Australian Techno Management College Pty Limited 8/8-10 Hunter Street (Entrance Via O’Connell Street), Parramatta NSW 2150 ABN 33 609 216 757 RTO Code: 45335 CRICOS Code: 03672B Email:
[email protected] | Web: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 1 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Unit Assessment Summary Record Sheet ASSESSOR ONLY TO COMPLETE Student Name: Unit of Competency: BSBWOR502 Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness Assessor Name: Assessment 1 Date Marked: Assessment 2 Date Marked: Assessment Results Assessment 1 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Assessment 2 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Unit Final Assessment Outcome: Competent Not Yet Competent ASSESSMENT : Assessor Feedback to student: Assessor to explain the reasoning behind the final outcome Assessor Declaration I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have observed the student demonstrate unit outcomes through consistent and repeated application of skills and knowledge over a period of time and provided feedback. Assessor Signature: Date Assessor Name: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 2 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 STUDENT COMMENTS: STUDENT ONLY TO COMPLETE Student Name: Unit of Competency: BSBWOR502 Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness Assessor Name: Assessment Date: Student Comments: Student Declaration I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also aware of my appeal rights. Signature: Date: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 3 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Assessment 1 Cover Sheet Student to Complete Unit of Competency: BSBWOR502 Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness Course BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management Student Name Student ID Number Student Email Student Phone Date of Submission: Student Declaration: I declare that: No part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work, except where document or work is listed/ referenced. No part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. Signed: Date: Assessor Signature: Date Assessor Name: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 4 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table-1: Performance Evidence: Assignment 1 Assignment 2 1. Evidence of the ability to: -Use leadership techniques and strategies to facilitate team cohesion and work outcomes including: -Encouraging and fostering shared understanding of purpose, roles and responsibilities - Identifying and resolving problems - Providing feedback to encourage, value and reward others -Modelling desired behaviour and practices Role play (Task-1) Task.2 (b, d, f) Role play (Task-1,2) 2. Develop policies and procedures which ensures team members take responsibility for their own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities Role play (Task-1) Task.2.c 3. Establish processes to address issues and resolve performance issues Role play (Task-1,2) Presentation (Task-3,4) Report (Task5) 4. Support team to meet expected performance outcomes including providing formal and informal learning opportunities as needed Role play (Task-1) Task.2.g Role play (Task-1,2) 5. Develop performance plans with key performance indicators (KPIs), outputs and goals for individuals or the team which incorporate input from stakeholders Role play (Task-1) Step.2 (d, i) 6. Communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders about team performance plans and team performance Role play (Task-1,2) Presentation (Task-3,4) Report (Task-5) 7. Facilitate two-way flow of information between team and management that is relevant to team performance Presentation (Task-3,4) Report (Task-5) 8. Evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders. Presentation (Task-3,4) Report (Task-5) BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 5 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Coaching Role play (Task-6,7) Table -2: Knowledge Evidence: Knowledge Evidence Assignment 1 Assignment 2 1. Explain how group dynamic support or hinder team performance Role play (Task-1) Step.2.g 2. Outline strategies that can support team cohesion , participation and performance Role play (Task-1) Step.2 (b, c, d) 3. Explain strategies for gaining consensus Role play (Task-1) Task.2 (b, c, d, e) Report(Task-5) 4. Explain issue resolution strategies Role play (Task1,2) Presentation (Task-3,4) Report (Task-5) Table-3: Mapping: ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Assessment1 Assessment2 1. Establish team performance plan 1.1 Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives Role Play (Task1) Task.2 (a, d, h) 1.2 Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals for work team Role Play (Task1) Task.2 (d, i) 1.3 Support team members in meeting for expected performance outcomes Role play (Task1) Task.2.g Role play (Task-1,2) 2. Develop and facilitate team cohesion 2.1 Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team Role play (Task1) Task.2.b Role Play (Task-1,2) BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 6 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 2.2 Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities Role play (Task1) Task.2.c 2.3 Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions Coaching Role Play (Task-6,7) 2.4 Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed Role play (Task-1,2) Report (Step5) 3. Facilitate teamwork 3.1 Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes Role play (Task1) Task.2.h 3.2 Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems Role play (1,2) Presentation (Task-3,4) 3.3 Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation’s image for all stakeholders Coaching role play (Task-6,7) 4. Liaise with stakeholders 4.1 Establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders Role play(Task-1,2) Presentation (Task-3,4) 4.2 Communicate information from line manager/management to the team Report (task5) 4.3 Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members and follow-up with line manager/management and other relevant stakeholders Role play (Task-1,2) Report (Task5) 4.4 Evaluate and take necessary corrective action Report (Task5) BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 7 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table-4: Foundation Skills: Skill Performance Criteria A-1 A-2 1. Reading 1.1, 4.4 Task.3 Report (Task-5) 2. Writing 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 Task.3 Report (Task-5) 3. Oral Communication 1.1, 2.3, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Role play (Task1) Task.2 Role play (Task1,2) Presentation (Task-3,4) 4. Navigate the world of work 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.3 Task.2 Coaching role play (Task-6,7) 5. Interact with Others 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 4.3 Role play (Task1) Task.2 Role play (Task1,2) Presentation (Task- 3,4) Report (Task-5) Coaching role play (Task-6,7) 6. Get the work Done 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 3.2, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4 Role play (Task1) Task.2 Role play (Task1,2) Presentation(Task2) Report (Task-5) Coaching role play (Task-6,7) Table-5: Assessment Conditions: Assessment Conditions Assessment -1 Assessment -2 Workplace Documentations X X Case Studies and where possible real situations X X Office Equipment and resources X X Interaction with others X X Overview of assessment tasks: This unit requires you complete 2 assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks to achieve competency for this unit. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 8 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table-6: Assessments and detail tasks Assessment tasks Details of each task Assessment 1 – Case Study First role play with simulated business sales team Written response questions Assessment 2 - Case Study Second role play with simulated business sales team Presentation to the manager of the simulated business Report submission to the manager of the simulated business Coaching (role play) session with a poorly performing team member How to submit your assessments? When you have completed each assessment task, you will need to submit it to your assessor. Detailed instructions about submission and relevant matters can be found at the beginning of each assessment task. Assessment Task Cover Sheet At the beginning of each assessment task, you will find an assessment task cover sheet. Please fill it in for each assessment task, making sure you sign the student declaration. Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each assessment task. