Assume the following processes are given with their burst time and process type: Process Burst duration Process Type P1 88 Batch P2 15 Interactive P3 7. System P4 34 Interactive P5 60 Batch All 5...


Assume the following processes are given with their burst time and process type:<br>Process Burst duration Process Type<br>P1<br>88<br>Batch<br>P2<br>15<br>Interactive<br>P3<br>7.<br>System<br>P4<br>34<br>Interactive<br>P5<br>60<br>Batch<br>All 5 processes arrive at the same time and in the following order P1, P2 P3, Pa and P5.<br>a. Assume two cases: multilevel queue, and Multilevel Feedback Queue. Draw two Gantt<br>charts for both case. Assume the first queue uses RR with quatum 10, the second<br>queue uses RR with quantum 20 and the third queue uses FCFS. Priority order is as<br>system, interactive and batch.<br>Windowst<br>b. Calculate average turnaround for both cases in a..<br>Windowsu ta<br>c. Calculate average waiting time for each case in a.<br>

Extracted text: Assume the following processes are given with their burst time and process type: Process Burst duration Process Type P1 88 Batch P2 15 Interactive P3 7. System P4 34 Interactive P5 60 Batch All 5 processes arrive at the same time and in the following order P1, P2 P3, Pa and P5. a. Assume two cases: multilevel queue, and Multilevel Feedback Queue. Draw two Gantt charts for both case. Assume the first queue uses RR with quatum 10, the second queue uses RR with quantum 20 and the third queue uses FCFS. Priority order is as system, interactive and batch. Windowst b. Calculate average turnaround for both cases in a.. Windowsu ta c. Calculate average waiting time for each case in a.

Jun 09, 2022

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