsequent singly-linked lists. You are also permitted to store length of the priority queue as a whole but no other meta-data. (PI 1.1/ABET[1], PI 1.2/ABET[1], PI 2.2/ABET[2], PI 6.3/ABET[6]) 11. What are the inherent benefits and drawbacks of this (essentially two-dimensional singly linked list) backing representation? Discuss with respect to implementation, efficiency, and memory usage in general and as compared to an array-based, a linked list-based, a binary tree-based, and a two dimensional dynamic sequence-based implementation. (PI 1.2/ABET[1], PI 6.1/ABET[6] , PI 6.2/ABET[6]) Lab Requirements Download all source code files as instructed from this book. You may add any additional helper methods as needed. Helper functions should be named with an underscore at the front as they are not designed to be publicly accessible If you add a helper function, be sure to comment it in the same style as the other, included functions. You may (and I recommend that you do add), the “testing structure” of if __name__ == ‘__main__’ in any code files you wish. You may also have separate testing files. If you do have any extra testing files, I recommend that you include them in submission. I may look at it for understanding of how you are approaching testing but you will not be explicitly graded on code included there. For the same reason, I recommend commenting your code. I will not take off for not having comments but I will if your code doesn’t work and I cannot understand what you did. Remember: These requirements may not be all encompassing. Use your brain, your knowledge of the system, and any descriptions within the code as sanity checks and reminders to make a complete system. Submission: Include ALL source files (,,, and and this document in the final submission. Answer questions 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 11 within this book. For this lab, you may submit everything as a single zipped file if you wish. DEADLINE: This assignment is due by 11:59 PM EST on Monday, December 14. Given that I will have less than a week to grade these, THIS IS A HARD DEADLINE. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. EVEN 1 SECOND LATE MEANS A ZERO. I will not begin grading before the deadline, so it would be acceptable to submit a “draft” version early and then attempt to overwrite later. DO NOT RISK SLOW SERVERS. GET YOUR FINAL IN EARLY.
May 18, 2022

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