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 9 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Assessment 1: Case Study Participant Name: Date: Trainer/Assessor Name: Unit Code and Name: Assessment instructions: Assessment system of the Australian Techno Management College ensures that assessment: Is conducted in accordance with the Rules of Evidence, the Principles of Assessment and conducted in line with the requirements of the Training Package. Requires the student to demonstrate all of the skills and knowledge outlined in the components of the relevant unit of competency or module. Requires the student to demonstrate the ability to perform tasks in a variety of situations, adapt to different contexts and environments and perform tasks to an appropriate level expected by a workplace. Consider students’ dimensions of competency when making all assessment decisions. Dimensions of Competency refer to the types of skills a person must have to perform effectively in a broad capacity. The dimensions of competency ensure that the person being assessed has the skills to perform competently in a variety of different circumstances. To ensure no students are disadvantaged, where required assessors will make Reasonable Adjustments to assessment tasks or processes to accommodate individual needs and record these adjustments. Principles of Assessment mean assessment decisions are based on the principles of fairness, flexibility, validity and reliability that defines each of these as outlined below: Fairness - The individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process. Where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual learner’s needs. The Australian Techno Management College informs the learner about the assessment process, and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary. Flexibility - Assessment is flexible to the individual learner by reflecting the learner’s needs, assessing competencies held by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired and drawing from a range of assessment methods and using those that are appropriate to the context, the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements, and the individual. Validity - Any assessment decision of the RTO is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the individual learner. Validity requires assessment against the unit(s) of competency and the associated assessment requirements that covers the broad range of skills and knowledge which are essential for competent performance. It also requires assessing of knowledge and skills that are integrated with their practical application and assessment tasks that are based on the evidence, which states that a learner could demonstrate these skills and knowledge in other similar situations. Additionally it requires the judgement of competence that is based on evidence of the learner’s performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 10 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Reliability - Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment. Rules of Evidence mean that the evidence on which an assessment decision is based is valid, sufficient, and authentic and current, with definitions for each as outlined below: Validity - The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements. Sufficiency - The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgment to be made of a learner’s competency. Authenticity - The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work. Currency - The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past. Reasonable adjustment means a modification made to the learning environment, training or assessment methods used to enable students with a disability to access and participate in training on the same basis as those without a disability. The adjustment must be ‘reasonable’ in that it must not impose unjustifiable hardship on the person or the Australian Techno Management College. Student plagiarism, cheating and collusion - Students are expected to complete all assessments ethically: without plagiarism, collusion or cheating. Any students suspected of unethical behavior will be managed through the disciplinary procedures which may require the student to attend disciplinary meetings, submit their assessment again, or for repeated acts may be asked to withdraw from the course. Submission, feedback and re-assessment - Students must submit each task with a completed and signed Assessment Task Cover Sheet within timelines specified by your assessor. Written and theoretical tasks will be assessed within 2 weeks of submission. Each task will be marked as Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. A unit or module will be marked as Competent once all tasks for the unit or module have been marked as Satisfactory. Where a task is marked as Not Satisfactory, the student will be provided with feedback and be given the opportunity to resubmit/re-attempt the task. Students will receive detailed feedback for each task either in written or verbal form from their assessor. You are required to undertake all questions and obtain a satisfactory result for each question to obtain a competent result for Assessment 1. If the students notify the Australian Techno Management College that they cannot undertake a written assessment for extenuating circumstances, these questions can be undertaken as an oral assessment. Students obtaining not yet competent for Assessment 1 will be required to redo the assessment. Students have the right to make an appeal against an assessment decision. What happens if your result is “Not Satisfactory’ for one or more assessments tasks? Our assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the desired learning outcome been achieved yet?” If the answer is “Not Yet”, then we work with you to see how we can get there. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 11 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 In this case that one or more of your assessments has been marked “Not Yet Satisfactory”, your trainer will provide you with the necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit responses. What if you disagree on the assessment outcome? You can appeal against a decision made in regards your assessment. An appeal should only be made if you have been assessed as “Not Yet Competent” against specific unit and you feel you have sufficient grounds to believe that you are entitled to be assessed as competent. You must be able to adequately demonstrate that you have the skills and experience to be able to meet the requirements of the units you are appealing the assessments of. Your trainer will outline the appeal process, which is available to the students. You can request a form to make an appeal and submit it to your trainer, the training manager or the support service officer. The RTO will examine the appeal and you will be advised of the outcome within 14 days. Any additional information you wish to provide may be attached to the appeal form Assessment 1: Develop a Performance Plan for Work Team The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. If you are not able to submit on the specified date, discuss with your trainer and get it approved. You are required to submit the assessment according to the student’s marking criteria for assessment task 1 (table -10). Performance objective You are required to demonstrate satisfactory skills and knowledge to develop a performance plan for a work team. The student is required to complete all sections given in the assessment task1. Summary of Assessment 1: To complete the task you are required to form a team of simulated workplace Apex Footwear (appendix). As a team leader of the sales team of the simulated business, you are required to identify team goals, objectives, strategies of getting input from team members and ensuring their participation. To ensure fairness and high performance, identify the policies so that the team members take responsibilities of their own work, and also identify strategies of gaining team consensus. To maintain an effective team environment, identify desirable team behaviour, practices and strategies of supporting team members. Finally, develop individual team member’s performance plan. You are required to write meeting minutes by completing the template-1 of meeting minutes given by Home Hardware. Scenario – Apex Footwear: You have recently accepted an employment position as a manager of a sales team in a large, high profile Footwear industry in Campbelltown, NSW. The organisation manufactures and distributes generic footwear. You are required to read the simulated information (Apex Footwear) given in the appendix and complete the given task based on the information given. