SOCIOLOGY 200 – TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 1 WEEK 1 Please use complete sentences to answer the following questions. Each of these questions can be answered after completing...

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Attached in assignment instructions. Please assign to Shewta 250 words not to include references. Please provide in text citations.

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SOCIOLOGY 200 – TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 1 WEEK 1 Please use complete sentences to answer the following questions. Each of these questions can be answered after completing the Chapter Readings (linked to the module) You may submit your answers by typing them and attaching them in a Word Doc, or by submitting through Canvas as a textbox. Chapter 1 Questions: 1. What do you think C. Wright Mills meant when he said that to be a sociologist, one had to develop a sociological imagination? 2. Describe a situation in which a choice you made was influenced by societal pressures. 3. Which theory do you think better explains how societies operate—structural functionalism or conflict theory? Why? 4. What is symbolic interactionism? 5. Differentiate between four kinds of research methods: surveys, field research, experiments, and secondary data analysis. In other words, what kind of data do you collect with each method? Please provide in text Citations and references from the reading material provided chapter 1 and chapter 2. USE THE READING THAT IS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ASSIGMENT.
Answered 2 days AfterJan 09, 2023


Dr Shweta answered on Jan 11 2023
48 Votes
1. Wright Mills defined sociological imagination as an awareness of the relationship between such a person's behavior and experience and the larger culture that shaped the person's choices and perceptions. Sociological imagination can also be thought of as the ability to imagine how people behave and experience the world around them. To become a sociologist, one has to be able to a perceive one's own conduct as well as the behavior of other people in connection with history and the structure of society.
2. When I was selecting what I intended to do after finishing graduation, the major reason I chose to attend a four-year institution was because I had been subjected to the expectation that I would do so throughout my entire life. Everyone who attends my higher education is strongly pushed to continue their education after high school, and those who do not do so are typically looked down upon. Despite the fact that I could not be happier with my...

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