I need help getting started with this assignment. I don't know what the starting part should be. What should I enter into excel to begin? I am a week beind the due date, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Extracted text: AutoSave Off EXCEL EXERCISE WEEK 3 - Saved to this PC - P Search Stephanie R Howard File Home Insert Draw Design Layout References Mailings Review View Help A Share P Comments X Cut O Find Replace Aav A E -E - E - v Times New Rom v 12 - A A AaBbCcDc AaBbCcD AaBbC AaBbCcC AaB AaBbCcC AaBbCcD AaBbCcDt B Copy Paste BI U - ab x, x' A- ev A - 1 Normal Editor Dictate 三 三。 。 I No Spac. Heading 1 Heading 2 Title Subtle Em. Emphasis Subtitle S Format Painter A Select v Clipboard Font Paragraph Styles Editing Voice Editor EXCEL EXERCISE WEEK 3 For this exercise, please refer to the downloaded Excel Workbook (See Excel Workbook Instructions) from the JB Learning website with your access code. Please upload your answers as an excel file with properly labeled answers. At the end of the chapter 5 workbook, you will find Practice problems. Please answer in excel only under practice problems 5.4 questions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If help is needed, tutorials are found in the workbook with relevant problems. Note: These pictures will give you an idea where it is in the workbook. You are responsible to use the workbook. A 9781284108217 WOBK Excel2007.pdf (SECURED - Adobe Acrobat Pro Dc File Edit View Window Help Home Tools 9781284100217 W 76 / 231 O Share 149% VISTRIBUTIION Excel to compute the 90th and 95th percentiles of BMI for Excel can also be used to compute percentiles for the standard normal distribution and any normal distribution. The two rel- evant functions are NORMSINV and NORMINV, respectively. The inputs for the functions are shown below. Recall from Chapter 5 in the textbook that a percentile is a score that holds men and women. The results are shown in Figure 5–12. In men, 90% of BMIS are below 36.7, and 95% of BMIS are below 38.9. In women, 90% of BMIS are below 37.0, and 95% of BMIS are below 39.5. 5.4 PRACTICE PROBLEMS a specified percentage or proportion of scores below it. For ex- ample, the 80th percentile is the score that holds 80% of the scores below it. The function to compute percentiles for the standard nor- 1. Total cholesterol in children aged 10-15 years is as- sumed to follow a normal distribution with a mean of 191 and a standard deviation of 22.4. mal distribution is used as follows: a. What proportion of children 10–15 years of age have total cholesterol between 180 and 190? b. What proportion of children 10-15 years of age -NORMSINV(probability) would be classified as hyperlipidemic (Assume The input for the function is the desired percentile, entered as that hyperlipidemia is defined as a total choles- a probability or proportion. For example, to compute the 80th or the 95th percentile, we specify 0.80 or 0.95, respectively. terol level over 200)? c. What is the 90th percentile of cholesterol levels? 2. Among coffee drinkers, men drink a mean of 3.2 cups ner dav with a standard deviation.of 08.cuns Assume The function to compute percentiles for any normal dis- tribution is used as folloae Page 1 of 2 O Focus 101 words 132%

Extracted text: AutoSave Off EXCEL EXERCISE WEEK 3 - Saved to this PC - P Search Stephanie R Howard File Design References Mailings Review View Help A Share P Comments Home Insert Draw Layout X Cut O Find Replace - A A Aa - A v Times New Rom v 12 AaBbCcDc AaBbCcDc AaBbC AaBbCcC AaB AaBbccc AaBbCcD AaBbCcD B Copy Paste 三 三。 。 I Normal I No Spac. Heading 1 Heading 2 Editor BIU v ab x. x A - Iv A v Title Subtitle Subtle Em. Emphasis - Dictate S Format Painter A Select v Clipboard Font Paragraph Styles Editing Voice Editor Working with Probability Functions 72 c. If the top 5% of coffee drinkers are considered FIGURE 5-12 Percentiles of BMI for Men and heavy coffee drinkers, what is the minimum num- Women ber of cups per day consumed by a heavy coffee drinker? Hint: Find the 95th percentile. Chaptersls Co 3. A study is conducted to assess the impact of caffeine consumption, smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity on cardiovascular disease. Suppose Home Insert Page Layout Formulas Data Review Connections Properties Cear Reapply Tert to Advanced Column Fiter Get External Retresh Data Al Edt Links Connections 11 Sort that 40% of participants consume caffeine and smoke. If 8 participants are evaluated, what is the probability that: a. Exactly half of them consume caffeine and smoke? b. At most 6 consume caffeine and smoke? Sot & Fiter D9 NORMINV(C9,AS,89) A B C 1 MEN D. 2 Mean Std Dev Percentile 09 BMI 29 36.68930939 29 6 0 95 38.86912176 A recent study of cardiovascular risk factors reported that 30% of adults met criteria for hypertension. If 15 adults are assessed, what is the probability that: a. Exactly 5 meet the criteria for hypertension? b. None meet the criteria for hypertension? c. Less than or equal to 7 meet the criteria for hy- 4. 6 WOMEN 7. Percentile 0.9 0 95 Std Dev BMI Mean 28 28 36 97086096 39 51397539 10 11 pertension? 209 PM of Uw6 0 ENG 9/27/2019 A 9781284108217 woaK Excel2007.pdf (SECURED - Adobe Acrobat Pro DC File Edit View Window Help Home Tools 9781284108217 W 77 / 231 149% O Share 5. Diastolic blood pressures are assumed to followa nor- mal distribution with a mean of 85 and a standard deviation of 12. What a. proportion of people have diastolic blood pressure less than 90? b. What proportion have diastolic blood pressure be- tween 80 and 90? c. If someone has a diastolic blood pressure of 100, what percentile is he/she in? the number of coffee drinks per day follows a nor- mal distribution. a. What proportion drink 2 cups per day or more? b. What proportion drink no more than 4 cups per day? Page 2 of 2 D Focus 101 words 132%