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 12 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Team meeting instructions for students: You are required to conduct your team meeting in the simulated meeting room. You have to perform the role of team leader of the sales team. The support trainer will be available to participate in the role of one team member. The trainer will explain the scenario and will provide the observation checklist to complete. The support service staff will play the role of another team member. The meeting time for this task will be 15 minutes. Table 7: Schedule of activities and instructions regarding the first role play for student and trainers Role play in Simulated Meeting Room – Schedule of 20 Students Team leader of the simulated sales team The student Participant of the team Taining Manager/Support Service Staff Role plays observer and another participant Support Trainer Total team members 3 Allocated time for each student 15minutes Simulated Meeting Room: Total Number of Students and Total Allocated Time 20 Students X 15 minutes each = 300 Minutes = 5 hours Assessment System: - Principles of assessment - Rules of evidence To ensure assessments are conducted fairly and the evidence is valid, reliable and authenticThe Assessor/Trainer is required to follow the Assessor’s marking guide (table-11) where clear and sufficient guidelines for the task, observation checklist, evidence to be collected have been given. The Assessor/Trainer only needs to explain the scenario to support the trainer and needs to provide the relevant materials to the support trainer. The activities will be conducted in the simulated meeting room by support trainer and also with the assistance of support service staff rather than conducting in the class. The unit trainer and other students will not be involved there in the simulated meeting room. Every student needs to perform the role play separately with support trainer and support service staff in the simulated meeting room. At the end of the task the support trainer needs to submit the completed observation check list to the trainer. The students must follow the instructions given in the student’s marking criteria (table-10) regarding the role play, all the other BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 13 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 tasks and required format to be followed have been given. Overall the assessment task’s requirements have been clearly explained in student’s marking criteria (table-10) and trainers marking guide (table-11) During the role play , discuss the topics (table 9 : a - i) given in table-9 and after completing the role play meeting with your team, you can do secondary research on the topics such as strategies to gain team consensus, ensuring team members input and other areas given in the box. You are required to write your references at the end of the assessment task 1. (P.C 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1,2,2,3.1, P.E. 1,2,4, 5, , K.E. 1,2,3) Table-8: Observation checklist of the first team meeting for trainer: Did the student? Tasks Yes No 1. Participate in the role play meeting 2. Lead the team 3. Consult the team goals and objectives with the team. 4. Consult role , responsibilities of team members 5. Consult accountability of every team member 6. Consult strategies to ensure each team member has input into the planning process and participate accordingly towards team goals. 7. Consult policies, procedures and ground rules for the team to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work. 8. Consult strategies for gaining consensus among the team members. 9. Consult desirable group behaviour and practices to ensure productive work team. 10. Consult strategies on how team members can be supported with assigned responsibilities. 11. Consult individual’s performance plan to achieve team goals 12. Demonstrate ability to consult and develop an individual performance plan in a team environment 13. Demonstrate the knowledge of strategies for gaining team consensus 14. Demonstrate the knowledge of how to support team members to achieve goals BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 14 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 15. Demonstrate the knowledge of group dynamics (attitude and behavioural characteristics of a group) 16. Keep a note of the meeting so that, he/she can prepare final meeting minutes later. After you have completed your team meeting and secondary research, give written responses to the following questions (table-1) based on the given simulated business and you are required to give written responses to all the questions given below. Write meeting minutes using the template -1 of meeting minutes given bellow. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 15 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Template -1: Meeting Minutes: Company Name Committee Name – Meeting Agenda Date, Time Meeting Name: Location: Purpose statement: Welcome Statement: Apologies: Acceptance of previous minutes Agenda Item Presented by Duration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. General Business Next Meeting: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 16 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table-9: Written response questions Write written responses to all the questions given below in the table: a. Write the agreed team objectives? (P.C.1.1) b. Write Strategies (at least 3) to ensure each team member has input into the planning process and participation towards team goals. (P.C. 2.1, P.E, 1, K.E.2, 3) c. Write Policies and procedures (at least 6) to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work. Include the ground rules for teamwork in the policies to ensure fairness and high performance agreed at your team meeting. (P.C.2.2, P.E.2, K.E.2, 3) d. Develop team goals and explain how the team can achieve them. Ensure it focuses on the broad outline of what your team needs to achieve which gives a brief, clear statement of the outcome to be reached by your team. (P.C.1.1, 1.2, P.E.1, 5, K.E.2, 3) e. Write at least 4 Strategies for gaining consensus among the team members.(K.E.3) f. Write desirable group behaviour and practices to ensure productive work team (at least 5). (P.E.1) g. Write three agreed strategies on how team members can be supported with assigned responsibilities. (P.C.1. 3, P.E.4, K.E.1) h. Write meeting minutes as an evidence of team discussion to complete the given tasks. (P.C.1.1, 3.1) i. Write details of individual team member’s performance plan to achieve team goals by completing template -2 of individual team member’s performance plan and include your support duties as a team leader in the individual’s performance plan. You can develop any individual team member’s performance plan from the team you have formed. (P.C.1.2, P.E.5) BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 17 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Please find the template of individual team member’s performance plan given bellow: Template 2: Individual team member’s Performance plan Team member’s Name: Description Timeline Responsibility Resources Review dates Measurement: KPI; Outcome Team leader’s responsibilities: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 18 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table- 10: Students Marking Criteria for assessment 1: The student is required to follow the steps and complete all the tasks given in the table below to complete assessment 1: Tasks Description 1. Participate in team meeting as a team leader Find the observation checklist to be followed by the trainer during the role play: Observation checklist: 1. Participate in the role play meeting 2. Lead the team 3. Consult the team goals and objectives with the team. 4. Consult role , responsibilities of team members 5. Consult accountability of every team member 6. Consult strategies to ensure each team member has input into the planning process and participate accordingly towards team goals. 7. Consult policies, procedures and ground rules for the team to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work. 8. Consult strategies for gaining consensus among the team members. 9. Consult desirable group behaviour and practices to ensure productive work team. 10. Consult strategies on how team members can be supported with assigned responsibilities. 11. Consult individual’s performance plan to achieve team goals 12. Demonstrate ability to consult and develop an individual performance plan in a team environment 13. Demonstrate the knowledge of strategies for gaining team consensus 14. Demonstrate the knowledge of how to support team members to achieve goals 15. Demonstrate the knowledge of group dynamics (the attitudinal and behavioural characteristics of a group) 16. Keep a note of the meeting so that, he/she can prepare final meeting minutes later. 2. Give written responses to the following questions: a. Write agreed team objectives Solution guide: -Identifying customers, their needs, collecting information about e-commerce setup and relevant cost etc. b. Write Strategies (at least 5) to ensure each team member has input into the planning process and participation towards team goals. Solution guide -Asking team member’s feedback, email communication, clarifying the team member’s role and responsibilities etc. c. Write Policies and procedures (at least 6) to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work. Include the ground rules for teamwork in the policies and procedures to ensure fairness and high performance agreed at your team meeting. Solution guide : -Policy and procedures are required to cover work requirements such as ground rules, BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 19 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 communication process and fairness to achieve high performing team The ground rules for team work could be following- -Every team member needs to complete the agreed tasks to ensure team contribution properly -Informing team members regarding the team meeting time in advance The student needs to write details policies and procedures and include the ground rules for teamwork in the policies and procedures. d. Develop team goals and explain how the team can achieve them. Ensure it focuses on the broad outline of what your team needs to achieve which gives a brief, clear statement of the outcome