Assume that you are tasked to design a system to manage and keep records for a car dealership company with branches all over Malaysia. The system should be able to keep records of inventory, staff,...

Assume that you are tasked to design a system to manage and keep records for a car<br>dealership company with branches all over Malaysia. The system should be able to<br>keep records of inventory, staff, registered customers, and sales by branches. Based<br>on this, suggest 5 possible objects for this system. Provide 2 sample attributes<br>and 1 sample behaviour for each of these objects. One of the attributes should be<br>the object's identity.<br>

Extracted text: Assume that you are tasked to design a system to manage and keep records for a car dealership company with branches all over Malaysia. The system should be able to keep records of inventory, staff, registered customers, and sales by branches. Based on this, suggest 5 possible objects for this system. Provide 2 sample attributes and 1 sample behaviour for each of these objects. One of the attributes should be the object's identity.

Jun 11, 2022

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