Attach hard copies of one syntax (.sps) file and one output (.spv) file containing all of your input and output, respectively. Answer all questions on a separate answer sheet. Staple (no paper clips, please) the answer sheet to the front of the output and turn everything in as one packet. Please write legibly. Electronic submissions cannot be accepted (.spv files don’t travel well). Don’t forget to put your name on the answer sheet. Remember, too, that you can work in small groups if you wish, but everyone must write up their own answers individually. If you do work with others, you must list the names of all group members at the top of your answer sheet.
Use the Healey 2012 GSS data set to conduct hypothesis tests for each question below, showing all steps (H0, H1, T.S., and Conclusion).
SPSS problems Chapter 8:
Do respondents who voted for Obama in the 2008 presidential election (PRES08) differ on educational attainment (EDUC) from respondents who voted for McCain? Set alpha at .05 and use a two-tailed test.
Do respondents who favor capital punishment (CAPPUN) differ on age (AGE) from respondents who oppose capital punishment? Set alpha at .01 and use a two-tailed test.
SPSS problems Chapter 10:
Do attitudes toward guns (GUNLAW) and fear of walking in one’s neighborhood (FEAR) covary? Consider FEAR the independent variable and GUNLAW the dependent variable. Set alpha at .01. If appropriate, discuss the direction of the relationship.
Do trust (TRUST) and sex (SEX) covary? Set alpha at .05. If appropriate, discuss the direction of the relationship.