to be reached by your team. Solution guide : -Identifying e-commerce opportunities for the simulated business and develop a proposal on that for board of directors of the simulated business. -Explain how the team can achieve the goals. e. Write at least 4 Strategies for gaining consensus among the team members. Solution guide: Consensus means coming to an agreement. The strategies for gaining consensus among team members could be considered brainstorming, encourage every one’s participation etc. f. Write desirable group behaviour and practices to ensure productive work team (at least 5). Solution guide: -Ensuring every team members are accountable for their role, responsibilities and contribute accordingly to achieve team objectives -Please write other practices to make the team productive. g. Write three agreed strategies on how team members can be supported with assigned responsibilities. Solution guide: The strategies could include making every individual accountable for assigned responsibilities and providing them training for completing the given tasks. h. Write meeting minutes as an evidence of team discussion to complete the given tasks. Solution guide: -As an evidence of team activity, students are required to write meeting minutes which need to include time, date, venue, agenda and discussions of the meeting. i. Write details of individual team member’s performance plan to achieve team goals by completing template -2 of individual team member’s performance plan and include your support duties as a team leader in the individual’s performance plan. You can develop any individual team member’s performance plan from the team you have formed. Solution guide: -You are required to complete template-2 for an individual team member’s performance plan given in the appendix. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 20 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table – 11: Trainer’s Marking Guide: Did the student? Tasks Yes No 1. Participate in team meeting as a team leader Observation checklist to be checked by trainer during the role play is following: Observation checklist: 1. Participate in the role play meeting 2. Lead the team 3. Consult the team goals and objectives with the team. 4. Consult role, responsibilities of team members 5. Consult accountability of every team member 6. Consult strategies to ensure each team member has input into the planning process and participate accordingly towards team goals. 7. Consult policies, procedures and ground rules for the team to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work. 8. Consult strategies for gaining consensus among the team members. 9. Consult desirable group behaviour and practices to ensure productive work team. 10. Consult strategies on how team members can be supported with assigned responsibilities. 11. Consult individual’s performance plan to achieve team goals 12. Demonstrate ability to consult and develop an individual performance plan in a team environment 13. Demonstrate the knowledge of strategies for gaining team consensus 14. Demonstrate the knowledge of how to support team members to achieve goals 15. Demonstrate the knowledge of group dynamics (the attitude and behavioural characteristics of a group) 16. Keep a note of the meeting so that, he/she can prepare final meeting minutes later. 2. Write the written response to the following questions a. Write agreed team objectives Solution guide: -Identifying customers, their needs, collecting information about e-commerce setup and relevant cost etc. b. Write Strategies (at least 5) to ensure each team member has input into the planning process and participation towards team goals. Solution guide: -Asking team member’s feedback, email communication, clarifying the team member’s role and responsibilities etc. c. Write Policies and procedures (at least 6) to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work. Include the ground rules for teamwork in the policies and procedures to ensure fairness and high performance agreed BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 21 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 at your team meeting. Solution guide: -Policy and procedures are required to cover work requirements such as ground rules, communication process and fairness to achieve high performing team The ground rules for team work could be following- -Every team member needs to complete the agreed tasks to ensure team contribution properly -Informing team members regarding the team meeting time in advance, The student needs to write details policies and procedures and include the ground rules for teamwork in the policies and procedures. d. Develop team goals and explain how the team can achieve them. Ensure it focuses on the broad outline of what your team needs to achieve which gives a brief, clear statement of the outcome to be reached by your team. Solution guide: -Identifying e-commerce opportunities for the simulated business and develop a proposal on that for board of directors. -Explain how the team can achieve the goals. e. Write at least 4 Strategies for gaining consensus among the team members. Solution guide: Consensus means coming to an agreement. The strategies for gaining consensus among team members could be considered brainstorming, encourage every one’s participation etc. f. Write desirable group behaviour and practices to ensure productive work team (at least 5). Solution guide: -Ensuring every team members are accountable for their role, responsibilities and contribute accordingly to achieve team objectives - Students need to write other practices to make the team productive g. Write three agreed strategies on how team members can be supported with assigned responsibilities. Solution guide: The strategies could include making every individual accountable for assigned responsibilities and providing them training for completing the given tasks. h. Write meeting minutes as an evidence of team discussion to complete the given tasks. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 22 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Solution guide : -As an evidence of team activity, students are required to write meeting minutes which needs to include time, date, venue, agenda and discussions of the meeting. i. Write details of individual team member’s performance plan to achieve team goals by completing template -2 of individual team member’s performance plan and include your support duties as a team leader in the individual’s performance plan. You can develop any individual team member’s performance plan from the team you have formed. Solution guide : -You are required to complete template-2 for an individual team member’s performance plan given in the appendix. ASSESSMENT 1 -MARKING SHEET ASSESSOR ONLY TO COMPLETE Unit Code Unit Title Tasks Satisfactory ( S ) Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) 1 2. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Assessment 1 Final Outcome Satisfactory (S): -------------- Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS): ------------- Assessor Signature: Date: Assessor Name: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 23 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Assessment 2 Cover Sheet Student to Complete Unit of Competency: BSBWOR502 Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness Course Student Name Student Number Course Name Postal Address: Date of Submission: Student Declaration: I declare that: No part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work, except where document or work is listed/ referenced. No part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. Signed: Date: Assessor Signature: Date Assessor Name: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 24 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Assessment 2: Case Study Participant Name: Date: Trainer/Assessor Name: Unit Code and Name: Assessment instructions: Assessment system of the Australian Techno Management College ensures that assessment: Is conducted in accordance with the Rules of Evidence, the Principles of Assessment and conducted in line with the requirements of the Training Package. Requires the student to demonstrate all of the skills and knowledge outlined in the components of the relevant unit of competency or module. Requires the student to demonstrate the ability to perform tasks in a variety of situations, adapt to different contexts and environments, and also perform tasks to an appropriate level expected by the workplace. Consider the student’s dimensions of competency when making all assessment decisions. Dimensions of Competency refer to the types of skills a person must have to perform effectively in a broad capacity. The dimensions of competency ensures that the person being assessed has the skills to perform competently in a variety of different circumstances. To ensure no students are disadvantaged, where required assessors will make Reasonable Adjustments to assessment tasks or processes to accommodate individual needs and record these adjustments. Principles of Assessment mean assessment decisions are based on the principles of fairness, flexibility, validity and reliability, which define for each of these as outlined below: Fairness - The individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process. Reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual learner’s needs. The Australian Techno Management College informs the learner about the assessment process, and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary. Flexibility - Assessment is flexible to the individual learner by reflecting the learner’s needs, assessing competencies held by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired and drawing from a range of assessment methods and using those that are appropriate to the context, the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements, and the individual. Validity - Any assessment decision of the RTO is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the individual learner. Validity requires assessment against the unit(s) of competency and the associated assessment requirements that covers the broad range of skills and knowledge which are essential to competent performance. It also requires assessing of knowledge and skills which is integrated with their practical application and the assessment tasks to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a learner could demonstrate these skills and knowledge in other similar situations. Additionally it requires the judgement of competence that is based on evidence of learner performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 25 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Reliability - Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment. Rules of Evidence mean that the evidence on which an assessment decision is based is valid, sufficient, authentic and current with definitions for each as outlined below: Validity - The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements. Sufficiency - The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enable a judgment to be made of a learner’s competency. Authenticity - The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work. Currency - The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past. Reasonable adjustment means a modification made to the learning environment, training or assessment methods used to enable students with a disability to access and participate in training on the same basis as those without a disability. The adjustment must be ‘reasonable’ in that it must not impose unjustifiable hardship on the person or the Australian Techno Management College. Student plagiarism, cheating and collusion - Students are expected to complete all assessments ethically: without plagiarism, collusion or cheating. Any students suspected of unethical behavior will be managed through the disciplinary procedures which may require the student to attend disciplinary meetings, submit their assessment again, or for repeated acts may be asked to withdraw from the course. Submission, feedback and re-assessment - Students must submit each task with a completed and signed Assessment Task Cover Sheet within timelines specified by your assessor. Written and theoretical tasks will be assessed within 2 weeks of submission. Each task will be marked as Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. A unit or module will be marked as Competent once all tasks for the unit or module have been marked as Satisfactory. Where a task is marked as Not Satisfactory, the student will be provided with feedback and be given the opportunity to resubmit/re-attempt the task. Students will receive detailed feedback for each task either in written or verbal form from their assessor. You are required to undertake all the tasks given in assessment 2 and obtain a satisfactory result for each individual to obtain a competent result for Assessment 2. Students obtaining not yet competent for Assessment 2 will be required to redo the assessment. Students have the right to make an appeal against an assessment decision. What happens if your result is “Not Satisfactory’ for one or more assessments tasks? Our assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the desired learning outcome been achieved yet?” If the answer is “Not Yet”, then we work with you to see how we can get there. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 26 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 In this case that one or more of your assessments has been marked “Not Yet Satisfactory”, your trainer will provide you with the necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit responses. What if you disagree on the assessment outcome? You can appeal against a decision made in regards your assessment. An appeal should only be made if you have been assessed as “Not Yet Competent” against specific unit and you feel you have sufficient grounds to believe that you are entitled to be assessed as competent. You must be able to adequately demonstrate that you have the skills and experience to be able to meet the requirements of the units you are appealing the assessments of. Your trainer will outline the appeal process, which is available to the students. You can request a form to make an appeal and submit it to your trainer, the training manager or the support service officer. The RTO will examine the appeal and you will be advised of the outcome within 14 days. Any additional information you wish to provide may be attached to the appeal form. Assessment 2: Manage team cohesion, teamwork and liaise with stakeholders The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. If you are not able to submit on the specified date, discuss with your trainer and get it approved. You are required to complete the given tasks of assessment 2, according to the student’s Marking Criteria for assessment 2. Performance objective You are required to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to manage team cohesion and facilitate teamwork. You are also required to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required for liaising with stakeholders about the performance of the team. The student is required to complete all sections given in the assessment task 2. Summary of Assessment task 2: You are required to conduct the team meeting(role play) with your Apex Footwear team you formed in task 1. As a team leader now you have resolved team issues, encourage team members and ensure effective team behaviour to achieve team goal. Now you are required to prepare your presentation for the manager of the simulated business regarding the team performance issues and resolution. Discuss on how to improve team performance and achieve team goals with the manager. In the next task of the assessment 2, you are required to submit a report to your manager on “resolution of team performance issues”, also include suggestions from your manager. You might require conducting an additional secondary research from different authentic web sites to complete the report. Include the list of references at the last page of the report and follow the report structure given below by the Apex Footwear. Finally, you are required to coach a poorly performing team member. One of your team member was not able to complete his/her tasks due to lack of knowledge and skills, particularly in the task has been BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 27 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 allocated to him/her. Now you are required to conduct a coaching session to improve his/her performance gap. Scenario description You have recently accepted an employment position of a manager for a sales team in a large, high profile Footwear industry in Campbelltown, NSW. The organisation manufactures and distributes generic footwear. You are required to read the simulated business information (Apex Footwear) given in appendix. Your group members (support trainer, training manager/support service staff) are from different backgrounds and have different levels of expertise. Consider one of them worked with the similar scenario/ organisation before for a number of years and another team member has worked 4 years in different type of organisation. Now your group of Apex Footwear is facing productivity issue and has not been meeting the organisation's expectations. Although each of the team members was selected for their role on the basis of demonstrated skills and expertise, they seem unable to work together effectively. Your initial role, therefore, is that of trouble-shooter, problem-solver and team facilitator. You need to bring those team members together to form a cohesive, effective and productive team. Second Role Play with your team: Student’s Instructions for the second role play with the team: In the second task, now you are required to arrange second meeting (15 minutes) with your team members (support trainer, support service staff) that has been already formed in assessment task -1. Now your team has completed individual performance plan so your new task is to carry out the tasks based on all the actions contained in every individual performance plan to facilitate the team goal of developing an e-commerce venture proposal for presenting to the board of Apex Footwear. During your meeting, ask questions and encourage team members to contribute to the meeting. Lead or play a prominent role in a process to resolve team issues. Ensure you clearly hint each step in the process and explain your methods of model effective team behaviour to imitate. The student is