Assume you have the following definition of class A: public class A { private int x; private String s; public A( int a, String b) { x = a; s = b; } } And the following fragment of code: String s1 =...

Assume you have the following definition of class A:<br>public class A {<br>private int x;<br>private String s;<br>public A( int a, String b) {<br>x = a; s = b;<br>}<br>}<br>And the following fragment of code:<br>String s1 =

Extracted text: Assume you have the following definition of class A: public class A { private int x; private String s; public A( int a, String b) { x = a; s = b; } } And the following fragment of code: String s1 = "Hello"; A а1 = new A(10, s1); А а2 = new A(10, s1); A a3 = new A(20, s1); Which of the comparisons using equals is true? a2.equals(a3) a1.equals(a3) a1.equals(a2) None of the above.
Assume you have the following definition of class A:<br>public class A {<br>private int x;<br>private String s;<br>public A( int a, String b) {<br>X = a; s = b;<br>}<br>public boolean equals( Object o ) {<br>if( o instanceof A ) {<br>A a = (A)o;<br>return this.x:<br>}<br>else return false;<br>}<br>%3D<br>== a.x && this.s == a.s;<br>}<br>And the following fragment of code:<br>String s1 =

Extracted text: Assume you have the following definition of class A: public class A { private int x; private String s; public A( int a, String b) { X = a; s = b; } public boolean equals( Object o ) { if( o instanceof A ) { A a = (A)o; return this.x: } else return false; } %3D == a.x && this.s == a.s; } And the following fragment of code: String s1 = "Hello"; %D A а1 = new A(10, s1); А а2 = new A(10, s1); А а3 = new A(20, s1); Which of the comparisons using equals is true? a1.equals(a3) ) a1.equals(a2) None of the above a2.equals(a3)

Jun 10, 2022

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