Assume you have the following two classes: public class Bag{ private String name; public Bag() { name = "Fancy bag"; } } public class Backpack extends Bag { private int noCompartments; // number of...

Assume you have the following two classes:<br>public class Bag{<br>private String name;<br>public Bag() { name =

Extracted text: Assume you have the following two classes: public class Bag{ private String name; public Bag() { name = "Fancy bag"; } } public class Backpack extends Bag { private int noCompartments; // number of compartments in a backpack public Backpack() { noCompartments = 1; } %3D public int getNoCompartments() { return noCompartments; } } Assume that you have a variable of type Bag initialized to an object instance of type Backpack, as follows: Bag bag = new Backpack(); Show a fragment of code to print the number of compartments in a Bag referenced by the variable bag, as assigned above.

Jun 10, 2022

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