required to submit meeting minutes an evidence of the task. In the meeting minutes, write achievement of your team goals and also write the goals that have not been achieved. Write at least one issue that you have discussed with your team which you have encountered with respect to carrying out your tasks and not yet fully overcome yet. So that the improvement to team work can be proposed later, after receiving feedback from your manager. In the detailed discussion of your meeting minutes write possible processes for resolution of team issues you have discussed (For example, you may consider leading a brainstorming session, or creating an issues matrix). You are also required to include meeting agenda in your meeting minutes and Provide feedback to team members to encourage and reward efforts and build team cohesion. (P.C.1.3, 2.1, 4.1, 4.3, 3.2, P.E.1, 4, 6, K.E.4) BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 28 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table-12: Schedule of activities and instructions regarding the second role play for student and trainers Role play in Simulated Meeting Room – Schedule of 20 Students Team leader of the simulated sales team The student Participant of the team Training Manager/Support Service Staff Role plays observer and another participant Support Trainer Total team members 3 Allocated time for each student 15 minutes Simulated Meeting Room: Total Number of Students and Total Allocated Time 20 Students X 15 minutes each = 300 Minutes = 5 hours Assessment System: - Principles of assessment - Rules of evidence To ensure assessments are conducted fairly and the evidence is valid, reliable and authenticThe Assessor/Trainer is required to follow the trainer’s marking guide where clear and sufficient guidelines for the task, observation checklist, evidence to be collected have been given. The trainer only needs to explain the scenario to support the trainer and needs to provide the relevant materials to the support trainer. The activities will be conducted in the simulated meeting room by support trainer and also with the assistance of support service staff rather than conducting in the class. The unit trainer and other students will not participate in the simulated meeting room. Every student needs to perform the role play separately with support trainer and support service staff in the simulated meeting room. At the end of the task the support trainer needs to submit the completed observation check list to the trainer. The students must follow the instruction given in the student’s marking criteria regarding the role play, all the other tasks and required format to be followed have been given. Overall the assessment task’s requirements have been clearly explained in student’s marking criteria (for students) and Assessor’s marking guide (for Assessor/Trainer) BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 29 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table-13: Trainer’s Observation Check List – Second Role play with the team: Did the student? Tasks Yes No 1. Participate in the role play 2. Ask questions and encourage team members to contribute to the meeting 3. Lead or play a prominent role in a process to resolve team issues 4. Discuss achievements and 5. Discuss the goals still not yet achieved or need to be achieved 6. Brainstorm possible process for resolving the team issues 7. Encourage team members to build team cohesion 8. Demonstrate ability to use appropriate conversation and protocols when communicating with team members 9. Demonstrate ability to use interpersonal skills to gain the trust and confidence of team members 10. Demonstrate ability to engage team members in team discussion 11. Demonstrate ability to use active listening and questioning techniques to engage team members and confirm their understanding 12. Demonstrate the knowledge of group dynamics (the attitudinal and behavioural characteristics of a group). 13. Demonstrate the knowledge of how to support team members to achieve goals 14. Demonstrate the ability to lead role in situations requiring effective collaboration 15. Demonstrating high level conflict resolution skills and ability to motivate others 16. Demonstrate ability to maintain open communication 17. Demonstrate to monitor team performance to ensure team effectiveness 18. Write notes to finalise meeting minutes BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 30 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Presentation and report submission to the manager of the Simulated Business: Instructions for Presentation to the Manager: In response to the simulated business scenario, now you are required to deliver a presentation (15 minutes) to your manager. You are required to run your presentation in the simulated meeting room. The support trainer will be available to participate in the role of the manager of the simulated business. The presentation checklist will be provided to support trainer. The support trainer will fill up the presentation checklist while you are presenting. Prepare power point slides regarding “the team performance issues and its resolution”. In the presentation include your own solutions to improve team performance and achieve team goals to discuss with your manager. (P.C.3.2, P.E.6, 7, 8, K.E.4) Table -14: Presentation Contents: The student is required to include the following contents in the presentation slides: Overview of the team performance Issues identified regarding team performance Possible solution to resolve issues and improve performance of any poorly performing team member Ensuring resources to implement solutions to improve team performance Table-15: Presentation check list for Trainer: (P.C.3.2, 4.1, P.E.6, 7, 8, K.E.4) Observation Checklist for the Presentation: Did the student? Tasks Yes No i. Deliver the presentation ii. Design compelling PowerPoint slides iii. A brief orientation to the topic is provided iv. Deliver the relevant content in the presentation session with the manager v. Maintain appropriate eye contact while presenting vi. Maintain natural body posture and hand gestures while presenting vii. Deliver information in a spoken style (with minimal reading or reference to notes) viii. Present the performance issues of team members identifies in the scenario BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 31 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 ix. Discuss the solutions on how to improve team members performance x. Answer any question raised by the manager xi. Listen effectively any question raised and relevant comment made by the manager xii. Demonstrate ability to communication skills to address team performance issues xiii. Demonstrate ability to communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised in the team meeting earlier xiv. Demonstrate ability to plan corrective responses to overcome unresolved issues xv. Demonstrate ability to use appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with the manager Instructions for Report writing: Write a report to your manager explaining the steps taken to resolve the performance issues. You are also required to submit your report to the manager of Simulated Business (Support Trainer). In your report on “resolution of team performance issues” include suggestions from your manager to implement with team/individual team members and any information provided by your manager to be given to the team members. You might require conducting an additional secondary research from different authentic web sites. Please include the list of references at the last page of the report. Follow the report structure given below by the Apex Footwear. (P.C.2.4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, P.E.6, 7, 8, K. E. 4, 3) Table-16: Checklist of responses needs to be included in the report: Report on resolution of team performance issues: A. Describe how you maintained an open communication process between stakeholders (manager, team).(P.C.4.1, P.E.7) B. Describe how you were able to initiate and maintain this communication process so that input from outside of the team could contribute to team performance. (P.C.4.2,4.3, P.E.6, K.E.4) C. Describe your evaluation of team performance and the rationale behind corrective actions in order to provide evidence of your knowledge of: (P,C.4.4, P.E.8, K.E.4) i. Group behaviour to build team cohesion (K.E.3) ii. How to support team members to achieve goals through coaching, mentoring, training, etc.(P.C.3.2) iii. Issue resolution techniques or strategies (at least 4).