Background:In the first assignment you motivated a story about comparative advantage. In this section you will talk about trade and inequality. You will then address the relationship between...

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Background:In the first assignment you motivated a story about comparative advantage. In this section you will talk about trade and inequality. You will then address the relationship between comparative advantage and inequality in a short conclusion.
To answer the assignment questions first get the data follow these steps.1. This assignment requires you to obtain data from one country (1) of your choosing.2. Obtain country-level data on trade (% GDP) from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators ( Obtain data on industrial pay inequality difference from UTIP-UNIDO ( DO NOT attach Excel files to the assignment.5. Keep explanations brief. Policy analysis in applied economics has to be brief. Be precise and to the point, avoid jargon.Assignment 2: Analytical background of the report(30% of your final grade)
*** Follow the instructions above on how to get the data.
1. Using data plot openness versus Industrial Pay Inequality (from UTIP-UNIDO) for the nation. IT’S UP TO YOU TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO THIS. (10 marks)
2. Calculate the correlation (using excel) between openness and Industrial Pay Inequality (from UTIP-UNIDO) for the nation. Report and interpret this relationship in approximately 300 words. [Hint: Correlation can be calculated using the CORREL function: The Theil Index is used as a proxy for the ratio of skilled to unskilled wages in empirical studies]. DO NOT ATTACH YOUR DATA TO THE ASSIGNMENT. (8 marks)
3. Explain carefully in approximately 500 words whether your data agrees or disagrees with the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem. (Remember to accurately define the theorem and discuss how it applies to your country). (6 marks).
4. Conclusion: In 200 words explain how comparative advantage is linked to inequality in the country that you’re studying? (6 marks).
Answered 1 days AfterOct 03, 2021RMIT University

Answer To: Background:In the first assignment you motivated a story about comparative advantage. In this...

Komalavalli answered on Oct 05 2021
134 Votes
The country that I have chosen for this analysis is India and analyzed for the period from 1963 to 2015, due to lack of data for industrial pay inequality difference after the period 2015.
Openness VS Industrial pay
The above graph openness versus Industrial pay inequality shows that ther
e exists a positive relationship between them, openness lines is above the industrial pay inequality line till 2006 and after that the openness line is below the industrial inequality line.
Correlation is a statistical metric that describes how closely two variables are connected linearly (they varies together at a constant rate). It's a frequent method for explaining simple interactions without stating a cause and effect relationship. There are 4 types of correlation, high positive correlation, high negative correlation, low positive correlation, and low negative correlation.
If correlation value is 1 or closer to 1 indicates high correlation. High positive correlation means that when one variable increases the other variable also increases by higher value, low positive correlation indicates that when one variable increases the other variable increases by smaller value. High negative correlation means that when one variable increases the other variable decreases by high value, low negative correlation indicates that when one variable increases the other variable decreases by smaller amount.
Income disparity refers to how income is distributed unequally throughout a population. The more unequal distribution leads to the greater income disparity. Trade openness is one indicator of a country's participation in the global trade system. The ratio of the total of exports and imports to gross domestic product is commonly used to gauge trade openness (GDP).
Correlation between the variable openness and industrial pay inequality for India is 0.46.This indicates that there is a low positive correlation between the two variables means an increase in trade openness increases the industrial pay inequality by lower points.
When positive production and negative economic profit are maintained in each industry, the Stolper-Samuelson theorem shows how changes in output prices impact the prices of the components. It is useful in assessing the impact on factor income when countries transition from autarky to free trade or when duties or other government controls are introduced within the framework of a Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O) model.
According to the H-O hypothesis, the labor abundant nation specializes in the export of labor-intensive commodities, whereas the capital abundant country specializes in the export of capital-intensive commodities.
The Stolper-Samuelson theorem (SST) essentially states that an increase in the relative (producer) pricing of the capital intensive good would benefit capital owners while harming labors, and vice versa, provided that same quantity of each commodity...

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