SOCIOLOGY 200 – TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 2 WEEK 2 Please use complete sentences to answer the following questions. Each of these questions can be answered after completing...

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Attached in assignment instructions. Please assign to Shewta 250 words not to include references. Please provide in text citations.

SOCIOLOGY 200 – TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 2 WEEK 2 Please use complete sentences to answer the following questions. Each of these questions can be answered after completing the Chapter Readings (linked to the module) You may submit your answers by typing them and attaching them in a Word Doc, or by submitting through Canvas as a textbox. Chapter 3 Questions: 1. What is the difference between material culture and non-material culture? 2. Define values, beliefs, and norms. 3. What is culture shock? What is ethnocentrism? Cultural relativism? (ethnocentrism and cultural relativism could be thought of as reactions to culture shock).  Chapter 5 Questions 1.  What is socialization?  2. Use the sociological perspective and the reading on socialization to explain the statement "society makes us human" Please provide in text Citations and references from the reading material provided chapter 3 and chapter 5. USE THE READING THAT IS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ASSIGMENT.
Answered 1 days AfterJan 14, 2023


Dr Shweta answered on Jan 16 2023
49 Votes
Ans 1: The intangible characteristics of a civilization that are expressed via observable and touchable artefacts are referred to as the
"material culture" of that society. These are items that were made by man and encompass a wide variety of institutions, such as homes, schools, churches, factories, and companies, as well as other establishments of a similar kind. The electronic gadget that is being used to read this is one example of an object that is typical of the material culture of today (such as a laptop, smartphone, or tablet). On the other side, the term "non-material culture" refers to the aspects of a culture that are not tangible and do not take up physical space. These aspects include ideas, beliefs, values, and norms [1]. Non-material culture is separate from "material culture." For instance, the concept of religion refers to a set of views that are generally believed about an all-powerful entity, worship, and ethical standards, and it is found to be practiced in a variety of groups located all over the world.
Ans 2: The existence of social problems is a phenomenon that will never come to an end; the root cause, which is ultimately a result of differing values and ideas. Although individuals have varying conceptions of what constitutes a social problem, those who share a similar set of values are likely to see the same situations as problematic in society. Think of a societal issue as something that affects everyone and that, in...

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