(K.E.4) D. Describe corrective actions you have actually taken to ensure team goal/s is achieved. (P.C.2.4) BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 32 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Template -3: Report Structure Report Structure Executive Summary: Introduction: Body: Ways to maintain open communication process between stakeholdersWays to get input from outside of the team Evaluation of team performance and rationale behind corrective actions: Group behaviour to build team cohesion- Ways to support team members – Resolution techniques or strategies (at least 4)- Corrective actions already taken to ensure goals are achievedConclusion: References: Coaching: (P.C.2.3, P.C.3.3, P.E.8) Instructions for Coaching Session: Now organise a coaching session (15 minutes) for a team member to improve his/her performance. As an evidence you are required to complete coaching GROW model for the poorly performing team member presented in the simulated business. The coaching session needs to be conducted in the simulated meeting room. The support trainer and the Training Manager/support service staff will be available to support you in the simulated meeting room. Here you can consider the support service staff as a poorly performing employee. The support service staff was supposed to research information regarding necessary activities to be done to set up ecommerce venture, relevant costs, target customers and their expectations. Due to lack of knowledge in this area, the team member is not able to collect sufficient information. Now you are required to conduct a coaching session to improve his/her performance gap. The trainer will explain the scenario to the support trainer and will provide the observation checklist to complete it during the coaching session. After completing the observation check list the support trainer needs to return the completed observation check list to the trainer. BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 33 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table-17: Schedule of activities and instructions regarding the coaching session for student and trainers Role play in Simulated Meeting Room – Schedule of 20 Students Team leader / coach The student Participant of the team (poorly performing team members / coachee Training Manager/Support Service Staff Role plays observer Support Trainer Allocated time for each student 15 minutes Simulated Meeting Room: Total Number of Students and Total Allocated Time 20 Students X 15 minutes each = 300 Minutes = 5 hours Assessment System: - Principles of assessment - Rules of evidence To ensure assessments are conducted fairly and the evidence is valid, reliable and authenticThe Assessor/Trainer is required to follow the Assessor’s marking guide where clear and sufficient guidelines for the task, observation checklist, evidence to be collected have been given. The trainer only needs to explain the scenario to support the trainer and needs to provide the relevant materials to the support trainer. The activities will be conducted in the simulated meeting room by support trainer and also with the assistance of Training Manager/support service staff rather than conducting in the class. The unit trainer and other students will be involved there in the simulated meeting room. Every student needs to perform the role play separately with support trainer and support service staff in the simulated meeting room. At the end of the task the support trainer needs to submit the completed observation check list to the trainer. The students must follow the instructions given in the student’s marking criteria regarding the role play, all the other tasks and required format to be followed have been given. Overall the assessment task’s requirements have been clearly explained in student’s marking criteria (for students) and Assessor’s marking guide (for trainer) BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 34 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table-18: Observation Check List of Coaching Session for Trainer: Did the student? Tasks Yes No i. Conduct the coaching session ii. Identified and explain performance issues Iii. Provide constructive feedback to participants on performance iv. Create a comfortable environment for discussion v. Take initiative to make things better. vi. Discuss option to resolve the issues vii. Manage the poorly performing team member effectively. viii. Encourages commitment from the employees to improve performance ix. Maximise involvement with the poorly performing team member. x. Motivate and inspire the team member xi. Develop session in a progressive way. xii. Ensure effective positioning and body language, including maintaining eye contact. xiii. Use clear and accurate demonstrations Table-19: Student’s Marking Criteria for assessment 2: You are required to complete the following tasks given in the Student’s Marking Criteria table to complete assessment 2: Tasks Description 1. Participate in the role play with the team 2. Write meeting minutes 3. Prepare the presentation slides 4. Deliver 15 minute presentation to the manager Instructions for Presentation to the Manager: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 35 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 In response to the simulated business scenario, now you are required to deliver a presentation (15 minutes) to your manager. You are required to run your presentation in the simulated meeting room. The support trainer will be available to participate in the role of the manager of the simulated business. The presentation checklist will be provided to support trainer. The support trainer will fill up the presentation checklist while you are presenting. Prepare power point slides regarding “the team performance issues and its resolution”. In the presentation include your own solutions to improve team performance and achieve team goals to discuss with your manager Presentation topic : The team performance issues and its resolution Presentation contents: •Overview of the team performance •Issues identified regarding team performance •Possible solution to resolve issues and improve performance of any poorly performing team member •Ensuring resources to implement solutions to improve team performance Presentation checklist: i.Deliver the presentation ii.Design compelling PowerPoint slides iii.A brief orientation to the topic is provided iv. Deliver the relevant content in the presentation session with the manager v. Maintain appropriate eye contact while presenting vi. Maintain natural body posture and hand gestures while presenting vii. Deliver information in a spoken style (with minimal reading or reference to notes) viii. Present the performance issues of team members identifies in the scenario ix.Discuss the solutions on how to improve team members performance x.Answer any question raised by the manager xi.Listen effectively any question raised and relevant comment made by the manager xii. Demonstrate ability to communication skills to address team performance issues xiii.Demonstrate ability to communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised in the team meeting earlier xiv. Demonstrate ability to plan corrective responses to overcome unresolved issues xv. Demonstrate ability to use appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with the manager BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 36 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 5. Complete your report. Ensure you have followed the report structure given by the simulated business and include the responses of the topic/areas given in the solution check list of report: Report Structure Executive Summary: Introduction: Body: Ways to maintain open communication process between stakeholdersWays to get input from outside of the team Evaluation of team performance and rationale behind corrective actions: Group behaviour to build team cohesion- Ways to support team members- Resolution techniques or strategies (at least 4)- Corrective actions already taken to ensure goals are achievedConclusion: References: 6. Conduct the coaching session Find the coaching observation checklist below: Coaching observation checklist: i.Conduct the coaching session ii. Identified and explain performance issues Iii. Provide constructive feedback to participants on performance iv. Create a comfortable environment for discussion v. Take initiative to make things better. vi. Discuss option to resolve the issues vii. Manage the poorly performing team member effectively. viii. Encourages commitment from the employees to improve performance ix. Maximise involvement with the poorly performing team member. x. Motivate and inspire the team member xi. Develop session in a progressive way. xii. Ensure effective positioning and body language, including maintaining eye contact. xiii. Use clear and accurate demonstrations 7. Complete the template of the coaching session (GROW model) BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 37 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Table-20: Trainer’s Marking Guide: Did the student? Tasks Yes No 1. Participate the role play with the team 2. Write meeting minutes 3. Prepare the presentation slides 4. Deliver presentation to the manager of the given simulated business (15 minutes) Instructions for Presentation to the Manager(Support Trainer): In response to the simulated business scenario, now the student is required to deliver a presentation (15 minutes) to the manager/ support trainer. The student is required to run your presentation in the simulated meeting room. The support trainer will be available to participate in the role of the manager of the simulated business. The presentation checklist will be provided to support trainer. The support trainer will fill up the presentation checklist while the student will present. The student is required to prepare power point slides regarding “the team performance issues and its resolution”. The presentation should include student’s own solutions to improve team performance and