(b) For the multipath power delay profile given in Figure 1, 1. Find the mean excess delay and RMS delay spread. 2. Can we use the delay spread for GSM or not. Justify your answer. 3. Calculate the...

(b) For the multipath power delay profile given in Figure 1,<br>1.<br>Find the mean excess delay and RMS delay spread.<br>2.<br>Can we use the delay spread for GSM or not. Justify your answer.<br>3.<br>Calculate the smallest symbol period for given system.<br>P,(t)<br>O dB<br>-10 dB<br>-20 dB<br>-30 dB<br>(HB)<br>Figure 1<br>

Extracted text: (b) For the multipath power delay profile given in Figure 1, 1. Find the mean excess delay and RMS delay spread. 2. Can we use the delay spread for GSM or not. Justify your answer. 3. Calculate the smallest symbol period for given system. P,(t) O dB -10 dB -20 dB -30 dB (HB) Figure 1

Jun 11, 2022

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