achieve team goals. Presentation topic: The team performance issues and its resolution Presentation contents: Include the following contents in the power point slides •Overview of the team performance •Issues identified regarding team performance •Possible solution to resolve issues and improve performance of the poorly performing team member •Ensuring resources to implement solutions to improve team performance Satisfy the following presentation parameters / checklist Presentation checklist: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 38 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 i.Deliver the presentation ii.Design compelling PowerPoint slides iii.A brief orientation to the topic is provided iv. Deliver the relevant content in the presentation session with the manager v. Maintain appropriate eye contact while presenting vi. Maintain natural body posture and hand gestures while presenting vii. Deliver information in a spoken style (with minimal reading or reference to notes) viii. Present the performance issues of team members identifies in the scenario ix.Discuss the solutions on how to improve team members performance x.Answer any question raised by the manager xi.Listen effectively any question raised and relevant comment made by the manager xii. Demonstrate ability to communication skills to address team performance issues xiii.Demonstrate ability to communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised in the team meeting earlier xiv. Demonstrate ability to plan corrective responses to overcome unresolved issues xv. Demonstrate ability to use appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with the manager 5. Complete the given report. Follow the report structure given by the simulated business bellow: Report Structure Executive Summary: Introduction: Body: Ways to maintain open communication process between stakeholders- BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 39 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Ways to get input from outside of the team Evaluation of team performance and rationale behind corrective actions: Group behaviour to build team cohesion- Ways to support team members- Resolution techniques or strategies (at least 4) Corrective actions already taken to ensure goals are achievedConclusion: References: 6. Conduct the coaching session Observation checklist of the coaching session for trainer: Find the coaching observation checklist below: Coaching observation checklist: i.Conduct the coaching session ii. Identified and explain performance issues Iii. Provide constructive feedback to participants on performance iv. Create a comfortable environment for discussion v. Take initiative to make things better. vi. Discuss option to resolve the issues vii. Manage the poorly performing team member effectively. viii. Encourages commitment from the employees to improve performance ix. Maximise involvement with the poorly performing team member. x. Motivate and inspire the team member xi. Develop session in a progressive way. xii. Ensure effective positioning and body language, including maintaining eye contact. xiii. Use clear and accurate demonstrations 7. Complete the template- 4 of the coaching session (GROW model) Please find the template of the coaching session below (GROW model): BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 40 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Template 4: Coaching Session (GROW Model): Objectives Example Questions Goal Reality Options Will Marking Sheet: Assessment 2: ASSESSOR ONLY TO COMPLETE References: 1. Team Dynamics Over Time, Eduardo Salas, Lauren B. Landon, Eduardo Salas , 15/08/2017, ISBN: 9781786354044 2.Team Turnarounds: A Playbook for Transforming Underperforming Teams, Joe Frontiera, Daniel Leidl, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, 2012 3. Help the Helper: Building a Culture of Extreme Teamwork, by Kevin Pritchard and John Eliot, 2012 Unit Code Unit Title Question Number Satisfactory (S) Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) 1. Presentation 2.Report 3.Coaching Assessment 2 Final Outcome Satisfactory : -------------- Not Yet Satisfactory: ------------- Assessor Signature: Date: Assessor Name: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 41 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Appendix: Apex Footwear, founded in 1901 is an Australian based manufacturer and distributor of generic footwear. The company takes orders from retailers and supplies to the retailers that needs to be manufactured to retailers’ specifications. The products are then sold to consumers under the retailers’ various brands. Recently, Apex Footwear has found its market share is dropping down due to a strong Australian dollar and increased overseas competition. In addition, rising labour costs are reducing the profit margins. Although it is in a strong financial position but trends in the Australian footwear industry suggest that the company will struggle to make a profit within two years. To ensure the continued existence of Apex Footwear, the company has embarked on a bold new strategic direction: ● Develop own brands, product range rather than based on retailer’s specifications and sell direct to consumers ● Leverage e-commerce opportunities to reduce distribution costs and increase profit margins. Company Vision: In the next five years, footwear Brands will establish a range of innovative and exciting online brands to secure a future in the Australian footwear manufacturing industry. Your team has been charged with the task of identifying an e-commerce opportunity for footwear Brands and developing a proposal to put to the board of directors. For example, your team could decide to propose setting up an online business in which customers design their own custom shoes. Your budget for setting up the e-commerce venture is $30,000. For your proposed e-commerce venture, your team will need to determine: ● Value proposition: What will you offer consumers? What products? What price? What quality? How will the products benefit your customers? ● Who are the target customers? What are the characteristics of the people who will buy your products? What do they need or desire? ● How you will gather necessary information for setting up the venture? ● Who you will consult with to benefit from others’ expertise? ● What steps you will need to take to set up the e-commerce venture? This will range from website design to ensure a system for payment, to establish an online presence through web search engines, etc. ● How you will determine the benefit of footwear brands? What is the benefit? How you will reduce the cost and increase productivity? ● How you will determine cost? Your team needs to find the above mentioned information to complete your proposal. Consult with each team member regarding their role, responsibilities and accountabilities. Consult with each member of the team to develop individual performance plans. Templates - Apex Footwear: Template -1: Meeting Minutes: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 42 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Company Name Date, Time Meeting Name: Location: Purpose statement: Welcome Statement: Apologies: Acceptance of previous minutes Agenda Item Presented by Duration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. General Business Next Meeting: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 43 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Template 2: Individual team member’s Performance plan Team member’s Name: Description Timeline Responsibility Resources Review dates Measurement: KPI; Outcome Team leader’s responsibilities: Template -3: Report Structure Report Structure Executive Summary: Introduction: Body: Ways to maintain open communication process between stakeholdersWays to get input from outside of the team Evaluation of team performance and rationale behind corrective actions: Group behaviour to build team cohesion- Ways to support team members – Resolution techniques or strategies (at least 4)- Corrective actions already taken to ensure goals are achievedConclusion: References: BSBWOR502 Assessment Tool Page 44 of 44 Version 5:November 2018 Template 4: Coaching Session (GROW Model): Objectives Example Questions Goal Reality Options Will Candidate Feedback Form Candidate’s Name: Unit: Assessor’s Name: Assessment Date: Please provide us some feedback on your assessment process. Information provided on this form is used for evaluation of our assessment systems and processes. This information is confidential and is not released to any external parties without your written consent. Please tick Yes or No for the questions below: Yes No Did you receive information about the assessment prior to the date? Were the instructions to the assessment clear and easy to understand? Did you understand the purpose of the assessment? Were you advised of the performance criteria? Were you advised of the process of the assessment? Were there any surprises in your assessment? Did you feel the assessment was fair? Was your assessor professional? Did you feel the assessment was accurate? Were you comfortable with the outcome? Did you receive feedback about your assessment? If you answered no to any of the above questions are you aware of the appeals process? Comments: